Topic: Calling Computer Gurus (invalid dates/time stamps?)  (Read 1220 times)

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Calling Computer Gurus (invalid dates/time stamps?)
« on: February 21, 2005, 11:32:50 am »
      I have been trting to download and install 3 different mods this week, the installations are interupted by invalid file data, pertaining to different modded ships in the file. Being the computer klutz that I really am, I know if enough to be dangerous, I run my old norton system works file which constantly reports that it fixes invalid shortcuts, activex problems and with the disk doctor, it finds and fixe invalid time stamps in the directory structure. So I think..but...After repeated failures downloading mods and trying to install, I checked out the MS Knoledge base;en-us;231691

basically it said that a version of Norton, Im not sure what version it is and I am running WIN98 SE, resets invalid time stamps to the year 1980, and some standard date. I have been using a download accelerator, tried both DAP and Getright without success.
The article states I should replace my Motherboard Battery, and reformat my hard Drive.

Before I plunge myself into a full day project, again computer klutz, I was wondering if anybody had some idea of why Im having these problems and if this MS Knoledge article has any relevance.
Thanks much in advance!


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Re: Calling Computer Gurus (invalid dates/time stamps?)
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 01:35:23 pm »
OK.. First, Norton is second only to a Virus.. norton is the worst Anti-Virus you can have.. look into AVG as a free alternative.

Second, you will need to completely uninstall your game and delete the game directory off your system.

3rd, turn off Anti-Virus completely

4th, reinstall game from CD, say no to DirectX and Gamespy Arcade

5th, download and install the game patch that the mod requires

6th, install the mod

7th, in the event you installed an older version of directX recently, reinstall DirectX 9.0c from Microsoft web site.. installing older versions of DirectX on top of DirectX 9 will corrupt DirectX which is a SYSTEM component (not a game component).

8th, re-enable your Anti-Virus

9th, when playing online, you may want to disable your Anti-Virus and Firewall to reduce lag and disconnects.

Anti-Virus has the potential to corrupt game patches and mods being installed.. and even corrupt programs being installed from CD.. when installing anything on your system, it is best to turn off the active scan..

Actually for the best running system, turning off Anti-Virus all together and running it manually once a day or every 2 to 3 days will increase system performance dramatically.. Active Scan Anti-Virus can cause multiple problems.. especially norton.. their System Works which supposedly fixes system errors actually breaks a lot of what Windows needs to operate smoothely so that Norton can WORM itself deeper into your system...

Anyhow.. that is how to get your game working correctly.. it isn't the game or the patches or the mod.. it is Norton messing you up.
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Offline SurveyCrew

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Re: Calling Computer Gurus (invalid dates/time stamps?)
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 02:28:15 pm »
I dont have norton installed i just use the utilities from the disk if im having problems. THe disk has helped me before, but im starting to wonder if im going in circles.