This SFB stuff is EXACTLY what we must avoid. Sorry guys .. you can flame my butt if you want to.. but every time we get into this it becomes an argument .. and a game that is simply not worth it.
It is good to have some elements of the game there ( as Taldren first envisioned it ... ) but if you are going back to those old arguments .... and getting all of you buds on here to tell me just how wrong I am .. do what ever you will ..
but SFB has killed one community ... and the oppsite extreme another. I had hope we had learned something by now ...
looks like I was wrong.
This sort of dogmatism is exactly what has killed Trek in general. Believe me, I have been with Trek since the beginning ... and SFB as well. I think I know what I'm talking about.
The likely hood of those who are in controll of OP actually listening to me )or anyone else for that matter) is virtually non existant. WE have seen all the flame wars over this matter that I care to. If SFB is what you want .. then continue to develop OP .. and work with what ever you need to in order to have SFB. But STOP trying to cram it down the throats of the rest of us. We dont want it any more.
Oh .. I'm almost certain that in the eyes of many of you ( but thank God the majority who purchased the game disagree) .. that if it is not SFB .. then it is not a true Trek game. NO ! You are wrong.
This superficial ideaism of asserting SFB over Trek is one of the things that has KILLED the entire series.
Well .. I guess I'm done .. probably in more ways than one.
How small this community has gotten.
this hurts me to even to have to type this out.
![Cry :'(](
You want Trek dogmatism and flame bait?
Here you go...
Posted by Nanner:
As to the rest - its just best left that sfb is not trek -
And the sky is green... do expect these types of comment to be recieved?
I can SFC box has SFB plastered all over it...has the cadets rules set right on the disk.....with paramount blessings....and this little comment "Finally a starship naval combat game WORTHY of the name
Star Trek...
"Using data from the
best selling strategy board game , StarFleet battles ,Stafleet Command puts you in the captains chair for the most amazing real time space cpmbat experience ever created."
And right on the front...."Inspired by Star Fleet Battles"
So if you bought this game ...thinking that SFB wasnt trek...or SFC wasnt trek......did you even read the box?
I did....and that was the whole reason I bought the game in the first place...because I knew SFB to be a tested and structured gaming system....even though I never played it...I had played other types of wargaming...
It was once asserted that "the people" didnt want SFB in any future Erik put it to a poll....and the poll was overwelmingingly in favor of SFB based SFC4...ofcorse the naysayers then discounted said poll as "biased" because not all SFC players came to Taldrens website...
If you take the chicken out of the soup and replace it with tofu, you can call it chicken soup all day....but it wont have the same matter how you doctor it up.
So lets drop the EXTREMISTS comments and the like shall we...and please stop trying to sell me on the idea that you guys were inside anyones head at Taldren so you can share "Taldrens vision" with me....
I play Taldrens vision every day thank you..and the "read me" for it is chocked full of not only bug fixes for the game ...but rule fixes for the game also...all with Taldrens blessing...I can read...
If you think that SFC isnt based on SFB...and that SFB isnt Trek....go argue with the marketing Dept at interplay...even if SFB wasnt trek before certainly is NOW...since the ruleset was used with Paramounts blessing....and that's Trek enough for me...
There are exacty three games based on SFB...and hundreds NOT...
There is plenty of room in Trek for everyone's tastes...wanting the game to follow the clear path it came from isnt's quite the opposite...