Topic: Learning from Mistakes . . .  (Read 12747 times)

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2005, 07:00:21 pm »
Still like NO Disengage... You can then scrap the "clear the hex" rule for X minutes too.

A no disengage rule is stupid.

What Bear said.

What 762 said.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2005, 07:05:09 pm »
About PFs... weakening their hull anymore would be going to far IMO. I have seen plasma S torps take out my PFs just about every time if at close range.

I assumed that the one time my PFL survived a hit from a close range R (took 34 internals on it) that the only reason it didn't pop immediately was because it took the shot head on. As in the weapons took some of the damage from going to the engines. Not sure if PFs work this way, but I have seen it work with ships. Just put your phasers within the same arcs as the damage you are taking, and they will take some of the hits instead of it all going to your engines.

I actually do think slowing damaged PFs down would be a good idea... couldn't you just tweak their movement cost a little? Isn't it at .10 right now? Would need some very fine tuning as they need to charge going fast speeds, but once they start taking damage then they'll be feeling it... Is that feasible?

Unless the range is under 3 and it is heading straight at you it will not die from an S plasma. You just can't do that against plasma PFs in most instances, Lyrans sure. However, that said I agree basically. Either make them more brittle or make them so that their speed is affected when they take heavy damage. Your increase to the move cost is an interesting solution.
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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2005, 07:23:33 pm »
And I'm with 762 and Bear... Would you like to be the small guy in a frig or light cruiser that pops on to play an hour once every day or three, and be forced to lose your ship in a completely hopeless match against a BCH? That ship would be a heavy loss to someone like that with very low PP to fall back on. If ships are going to be worth VCs again, then forcing people to play unfair matches is even more absurd.

Actually what would be worse in my mind is the guy in a DN whose wingman drops and he's forced to fight a 2v1 or 3v1 against.

Or the guy in a CVA who has to fight a DNH.

Or the guy in a BCH who has to fight a DN.


Offline Hexx

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2005, 07:30:59 pm »

2.  Weaker PF (not sure how many more internals I can trim)

Not sure trimming the internals is necessarily the issue. The main problem was that they could still run speed 31 after being down 3/4 hull.  I understand why you increased power over other internals, but as it stands now even after taking massive damage they can run home to the tender at max speed for a free and unlimited repair. PFs are now just like fighters used to be, no speed degradation with damage and unlimited repair facilities.

Would changing the balance of power systems (e.g. less warp, more APR) or just lowering the total power some make them slow a bit when heavily damaged?
The extra power is APR.   Infact, they have less warp than OP+ PFs.

Unless Dizzy or Bonk changed things from when I was doing the shiplist . . .

EDIT:   Just checked.   the power is in APR. 

Is the DAC broken?

I don't know how the DAC's supposed to work. I have noticed though in some PVP's when flying Lyran that when I get
hit hard (I've complained about it in the past) I sometimes  lose the amount of power equivalant to the APR. (about 12 in BCH, 6 in CWLP etc)
Is warp or APR supposed to be hit first?
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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2005, 07:49:13 pm »
Excatly.  How is it fair that a small ship can run from anything it wants anytime?  I beleive that if you make only the bigger more potent ships worth vp or whateveryoucallit, and elliminate at least the BB range, (if not some of the bigger dreds?), you will have much more equal footing teams.
 Let's say your team decides to try to lay traps, or catch some ships that are taking areas quickly, as it stands now, you are rarely successfull in killing the ship.  At best you chase it out of the hex for a limited time.  There are many other hexes all over that this pilot who just ran away can go fly in.  This is great for that person as he can fly in minutes or less.  If he had actually  lost his ship, he would be able to fly in minutes or less(didn't I just say that?). So where is the problem?  If he had say, a D5D that he lost, he wont be starting in one, but most likely that ship or one that perhaps he has not tried or wants to try is listed and he can purchase it.(provided it is not a c or s ship).  If it was a special or capital ship that he lost, so be it.  There will be losses.  I am quite sure if he was in a c or s ship this would mean he was online often and would most likely get another assigned to him soon.  If he is a casual player, he will most likely not be in a c or s ship but a line ship, making his ship smaller but not taking away from his hex flipping abilities for any lengh of time as he can purchase another ship.  Also, if a person does not want to take the chance of losing his fav ship, he can team up with a wingman of bigger size, or go hex flipping in an area where there is no heavy traffic.  WE all know that hex flipping is one of the biggest components of the game.

This is just an opinion, hoping to help along some ideas and bring in more ideas on ways to improve the pleasure of flying in a dyna server, and getting the most out of PvP matches.  All comments are welcome

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2005, 07:53:45 pm »
And I'm with 762 and Bear... Would you like to be the small guy in a frig or light cruiser that pops on to play an hour once every day or three, and be forced to lose your ship in a completely hopeless match against a BCH? That ship would be a heavy loss to someone like that with very low PP to fall back on. If ships are going to be worth VCs again, then forcing people to play unfair matches is even more absurd.

Actually what would be worse in my mind is the guy in a DN whose wingman drops and he's forced to fight a 2v1 or 3v1 against.

Or the guy in a CVA who has to fight a DNH.

Or the guy in a BCH who has to fight a DN.


I would just filabuster any such rule. Running around until they got tired and logged off. No disengagement is dumb.
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Offline Matsukasi

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2005, 09:08:14 pm »
And I'm with 762 and Bear... Would you like to be the small guy in a frig or light cruiser that pops on to play an hour once every day or three, and be forced to lose your ship in a completely hopeless match against a BCH? That ship would be a heavy loss to someone like that with very low PP to fall back on. If ships are going to be worth VCs again, then forcing people to play unfair matches is even more absurd.

Actually what would be worse in my mind is the guy in a DN whose wingman drops and he's forced to fight a 2v1 or 3v1 against.

Or the guy in a CVA who has to fight a DNH.

Or the guy in a BCH who has to fight a DN.


I would just filabuster any such rule. Running around until they got tired and logged off. No disengagement is dumb.

Then eliminate the ' stay out of the hex for XXX turns if you disengage ' rule for ships that are outnumbered. The winning team got the DV shift for the mission anyway. There should still be room for people in this game like me that don't / can't draft wingmen. And for God's sake, institute some fleeting rules for capital ships. 2 DNs flying together is just stoooooopid.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!


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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2005, 09:27:49 pm »
And I'm with 762 and Bear... Would you like to be the small guy in a frig or light cruiser that pops on to play an hour once every day or three, and be forced to lose your ship in a completely hopeless match against a BCH? That ship would be a heavy loss to someone like that with very low PP to fall back on. If ships are going to be worth VCs again, then forcing people to play unfair matches is even more absurd.

Actually what would be worse in my mind is the guy in a DN whose wingman drops and he's forced to fight a 2v1 or 3v1 against.

Or the guy in a CVA who has to fight a DNH.

Or the guy in a BCH who has to fight a DN.


I would just filabuster any such rule. Running around until they got tired and logged off. No disengagement is dumb.

Then eliminate the ' stay out of the hex for XXX turns if you disengage ' rule for ships that are outnumbered. The winning team got the DV shift for the mission anyway. There should still be room for people in this game like me that don't / can't draft wingmen. And for God's sake, institute some fleeting rules for capital ships. 2 DNs flying together is just stoooooopid.

Why? To encourage people to fly solo?

Offline Matsukasi

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2005, 09:32:35 pm »
Why? To encourage people to fly solo?


Why? Is that a bad thing?
Yep, I got some common sense finally!


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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #49 on: February 14, 2005, 09:42:45 pm »
I suppose each player will have to answer that for him/herself. Discouraging teamwork to me seems to go against the grain of what D2 is about.

Offline Matsukasi

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2005, 09:49:49 pm »
I suppose each player will have to answer that for him/herself. Discouraging teamwork to me seems to go against the grain of what D2 is about.

Forcing people to leave hexes and be banished to the D2 hinterlands simply because they can't draft anyone also seems to go against the grain of what D2 is about.

I'm not discouraging you from fleeting up. I'm just asking for an opportunity to not become irrelevant. If that's impossible now, I have no problem with that. Nobody is forcing me to play this game anyway.

< shrug >
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2005, 11:57:33 pm »
And I'm with 762 and Bear... Would you like to be the small guy in a frig or light cruiser that pops on to play an hour once every day or three, and be forced to lose your ship in a completely hopeless match against a BCH? That ship would be a heavy loss to someone like that with very low PP to fall back on. If ships are going to be worth VCs again, then forcing people to play unfair matches is even more absurd.

Actually what would be worse in my mind is the guy in a DN whose wingman drops and he's forced to fight a 2v1 or 3v1 against.

Or the guy in a CVA who has to fight a DNH.

Or the guy in a BCH who has to fight a DN.


I would just filabuster any such rule. Running around until they got tired and logged off. No disengagement is dumb.

Then eliminate the ' stay out of the hex for XXX turns if you disengage ' rule for ships that are outnumbered. The winning team got the DV shift for the mission anyway. There should still be room for people in this game like me that don't / can't draft wingmen. And for God's sake, institute some fleeting rules for capital ships. 2 DNs flying together is just stoooooopid.

Why? To encourage people to fly solo?

A DN should never go out  alone but a DN being escort by a DN is more than just a little OTT.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2005, 01:30:40 am »
At the very least we should reduce the disengage penalty for those outnumbered, and perhaps go back to the old system where they could return immediately if they had a wingman with em.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2005, 06:40:37 am »
Would a system where a single player that disengages immediately is able to return, but if he spends more than 2 minutes in game he's out for
xxx turns work?
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2005, 06:51:35 am »
Dunno if I like it for most cases but definately do in cases where wingmen drop or are not drafted.

Problem is otherwise when players keep drafting hoping for a certain given mission.


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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2005, 04:43:55 pm »
Would a system where a single player that disengages immediately is able to return, but if he spends more than 2 minutes in game he's out for
xxx turns work?

Then your droner running 2 minute missions has nothing to stop him from dominating a hex all by himself.

The Disengagement Penalty works. Let's not nerf it please.

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Re: Learning from Mistakes . . .
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2005, 09:07:42 pm »
Still like NO Disengage... You can then scrap the "clear the hex" rule for X minutes too.

A no disengage rule is stupid.

What Bear said.

What 762 said.

What Green said.   ;)
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