I know it's still very early to be planning such a thing.
But I think after the fantastic,superlative job the Krueg and Pardek/Firehawk did on SGO4
they deserve a break.
I volunteer to try and server the community by being Romulan RM for GW5.
We're DOOMED! 
Not at all
I recognize my...lack of interest in planning the strategic moves some seem to feel are an integral part of this game.
I will leave other to plan and execute the strategies of the Romulan Empire.
I will consider myself mych more of a figurehead, I'll handle such important things as
welcoming new players, settling disputes, representing the Romulans to make sure they're treated fairly and one or two
other "minor" functions that RM's carry out,
Ohhh No! You're getting off that easy..Let's seee...
There's the pre-campain recruitment, involving dozens of posts, PMs and Emails...
Going thru the shiplist before the server starts to check for errors, etc...
The Campaign planning, including making maps with pretty lines, etc....
Handling ALL player complaints, problems, etc. From BOTH sides...
Deciding all the builds, ship assignments and who gets what...
Making sure newer players know the rules and aren't flying ships they shouldn't...
Spending mucho time watching what the other side is doing so you can adjust ongoing battle plans...
AND, we get to blame you for anything that doesn't work out like it's supposed to...
And can't forget, you get to put up with the critics on the forums about above mentioned plans after the server...
Yeah, that about covers what you get to do as RM....