Who else besides me thinks that the SGO4 setup would be really cool if run again with certain "corrections?"
The equal pacification rules applied to all three sides?
Stop while you are ahead, DH. You might get positive karma...
Ditch the 3-way. Ditch the Tholians. Slightly revised map putting the ISC where the thols are, ally them to the Coalition. Retain the Lyran Pirates but ally them to the coalition. Turn the tholianless Mirak race into Pirates just like the Lyrs and ally them to the Alliance. Keep the merged Mirdrans and KlinkLyrs.
Same shiplist and settings and what DH said above.
Here's two map ideas. The Mirak and Lyran races are Pirates races allied to the Alliance and Coalition, and can engine double just like the Lyrs in SGO4. You see the map has some territory on the rioght and left, that is for economy only. There are 4 planets of the mirak and lyrs, so the pirates can go wherever they have friendly space.

In this one, the hydran colonies are in the SW and the map takes more the form of the F&E map. It's all just an idea.

It'd be ready to go after Bonks SFB OP server concludes, likely the same time Island wars does, and come b4 SS3 is ready. Otherwise, afterwards. SG4 was a good concept and a lot of great ideas sprung forth from it. And its a rock solid stable server. With refinements, and using the lessons learned, there is no way it wouldnt be fun...