Topic: JEDI CLAN  (Read 1130 times)

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Offline JEDIBadBoy

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« on: February 21, 2005, 05:40:07 am »
my name is JEDIBadBoy, and my colleague is JEDIMartok, we have just finished making our own server etc. which is running really well, however, to spice up our server, we are looking to add new ships to each race..........
there is a problem... we cant get the ships to work properly, and are now pulling our hair out to try and get it to work....
SO, if there is anybody out there that knows exactly what to do, and is willing to help us, please please please fet in touch, we need you!
any outside help with our server, will recieve praise etc on our honours list, and mention on our clan website...
with thanks,
JEDIBadBoy and JEDIMartok..

Offline Sochin

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« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 05:45:20 am »
There was a video tutorial lurking around about two weeks ago on the model forums you might want to search there.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 08:02:01 am »
Well, if you are editing the shiplist, you may want to try ShipEdit for EAW or OP.. I have it posted for DL in another thread, so you may want to do a forum search on the Dynaverse 2 forums and look for the most recent posting by me and ShipEdit.

This will allow you to at least get your shiplist problems sorted..

Also, any additional models, shiplist changes, ftrlist changes, scripts, model.siz will need to be put up for DL by others wishing to join your server. Also when editing the shiplist, you will need to put a copy of your altered shiplist and ftrlist in both the MetaAssets and Assets\Specs folder for the game to operate correctly.

Hope that this helps
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