Topic: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game  (Read 7281 times)

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Offline Rat Boy

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Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« on: February 15, 2005, 11:42:17 pm »
An article at GameSpy outlines the problem, while a thread over at the Obsidian forums clearly spells everything out.  Haven't played it myself, but people have told me how the ending had a rushed, Quantum Leap finale-esque feel to it.  Now, the revelation that the devs had scripted out much more intricate and compelling end sequences that were quashed because either the publisher's deadline was looming or the devs didn't have the onions to fight LucasArts on this makes KOTOR 2 ten times worse than it actually is, bugs notwithstanding.

I knew this would happen.  People would naturally have over-inflated expectations over a sequel to what they considered to be one of the greatest RPGs of all time (I didn't; KOTOR 1 was RPG-light in my opinion), expectations that would be impossible to match.  Now I'm laughing over the fact at how much KOTOR 2 was botched; it's almost as FUBARed as Deus Ex: Invisible War or Vampire: Bloodlines.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2005, 05:51:28 am »
Lots a' people I know disagree with this assessment.

As far as the first one....well, if it was a lightweight, it managed to score an upset victory over every heavyweight except Fallout in my opinion.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2005, 08:57:36 am »
Too be honest, I really don't care much for the whole Star Wars Gaming scene.  The only reason, I am buying the Game is Because Ann of Taldren Fame, Her Husband worked on the Game. It will probably sit on a shelf, But I figure, If I can help them out in some small way, It's worth It to me.

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2005, 10:45:54 am »
Lots a' people I know disagree with this assessment.

If they do, point them in the direction of that thread at Obsidian.  I've done the same thing to people who either liked it or were slightly ambivalent about it and now are disappointed and disgusted about the whole thing.  Both dev and publisher had a shot at creating one of the best endings (or several) in recent gaming history, but they threw it all away in favor of rushing the game out the door.

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2005, 11:56:40 am »
The game does seem extremely rushed. I'm about 1/2 way through it, and my roomate just finished.  There are many more bugged stories and loopholes in this game than in the first one. I really hope you guys are over-reacting about the ending, but knowing you all I doubt it. I'll get back to you all when I finish.

Other than the occasional technical difficulty, I really love the game. Except I hte Kreia. With a passion. If I had the option to leave her on the nearest rock, I would.
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2005, 12:31:19 pm »
Too be honest, I really don't care much for the whole Star Wars Gaming scene.  The only reason, I am buying the Game is Because Ann of Taldren Fame, Her Husband worked on the Game. It will probably sit on a shelf, But I figure, If I can help them out in some small way, It's worth It to me.

Neither do I, honestly.  The last Star Wars game I really remember enjoying before KoTOR was TIE Fighter.

Rat Boy:  Generally, I don't try to encourage people to dislike or like a game based on the politics of the company that created it.  If I play it and enjoy it, I don't care.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2005, 12:35:00 pm »
TIE Fighter and X-Wing were great. X-Wing v TIE was also excellent, and X-Wing Alliance, while not as great as XvT was still awesome. I want a new one. Now.
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2005, 01:10:15 pm »
Something about the last two games in that series didn't hit the right button with me.  But the first two...Gawd.  I wish there were more gaming experiences like the three-mission attack on the Star Destroyer Intrepid in X-Wing or when, about 2/3 of the way through TIE Fighter, your own wingmen try and kill you.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight


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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2005, 01:22:58 pm »
KOTOR 2 was shipped half-done, in my opinion. It can't hold a candle to KOTOR. Infact, it just degrades it's magnificence. It smothered the glowing light the first game but in me. Yes, it's that kind of game. 

I played it, and I beat it, and I wanted to cry. My advice: forget the second one ever existed. Pretend that there is only KOTOR.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2005, 02:09:24 pm by Tremok »

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2005, 02:24:17 pm »
Rat Boy:  Generally, I don't try to encourage people to dislike or like a game based on the politics of the company that created it.

LucasArts' corporate philosophy of giving devs only 12 months to complete a product is exactly what led to this debacle.  It is those politics that ruined it.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2005, 02:38:20 pm »
LucasArts' corporate philosophy of giving devs only 12 months to complete a product is exactly what led to this debacle.  It is those politics that ruined it.

Which didn't stop the first KoTOR from being one of the better RPGs ever produced, apparently.  Why exactly are you this set against you've never played unless you have some kind of overall objection to Lucasarts' style?  I was essentially saying I have no such objections and will judge the game when I, myself, play it.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2005, 02:42:28 pm »
Why exactly are you this set against you've never played unless you have some kind of overall objection to Lucasarts' style?

I am dead set against this sort of style.  It's starting to become an epidemic in the industry, and given how enthusiastic people around here were about this particular game, I'd thought I'd call this behavior out here and now.  Some would say that this is eerily similar to how Activision ordered Taldren to handle SFC3.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2005, 02:44:59 pm »
Ah, all right.

But what about the people who've played it and enjoyed it?
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2005, 02:49:47 pm »
Again, show them what was cut because of the publisher.  Ask them what they now think of the ending.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2005, 03:06:16 pm »
Rat Boy, if they enjoyed the game, why in the hell would I want to screw that up for them?
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2005, 03:13:11 pm »
So you wouldn't tell them that there's an entire trove of deleted scenes and dialogue sitting in that game's directory that were cut because the publisher was dead set against any delays?  You'd rather they be ignorant and happy rather than fully informed in the likely event that there's a third sequel so that they could make a better-reasoned decision on whether or not they should purchase a game that'll likely be another cashing-in on the franchise, where quality takes a backseat to getting it to market?

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2005, 03:14:45 pm »
When it comes to the goal of entertaining oneself, I'd rather they be ignorant and happy, yes.

Why?  Because the entire purpose of playing a computer game is so that you cand spend a few hours being ignorant and happy. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2005, 03:22:53 pm »
I think, as a consumer and purchaser of a company's products, I deserve to know as much as I can about what's going on with a product.  I'd like to know if the overall quality of the final product was cast aside in the name of profit.  And I'm not just talking about the apparent hatchet-job done to the game's plot, I'm also talking about the rampant complaints of buggy code and other technical issues in the PC version.  While KOTOR 2 didn't interest me, Obsidian's next project, Neverwinter Nights 2, does interest me a great deal.  Now, thanks to this little disaster, I'll be waiting with less anticipation and more hesitation for NWN2.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2005, 03:31:05 pm »
A cautious and well thought out attitude.  However, I feel it's rather...irritating to play a game, enjoy it immensely, and then have some jackass come along and start telling me why it wasn't as good as it could have been or why it sucked so bad when I, in fact, enjoyed it.  And further, I assume this is a common attitude, and don't go around trying to burst other people's 'happy bubble'.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2005, 03:36:17 pm »
I, personally, find it more irritating that even though the game I played was enjoyable, it was essentially borked and could have been even better if not for a greedy publisher.  See SFC3.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2005, 03:45:55 pm »
Well how's this:  If I find out about a game that's been screwed over, I'll tell you.  If you find out one of my favorites might have been better, don't tell me. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2005, 03:49:48 pm »
Which ending are you talking about...OH, that one, the one that if you skip half the game you get...yes, that one's really short and could be a BIG disappointment.

Oh, you didn't know there were some others...and they were MORE dependant upon what you did in the game?  You didn't realize that in some ways the ending of this one is stronger than the one of KotoR 1 (I tried it recently, was VERY disappointed with both endings of Kotor 1, especially after fighting Malak the "created ignoring rules" villain.

I had to fight  him hand to way to kill the eight know what a PAIN that was!!!

Anyways, I have to agree Kotor 2 isn't as good as the first one thus far as I've played it...but if one is basing it off the ending instead of the're just whiners.  The game itself doesn't have the plot hooks that kept me going like the first one did (which again I only played and beat around a month ago).  I didn't expect it to be as good as the first one, however, I was getting bored within the first 2 hours...and that's a bad sign.

For me however, it's more about how the game plays and keeps my interest rather than some stupid ending.  Some of the best games I've played had endings that were about as long as it took to flash credits on screen.

But then again, I liked SFC 1, 2, OP, and 3.
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"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2005, 04:10:31 pm »
I had to fight  him hand to way to kill the eight Jedi..

A force attack power like Force Lightening should of done it. But I didn't bother. I let him use them all, to demonstare the feebleness of the Dark Side.

you know what a PAIN that was!!!

Know, I don't. Malak was difficult in the sense you couldn't breeze over him, had to use your head a little.

A *pain* was beating Mechcommander. A *pain* was beating anything on Legendary on Halo. A *pain* was beating the bosses on Ninja Gaiden.

Anyways, I have to agree Kotor 2 isn't as good as the first one thus far as I've played it...but if one is basing it off the ending instead of the're just whiners.  The game itself doesn't have the plot hooks that kept me going like the first one did (which again I only played and beat around a month ago).  I didn't expect it to be as good as the first one, however, I was getting bored within the first 2 hours...and that's a bad sign.

For me however, it's more about how the game plays and keeps my interest rather than some stupid ending.  Some of the best games I've played had endings that were about as long as it took to flash credits on screen.

Few games mean anything to me without a story, and a ending can make or break a story. It good ending, with a nice revlation, can greatly increase your appreciation for story and events leading up to it. A bad ending can turn everything you enjoyed previously into ash.

But the ending is not was what ruined KOTOR 2 for me, but rather merely topped off a process that begin long before .The game is simply half-build, no other way around it.


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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2005, 09:29:33 am »
I'm not putting anybody down.

 but what did you expect after SFC 3 ?

 Its getting pretty obvious Craptovision could give a flying fart about their customers, if they can make a quick buck off a half compleat sorry arsed sequel.

  They have your money and thats all they give a darn about. Bottom line.

 After the stunt they pulled with SFC, I swore, and have not bought another of their games. And it looks like it allready saved me 50$ :)

 Remember Scotty's old line? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on you, ;)

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2005, 12:42:08 am »
Wow, after reading the endings that were put in, yep, I have to agree, they would have been deeper...AND SO NOT STARWARS THAT IT'S NOT FUNNY!

Man, the endings would have been good for a dark game, but for a light space isn't the grim PST ending.

I can't believe people are complaining about it.  I personally have enjoyed STDKotoR 2 thus far, and though I liked the story in #1 better, and that it was more direct in where and what you were too do, #2 still is the best RPG to come out in the past 6 months in my opinion.  Actually, probably the best one since KotoR the original.  Once again in my opinion.  That people are making such a big fuss about it currently kind of makes me rather sickened.  Perhaps it's because I wasn't disappointed with the ending (s) that were included...but then, the ending to #1 didn't impress me much anyways fact, to tell the truth, that was more of a disappointment to me than the one for #2 Light side thus far.  In My Opinion of course.

However, #1 had a great storyline. In #2 however I grew to hate Kreia, and my favorite character has to be Atton.
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"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2005, 11:35:15 am »

I enjoyed KOTOR 2 also, except the crappy ending and clear rush job they made in the final stages of the game.

In comparison to KOTOR 1, KOTOR 1 was a better game but overall i feel KOTOR 2 is still a good and worthwhile RPG game to play.

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2005, 04:09:35 pm »
LucasArts' corporate philosophy of giving devs only 12 months to complete a product is exactly what led to this debacle.  It is those politics that ruined it.

It isn't just Lucasarts that does this.  It is actually pretty common, and is driven by economics.

There is only so much that people will pay for a game.  Multiply that amount by expected sales, and you get the gross sales numbers for the game.  Take away retail profit, distributor's profit, publisher's profit, printing and duplication costs, and that leaves the maximum amount of dollars available for development.  Divide the development dollars by the monthly development costs, and you get the maximum amount of time a game can be in development and still make a profit.

Publishing houses have all the numbers figured to a T - the only number they don't know is what the actual sales will be.  If the game is a hit, they make a big profit.  If the game is a dog, they might take a loss.  Otherwise, they make a small profit - unless development time goes too high - and then they take a loss even if the game is average.

When I worked for a game developer back in the early 1990s, salary expense was $50k/month, and non-salary overhead was another $50k/month. 

The longer development runs, the more copies of the game have to be sold to make back the investment.
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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2005, 07:03:08 pm »
Ok, so KOTOR2 ending is the worst game ending I have ever seen, and I've played some pretty shady games.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2005, 12:54:41 pm »
Apparantly you didn't play any of the SFC games...they showed me a little screen and that was it and the credits rolled...except for 3, that one had a movie.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2005, 02:10:18 pm »
But you didn't expect SFC to have a spectacular ending.
I believe this belongs to you. -Commander Sheehan to Imperial Captain Smithy
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2005, 02:21:26 pm »
After seeing the ending to KotoR 1 I didn't expect one from #2 either, #1 was very unimpressive to me, heck the original Diablo had a better ending!

One thing that might bother me is that I chose to be a Guardian playing through, because they get a better BAB, HP, and other items in exchange for skill points and power.

However, I heard that ALL the jedi classes get the same BAB...which kind of makes it feel cheap for them to do...kind of makes the Guardian which I chose rather useless when all the Sentinel loses is 2 HP from the max (less then 1 HP on average), whilst gaining more skills and all.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2005, 02:57:26 pm »
Apparantly you didn't play any of the SFC games...they showed me a little screen and that was it and the credits rolled...except for 3, that one had a movie.

SFC was about GAMEPLAY! There wasn't supposed to be any cool cinematics, the enjoyment was in playing the game, not looking forward to a reward at the end.

RPG's are different. By the very nature of a protracted RPG, you do expect a little something in the way of a reward at the end of the bloody thing... ESPECIALLY on something like the old Final Fantasy games (I'll FINALLY have time to start FF9 this summer) which investing 150+ hours in was not unheard of.

I liked KotOR...  though I didn't like it enough to pay $49.99 for it when it came out. I bought it two weeks ago and played the devil out of it over the weekends (and snuck in a bit to break up the monotony of studying). I wasn't as impressed as I was by, say, NWN... but I found it enjoyable. It has almost made me want to see if there is a D20 Star Wars game running anywhere around here. I enjoined playing my Scoundrel/Jedi Counselor (and Force persuading the crap out of EVERYONE)

I'll wait it out on getting KotOR 2 the same way I waited on the first, and I'll buy it when the price gets right. By then, if there are fixes, they will be out; and if the game sucks, I'm not out a lot of cash that could have been thrown away on something more constructive... like trying to hook up. ;D

Right now, though... I'm waiting on VtM:Bloodlines to come down into the reasonable range... on, and Pirates, too.
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2005, 04:08:51 pm »
Apparantly you didn't play any of the SFC games...they showed me a little screen and that was it and the credits rolled...except for 3, that one had a movie.

SFC was about GAMEPLAY! There wasn't supposed to be any cool cinematics, the enjoyment was in playing the game, not looking forward to a reward at the end.

That's why I play any game and determines what I think of it.  Story is a prime thing, but the ending...if the story is good, as long as it has some sort of something telling you you've gotten to the end, that's okay with me.  The gameplay is paramount, if the gameplay is good, whether or not it has story or not can even be negated.

Perhaps that's why I have my take on KotoR 2.  KotoR 1 had a sloppy short ending in my opinion compared to other RPGs such as the Final Fantasy series, or other such items.  It was like...I got to the end, and I was just like...that's it!?  I'd have preferred a scene with Bastilla and the main character going off and settling or something for Light Side males, or the DS character on a throne with brutal dicatation and an extended ending...but there was no such thing.  So KotoR 2 didn't surprise me one bit with it's ending, well there was one thing that surprised me with KotoR 2 but that's plot related and I won't say it currently.

However, the gameplay was good.  Not as good as KotoR 1 in my opinion, and there were multiple conversation bugs that I experienced.

However, overall, very good game.  It won out over the other game I got which was for the PS2 called Return to Arms when trying to decide which I'd play that should say something...

However, my favorite games are always about gameplay, which is why games such as Empire Earth, SFC, and NWN have made it into my favorites lists of games...not because of their storylines (NWN stunk MUCH more than KotoR 2 with it's storyline, and it's end...but the's all about the gameplay and possibilities) but because of gameplay and what you can do in and out of the game.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2005, 10:47:24 am »
(Political comment withheld...) Not only games are affected by this. So very, very much more is... it is a crying shame.

Offline Laflin

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2005, 10:12:59 pm »
I finished the game in 2 days last week while outprocessing at Ft. Drum - the ending did seem a bit abrupt, almost as if it had been cut in order to set up another sequel.

Offline Iceman

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2005, 09:54:55 pm »
Hey! My Dad just got back from outprocessing this Saturday from Ft Drum. What unit were you with?
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Offline Laflin

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Re: Rat Boy owes people an "I told you so:" KOTOR 2 a botched game
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2005, 12:27:29 am »
Hey! My Dad just got back from outprocessing this Saturday from Ft Drum. What unit were you with?
I was in Mosul attached to the 133d Engineers out of Maine - thank god I'm back in New York where everyone speaks standard english :).