Tentative start date- Midway through March _ I have no idea if I'm stepping on anyones toes, hopefull someone will let me know
Aproximate running time- 2 weeks, covering 4 years
Interfaces -Likely Klingon and fed
Aliies? None, all allied races will use the same shiplist as the main Empires.
Shiplist -this one kinda bugs me, I already have been told that if the list favours one side over another
that people won't be playing.
The shiplist *starts* as the exact same. Meeting certain conditions gains you
access to different ships (ie CX) before your opponent gets them
Map- About Gw4 size, managed to delte it twice already (anyone really enjoy making maps? I hate it)
The two halves of the Empire are reflections of each other. No side gets more econ, better allies, or anything different to start out with
VP's -Based on 1) PVP kills
2) Placement of bases in enemy territory.
Or just wipe the other guy off the map, Ill give you a win for that as well.
PF's? None
Fighters? _Maybe(likley), Megapacks wille xit, but will be massively toned down
Website and/or fancy stuff? Have to sweet talk Kroma, kinda been putting it off
Ship restrictions? Dn/CVD/ BCH are build ships.
Don't fly a Dn if you like PVP
I'm thinking of bonus VP points if you don't build a DN and limit the heavy metal on your side.
-Now other stuff I've been asked-
Why are the Empires the same? In book blah blah blah...The Empires are the same as I (like some others) are tired of hearing about shiplist complaints
Yes I think the Terran ships would bea bit different, no I don't care if someone wrote that the Teran ships were much more heavily armed than thier counterparts.
I'm hoping this can be a fun server with no shiplist complaints. Hopefulla PVP fun for everyone type server.
Whens KCW going to run?After I get this under my belt and (likely) Lyran Civil War. I know alot of people are (were at least) looking forwad to it and I want to make sure it works
Are you really one of the best pilots aroundYes, I am now.