Okay here's a sneek peek at what's up. Maybe something from either Jeff or SnB also.
1) GW5 see other thread
2) GW6 see other threads however I have decided to go with Green and stick (kinda) to the original plan . . . Why? See below . . .
3) Federation & Empire
The will be a monster 4 week server. It'll be the General War all at once taking the lessons learned from the GW series. It'll use the entire F&E map and it will involve all races. Races will be restricted on their activities by a set timeline, e.g., at the begining only the Kzinti and the Lyrans will be allowed to attack each other while the other races will be limited to border raids. Multiple account per race of course. Large map. OoB based on SFB ships but I'll keep it basic like on GW4. Tholians and LDR will be Pirate races only I think.
4) ISC Invasion . . .
Using the database left over from the end of the Federation & Empire server . . . .

5) The Adromedan War . . .
Using the map left over from ISC Invasion and the ships left after the OoB Carnage.