Yay, I got a response!

Kroma, if you really want to sub-in for FireSoul, I'd be happy to play it without fighters and PFs for both sides, if you'd wish. Just two less things for me to worry about...

Just need to get this done very soon, else it may be a long while...
Oh, and if that's what you want then none of the extra admin shuttles in their place either I'd assume? The L-BCHP doesn't exist with SG04 shiplist iirc, so I'd have to take a BCHT but with no extra admins or any PFs... Assuming SG04 lists. Um, whose going to be watching this anyway??
I can play anytime from now to Thursday, this weekend the cable will be switching to the new house (hopefully) and I'll be moving with it, can't guess when I'll be back online after that as everything is still in the garage right now