Late 2259: The Federation completes phase 2 testing on their "Genesis Device", creating a new landscape inside of an abandoned moon. Coalition interests, who have long inflitrated the project, send copies of the entire database back to Klinzhia, who quickly begin work on their own version of the "Genesis Weapon", as they view it...
Mid 2261: The Klingons, who had been doing most of the work on the project, solve the instabilities created by the use of Protomatter, mainly because they do not have access to that substance, and the Klingon equivalent made the system work. Later that year, a Klingon Ambassador, in a fit of rage, lets slip the existance of the Klingon version of Genesis, and uses it as a threat against the Federation. War threatens to break out as everyone masses on the border.
Early 2262: With Romulan help, the Klingons carry out their now-dead ambassador's threat. 5 Genesis Torpeodes are detonated, simultaneously, on the 5 homeworlds of the Federation. Earth, Alpha Centauri, Tellar, Andor and Vulcan are reformatted into new Class-M worlds, ripe with resources needed to sustain the Klingon Empire, or any other star-faring nation for that matter. Federation Scientists discover the protomatter replacement from the Genesis wave, and quickly incorporate it into their new series of Genesis Torpedoes. A handful of vengeful Starfleet officers take advantage of the confusion created by the eradication of the entire government and high command. Within a month, they have procured the entire new series of Torpedoes and used them on Klinzhia and a number of the main Klingon Warrior Colonies, reducing the Klingon Empire to the same level of the Federation.
Mid 2262: Taking advantage of this devastation, the remaining governments quickly take action. With the death of the "Alliance" and "Coalition" superpowers, and the sudden creation of a number of new resource planets, the galactic map quickly changes. A series of hastily written treaties create a new galactic landscape, effectively blocking off tracts of space based on the defensability of each star navy. Age-old hatreds are set aside, at least temporarily, allowing for the movement of the Empires to their new locations, and the realignment of the galaxy into 2 "equal" sides.
Late 2262: Settiled in, the races have signed treaties effectively forbidding the use of Genesis devices, fearing that another round of mutual annihilation will occur if they are used. However, the 6 remaining races all want the Genesis Technology to buff up their space in preparation of their eventual goal. The remnants of the Federation and Klingon navies, now considered "refugees", were accepted with open arms into the remaining galactic powers. Of course, they had brought the plans and technologies employed by the Feds and Klinks, which were incorporated into the various navies.
2263: Peace in this, or any other galaxy, can never be expected to last, and so begins a new war...
Server Setup and core concepts:
Races available: Romulan, Hydran, Lyran, Gorn, Kzinti, ISC. Fed and Klink are
NOT PLAYABLE options, their space is used to represent the WYN and Orion enclaves.
Shiplist: to be a variant of whatever OP+ is active at the time of the server's run. A number of Federation and Klingon "Line" ships will be added to each race's shiplist according to a pre-determined scheme, and I plan on "Anarchising" a few of each race's starships to take advantage of the foreign technologies, each race will probably wind up with a couple of "native hull" photon, dizzy/drone, and pure drone boats. Some examples to include a Lyran Catamaran Drone Bombardment ship (with no or 1 ESGs), a Romulan Disruptor Firehawk, where the Pl-Ss are replaced with Dizzys using the expanded D5 Dizzy arcs, and the Pl-Fs are replaced with B-racks (no AMD), and a Gorn Photon system that replaces the wing-mount Pl-Ss with LF / RF photon tubes, and a G-rack with "associated" AMD-A hardpoint to replace the Pl-F launchers... (yes, I do plan on testing a few concepts of mine in these anarchised specialty ships...

Pre-Server Signup: a "player-driven" pre-server signup will be used. There will be no limits on the players outside of the obvious fact that there is no Federation or Klingon choices, and therefore there is no "Alliance" or "Coalition" set at this time. After this signup, where players are encouraged to fly a race they are comfortable with, and fleets are freely allowed to congregate in one race, the results will be used to determine much of the server's look, from the teams and racial locations, the exact distribution of the "refugee line ships", and the look of my OOB will be decided. My plans will attempt to balance the server as much as possible, for example, the teams will wind up with as close to equal player numbers as I can arrainge within the constraints placed by the racial numbers.
OOB: I plan on testing my player-level BP system (lives concept) on this server, complete with restrictions on capital ship usage for higher-ranked people. Each player will get 4 lives, and a 5th life on attaining Rear Admiral rank. There will be a per-race limit of approx. 3 BCHs, and 3 DN+ size hulls (only 1 BB or CVA) online at one time for all players who have attained Commodore or higher rank, with the restrictions lifting as certain numbers of the playerbase reach higher ranks. Most of the concepts of this system have been posted in other threads by me. There will be 2 sets of rules issued, one with just the text of every rule written, and a second with examples describing what I mean by each rule. I hope to have the text-only ruleset limited to 1 or 2 pages (8 1/2 x 11) for easy reference.
Refugee Line Ships: Each race will get a selection of Federation and Klingon line ships issued, the exact arrangement is already decided upon, but it is fairly hard for me to explain. As this will be put into the shiplist by me, it will be transparent to the end users, and therefore not needing to be reflected in the rules. Just feel comfortable that you will have access to some familiar ships so that you are not forced to fly a foreign hull all server if you're a "traditional" Fed or Klink. Plans call for me to hand out ships from DD to NCA levels, so don't be surprised if your "lucky" enough to draw the Fed DD or Klink D6 as your "line" ship of choice...