Personally that's not my fact, a LOT of people I know were turned off by the authorization thing.
That's not your reason for what, Dash. Priracy?
FWIW, Dash, if you're involved in software priracy may I suggest not posting it on a public board even if you FEEL JUSTIFIED because you dislike the company.
That is quite a leap there ToastyO, he could have been talking about his dislike for Microsoft. Just because someone dislikes Microsoft (which is what I think Dash was talking about) doesn't mean that person is automatically pirating software. I don't really like Microsoft but I have bought and paid for everything I have that carried a price tag.
I really hope that Linux or Apple will get back into the game, it is the only thing that will force Microsoft to be competitive. But we have to wait for that until Linux becomes more user friendly and/or Apple allows the Mac OS to run on the PC platform. Even then those platforms will suffer until game companies start coding for those OS's.
As for Linux being accused of forcing Microsoft out of business, so what. Microsoft better adapt and compete or it will die. Nobody really cared that much when Pony Express went out of business. If people want to blame someone for all the Linux support then they should look at the RIAA and MPAA. Microsoft (and Apple) had no problem joining with Record/Movie labels to try and remove any and all "fair use" rights that the people have or had depending how you look at it. The RIAA/MPAA want to remove any right I have to make backup copies of the things I have bought. Or even the rights to play those things on my computer, MP3 player, or even take a movie over to a family or friends house to watch during a get together. All of that is simply wrong and Microsoft and Apple support it, so it is no wonder that people are looking for alternatives. Now let me point out something just so no one jumps to conclusions. I do not, nor have I ever put my movies, music, or software up on file shares for trading. Nor do I allow other people that I know to copy movies, music, or software.