Slave Girls of Orion IV isnt over yet! Taken from the Server Description Page:
Most Valuable Player Award:We will announce the top two players with the most VP's at the end of the server. The two of them will then face off vs each other in a fight to the death flying any BC from their side of their choosing should that ship still be available at the end of the server and has not been destroyed (it's owner permitting). The winnier will be announced the MVP of the server and his/her side will be awarded 25 VP's as their name has passed on into legend and every facet of their military and populace has their moral, fighting prowess, and production levels increased.[/list]
2nd Place on the server hasn't been decided. The VP tally isnt in yet. Could this battle be a deciding factor in the outcome? 25VP's are at stake! Who will win?
The TWO TOP VP RANKING players are:
Kougar and
Firesoul! [/b] (I think.

I'll have to ck to be sure, but I'm pretty damn sure it's these two.)
Gentlemen, you are required to Duel to determine The Most Valuable Player of SGO4. You may each pick any single remaining OoB Battlecruiser still available on your side to take into combat. The rules are simple. You each secretly pick three different types of Med Map Terrains and the 1st one in order that matches both lists will be chosen for you to duel on. If none match, then one of the six will randomly be chosen. Two men enter, one man leaves.
25 VP's are at stake. May the best Captain win.
*The Duel may be scheduled by the two of you anytime in the next week starting tomorrow (I'll have time to confirm you both won) and will need to be witnessed by a player from both sides.
- Kougar, if you want to take the R.I.S. Molly Hatchet, R-KCRf into battle to represent the Coalition, I'b be honored. There are several other BC's that made it thru to the end, I believe. A C7V and C7S perhaps...