and trying to keep them alive.
Keep me alive my pasty white @ss!!!!

More like:
Fluf> here they come, tacklers get in there and hold them
Hooch> rgr, oh &^%$ I am being targeted by 5 of them...mommy
Max> LOL, Hooch is under the bus again
Fluf> STFU guys, *%$#@ I am jammed again
Hooch> I am on wait...(ship explodes) Ok can I leave now?
Max> Please tell me you have that insured Hooch
Fluf> Get back to base and get back here fast
Hooch> Can I get my boosting ship this time?
Fluf> NO, we need tacklers
Hooch> But Tacklers seem to always die
Sounds of group laughter and hoots...
Oh yea keeping "us" alive...
Hooch the whooping boy