Topic: Need some research guys and gals  (Read 930 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Need some research guys and gals
« on: February 17, 2005, 09:12:12 pm »
Im in Mexico and having to use dial up until the cable modem gets installed. For right now Im at Vickys office using hers as they have cable.

I have read about nano companies working with solar panels, and we have discussed solar panels for hot water heaters (Punisher has one). I would like to help Vickys parents out as electricity is not so cheap here, and the only windmill that generates electricity for homes I will buy (30k avg) will be for the house that I WILL BUILD AND LIVE IN. So Im looking for alternatives to help them out. Until I get my cable modem installed and running, Im kinda screwed, so if anyone is interested, please do some research and learn something new, and post the pages and companies for interested people to look at please.

Punisher, please post the webpage of the equipment that you use if you would.

I will have some pics of the area near my land in Mexico soon, and I will be learning to invest in real estate in the TX area. Im also going to see what can be done to open a car dealership here, which could benefit people like Khalee as I will need help driving used Toyota Prius and other hybrids to Chihuahua to be sold, and can offer a tax free job.

Thanks for the help people and see ya soon. Ill be in D.C. Mar 6 thru 9 to meet with senators and congresspeople as well as a lot of veterans at a conference. Ill post for that before i leave so that all the vets here can pm me issues they would like to see discussed. The reason for pm is so i can print it so these people know we are for real, unless there is a way to print everything that is responded to a topic?

Good night all and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Need some research guys and gals
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 09:47:11 am »
oh my, you have my attention!!

You're building a house running on natural electricity

You're opening a car dealer selling used hybrids

AND talking to congressmen about stuff..

Having a busy time are we?  One question though...  You're selling the hybrid cars in Mexico?
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Need some research guys and gals
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2005, 11:03:50 pm »
Trying to Max, sorry for the slow reply, this Mexican dial up can kiss my ass! I had Mexican cable before, so slow, then, we bought Telmex DSL, it was ok. Get this though, they have 2 kinds of contracts, one is where you sign up for 2 years and they provide the modem, the other is where you buy the modem for 200 plus and pay a monthly fee and can cancel anytime, BUT, there is always a but with these bastiches, SINCE you move residences, they want you to buy A NEW FRIGGING MODEM! They underestimate the power of a veteran who receives a pension and has the power of a P/C and printer and can sit on the sidewalk in front of the TelMex office and hand out flyers of how OUR cable and DSL works, BESIDES the long distance charges that the Mexicans occur with TelMex vs doing something as simple as voice chat on yahoo or another site for FREE? Boy, can I screw them or what?

Regarding the hybrids, none are here, YET. PEMEX does NOT want them here, but the poor and middle class are slowly gaining ground, the only drawback is it is not like the U.S. In the U.S. I can pay Austin city 60 bucks for a business license, then TDOT for a dealer's license, so can the Mexicans. UNFORTUNATELY, NAFTA is BS and I have to pay a couple of grand here to do business and watch my toes with PEMEX and others. Hence, I prefer we invade Mexico and rip ass and set things straight instead of the other hemisphere. We do great with Canada, but with Mexico we give in to EVERY demand they have and are selling our country and rights away in regards to FAIR TRADE.

I'm STILL waiting on the frigging cable, but regardless, I'm going to the Hyatt in D.C. to the Disabled American Veterans conference in D.C. baby! Who knows what this crazy gringo can stir up?