Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, and remind you to maximize the usage of your Gorn slave for a day Husband. Remember those things we discussed at your wedding reception?
Perhaps a refreasher:
Breakfast in Bed
A full massage
Cleaning out the house of all those ugly Miami Dolphins items
All those chores that have been postponed due to Dynaverse servers
Removal of all that blended scotch in the cabinet, but don't let it go to waste make sure Scippy drinks it all up
Shopping for some bright pastel colors for Scippy's wardrobe, I recommend pink
Kroma sez its in vogue on Gdhar, besides all that plaid just has to go.
More dancing lessons for your husband, he did great at the wedding and is now ready for the ballet training, complete with thights.
Lunch with those Ultra liberal friends you been wanting him to meet, at a vegetarian restaurant of course, I hear J'inn can recommend a good one
A seminar about a man's need to get in touch with his femine side would fit in about here, remember our talk on this at the Rock Bottom a while back? Scippy seemed quite interested when that topic came up. I think such a seminar would be a treat for him.
Shaving the beard, just to see how he looks wiothout it, I know its a whim, but he couldn't refuse you on your birthday
A nice romantic dinner at a French restaurant, complete with a fine and overly expensive French wine. Perhaps ask Scippy to brush up on his French so he can order in that language.
Stop by Ben & Jerry's for some simple desert, Scippy just loves em.
Then to the lingere shop, pick out something sexy for yourself and for him. Remember again according to Kroma the Gorn fashion expert Pink is in for males too
Then back home for a little romancing with some nice champagne, not sparkling wine but the real thing from France, and Scippy begging intune with hmmmm...... perhaps some Dixie Chicks or Indigo Girls, yes that would do nicely.
The reward him generously for permitting you your every whim on this most special day.
Happy Birthday
P.S. Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so just rinse and repeat.