Topic: enterprise question  (Read 1976 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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enterprise question
« on: February 08, 2005, 10:19:15 am »
in enterprise season 4 episode 13 at the end when the other ship are with the enterprise there a ship on the lower right that look like a tos gorn ship, i was wondering who's race was it, also the episode was cool mostly the manoeuvre of the romulan ship was cool, when the start to make enterprise cool the cancel it, i think the need a kick in the but so the will stop making bad decision about the show, with the romulan war it would have Ben very cool to see more earth ship that enterprise and other race against the romulan, one more thing where are the other nx class ship?,  the should be ready since the enterprise was launch?

Offline Stylsy

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2005, 10:39:24 am »
It's Tellarite.

Offline strider74205

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2005, 11:42:26 am »
I agree completely, just as it was actually starting to fit in with the timeline they cancel it.  pretty weak.  oh well, i'v heard rumors that they might do a movie about the romulan war.  Just rumors mind you and i don't remember where I heard them.

Anyway (correct me if i'm wrong) the NX-02 Columbia was stuck in drydock with engine problems during last week's episode.

Offline Darkseid

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2005, 12:38:52 pm »
The Columbia is supposedly going to be commanded by Archer's Ex-Lover.  As for the Earth/Romulan War, if they had wanted to repair the Timeline, then they couldn?t have shown the War unless it was a movie.  The show could have run 7 years, and each year is the year of the shows running - Fourth season is 2154, 5th season would have been 2155 etc.  So the show would have ended in 2157 and the Earth Romulan War was in 2160.  The Federation was formed a year later on May 8th, 2161.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2005, 12:58:35 pm »
is there any other nx class beside the nx-02?, for the date well it might not be like we know maybe a few year before, but the romulan war would have ben cool in enterprise, the will have to get bether hull plating or get the shield from the vulcan and what other type of ship earth have beside the nx class that could be use for the romulan war?, the will need to work faster in fixing the nx-02 but 1 more ship will not be enought in a war.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2005, 01:13:35 pm »
a movie is not a good idea, the war last many year so a movie is only 2 hours so if the war last 4 to 5 year well the would need to just many year of the war and the movie will be weird, or just the start of the war will left a void in the story, anyway there nothing we can do about that, the don't seem to be interested in what the fan want or not failing in a hole and making bits of the series in a movie, well a movie with kirk when he was a ensign would be interesting or Christoffer pike the captain of enterprise before him when he first get the enterprise (naaa that will not be good), or a series with the excelsior as it should be, not another movie in tng, the last one was bad with B4 who never existed since the first was lore and data was the 2th one made, well we just have to sit and wait to see what stuff the will show.

Offline MajorRacal

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2005, 02:00:16 pm »
I'm perhaps speaking out of turn but losing Enterprise is no great loss to me.
As for the Romulans, for me they've been stung at every turn.  They've never been served well in any series despite eclipsing the Klingons  in TOS... and in the movies they were once more cast aside in favour of a pointless human clone and some Remans - I feel like weeping...


Offline Stylsy

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2005, 04:02:38 pm »
At this time there is only NX-01 Enterprise and NX-02 Columbia. In the first season Travis mentioned 'three more NX class ships on the drawing board', so we can assume that Earth Starfleet could create two more at least before the Romulan war, which would be nice if they were called NX-03 Challenger and NX-04 Discovery.

I'd love to see ENT return as a large budget mini series covering the Romulan War... return to the crew years after the series, see how they cope with wartime, character interaction, Earths development etc.

Offline Darkseid

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2005, 07:51:57 pm »
The war only lasted a year.  2160 and Federation's Founding a year later.  I think a mini series based on the Earth/Romulan War would be awesome though.  It would give Trek a few years rest and then the opportunity to bring the show back with a lot of action and historical canon.
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Offline strider74205

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2005, 07:59:02 pm »
awsome idea, now who do go we see at paramount...

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2005, 09:06:34 pm »
awsome idea, now who do go we see at paramount...

ahhh if only it was that simple, well we can wright to paramount and rick berman or who ever responsible for the enterprise series and tell him that we want to continue with enterprise and the romulan war plus more cannon stuff more battle more ship blow more phaser (phase cannon) more photonic torpedo more blood more wood more more more*maniacle laughting* :flame: :whip: :screwloose: :skeptic:

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2005, 09:22:34 pm »
So the show would have ended in 2157 and the Earth Romulan War was in 2160.

I thought it took place earlier?  I believe the Earth-Romulan War ended in 2160.  I don't know how long it started, but with how Enterprise is going, it could be a four-to-five-year war canon-wise, not too far from Masao Okazaki's view of Pre-TOS history at around the same time.  And canon has established it was mainly fought with atomic weapons.  I'm sure like the Starfleet Museum website's view, that Enterprise wouldn't go by this, as I'm sure Phaser canons and Photon Torpedoes as well as Romulan's own beam weapons and Plasma torpedoes, not to mention cloaking devices would be mainly used in Enterprise canon, overwriting old, previously-established canon.

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Offline FedRebel

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2005, 10:23:04 pm »

I thought it took place earlier?? I believe the Earth-Romulan War ended in 2160.?

According to the information I have the war lasted from 2160-2161

but with how Enterprise is going, it could be a four-to-five-year war canon-wise,

More like a 4 month blitzkreig that ends with the Romulan flag being raised in San Fransisco

In "Enterprise" Earth only has a handful of ships

Given the name of the war Earth was a major player in it, but how can it be that with only a couple dozen ships?

If Earth merely helped form the alliance then it would be the Federation-Romulan War instead

And canon has established it was mainly fought with atomic weapons.?

And lasers

that Enterprise wouldn't go by this, as I'm sure Phaser canons and Photon Torpedoes as well as Romulan's own beam weapons and Plasma torpedoes, not to mention cloaking devices would be mainly used in Enterprise canon, overwriting old, previously-established canon.

Possible, it depends on your own point of view

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2005, 11:32:49 pm »
in tos balance of terror the didn't know abouth plasma torpedo so they did not created before, but in tos the klingon have exange ship for a romulan cloaking device so why the klingon have cloaking device in enterprise (just another none cannon fact).

Offline Captain Pierce

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Re: enterprise question
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2005, 10:10:10 pm »
Heh, Stylsy is on the same wavelength as me...  poor guy :D

For some reason, I seem to recall that there were 5 NX's planned (and I don't watch ENT much, so I could be totally wrong ;), which made me think that it would be interesting if they were all named after Space Shuttles...    of course, then you'd have to add an NX-06 Endeavour, and then slightly modify NX-07 and name it after the Russian space shuttle clone ("Snowflake" was the translation of its name, IIRC, but I can't recall the original Russian...  what the hell ever happened to that POS, anyway?), but it would be fun anyway...  ;)

There's no particularly canon info on when exactly the "Earth/Romulan War" happened, although Mike Okuda's Chronology estimates the end of the war in 2160.  This is largely based on the now-canon fact that the Federation was founded in 2161, so any "Earth" war would presumably have ended prior to that.  Of course, this ignores the fact that, at the time "Balance of Terror" was written, there was no "Federation," "Starfleet," or anything else, and Enterprise was presumed to be an "Earth" ship...   :-\  But admittedly that's a large can of worms to open.  The impression I've always gotten was that the war was fairly long, but there's really nothing to back that up, I have to admit.  Before ENT established that you could go from Earth to Qo'Nos in four days even at speeds of Warp 5 or less, one could think that the war might have lasted several years just to account for the travel time to get fleets into position, but of course that's out the window now...   ::)

As for the Romulan flag being raised over San Francisco, that's actually not entirely out of the question, considering that DS9 implied that the Romulans had actually attacked Earth during the war, contrary to all previous assumptions...  ;)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2005, 10:20:37 pm by Captain Pierce »
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