Oil is back above 50 a barrel and tomorrow is conference call for Frontline Maritime (FRO). Nordic American tankers (NAT) is doing well, they now have added another VLCC vessel and they are almost debt free already! Top Tankers (Top Tankers) is like Nordic American, not even a year since they went public, yet they have already DOUBLED the tanker fleet!
All the independent oil refiners like Valero, a San Antonio based refinery outfit (VLO) is doing extremely well, their stock doubled within a year and they had a split last year as well! Mu, kick my arse for not diversifying my petro stocks last year, ok?
Bush and Condi, keep pissing off President Chavez, all you are doing is giving EU and China trade preference, as well as lucrative oil exploration rights and contracts, AND bufueing the Americans in the process.