Topic: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware  (Read 13304 times)

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2005, 09:01:17 am »
Personally that's not my fact, a LOT of people I know were turned off by the authorization thing.

That's not your reason for what, Dash. Priracy?

FWIW, Dash, if you're involved in software priracy may I suggest not posting it on a public board even if you FEEL JUSTIFIED because you dislike the company.

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Offline Javora

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2005, 05:05:16 pm »
Personally that's not my fact, a LOT of people I know were turned off by the authorization thing.

That's not your reason for what, Dash. Priracy?

FWIW, Dash, if you're involved in software priracy may I suggest not posting it on a public board even if you FEEL JUSTIFIED because you dislike the company.

That is quite a leap there ToastyO, he could have been talking about his dislike for Microsoft.  Just because someone dislikes Microsoft (which is what I think Dash was talking about) doesn't mean that person is automatically pirating software.  I don't really like Microsoft but I have bought and paid for everything I have that carried a price tag.

I really hope that Linux or Apple will get back into the game, it is the only thing that will force Microsoft to be competitive.  But we have to wait for that until Linux becomes more user friendly and/or Apple allows the Mac OS to run on the PC platform.  Even then those platforms will suffer until game companies start coding for those OS's.

As for Linux being accused of forcing Microsoft out of business, so what.  Microsoft better adapt and compete or it will die.  Nobody really cared that much when Pony Express went out of business.  If people want to blame someone for all the Linux support then they should look at the RIAA and MPAA.  Microsoft (and Apple) had no problem joining with Record/Movie labels to try and remove any and all "fair use" rights that the people have or had depending how you look at it.  The RIAA/MPAA want to remove any right I have to make backup copies of the things I have bought.  Or even the rights to play those things on my computer, MP3 player, or even take a movie over to a family or friends house to watch during a get together.  All of that is simply wrong and Microsoft and Apple support it, so it is no wonder that people are looking for alternatives.  Now let me point out something just so no one jumps to conclusions.  I do not, nor have I ever put my movies, music, or software up on file shares for trading.  Nor do I allow other people that I know to copy movies, music, or software.

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2005, 09:34:45 pm »
Great info there Nemesis.

Without your posting that Microsoft had such a policy I could not have found the links.  Thanks for that info.  I will see to spreading it around. 

This is a policy Microsoft should advertise.  They would probably cut out a lot of pirated home and small business copies this way. 

Heh.  I now have THREE copies of XP in my house.  Bill Gates and his bean counters are ROFL at me.  I don't think they want to let too many people know.  Yes, it should cut down on piracy, but I think they feel they can squeeze corporate and government users for a bulk of their profits and use ignorance (as in my case) and the need to activate to rake in the rest, so that the pirates, though representing a lot of money they won't get, is not that important to them anymore, as they are already doing... not too poorly at all.

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2005, 09:47:55 pm »
Heh.  I now have THREE copies of XP in my house.  Bill Gates and his bean counters are ROFL at me.  I don't think they want to let too many people know.  Yes, it should cut down on piracy, but I think they feel they can squeeze corporate and government users for a bulk of their profits and use ignorance (as in my case) and the need to activate to rake in the rest, so that the pirates, though representing a lot of money they won't get, is not that important to them anymore, as they are already doing... not too poorly at all.

This would not affect the big companies or governmnet sites.  They already have site licenses, volume discounts and the old "we're thinking of moving to Linux" discount.  :)

All I can see it doing is increasing revenues for Microsoft, decreasing piracy and making people think better of "the Evil Empire".  So of course Microsoft won't do it.
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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2005, 09:58:51 pm »
Personally that's not my fact, a LOT of people I know were turned off by the authorization thing.

That's not your reason for what, Dash. Priracy?

FWIW, Dash, if you're involved in software priracy may I suggest not posting it on a public board even if you FEEL JUSTIFIED because you dislike the company.

That is quite a leap there ToastyO, he could have been talking about his dislike for Microsoft.  Just because someone dislikes Microsoft (which is what I think Dash was talking about) doesn't mean that person is automatically pirating software.  I don't really like Microsoft but I have bought and paid for everything I have that carried a price tag.

I really hope that Linux or Apple will get back into the game, it is the only thing that will force Microsoft to be competitive.  But we have to wait for that until Linux becomes more user friendly and/or Apple allows the Mac OS to run on the PC platform.  Even then those platforms will suffer until game companies start coding for those OS's.

As for Linux being accused of forcing Microsoft out of business, so what.  Microsoft better adapt and compete or it will die.  Nobody really cared that much when Pony Express went out of business.  If people want to blame someone for all the Linux support then they should look at the RIAA and MPAA.  Microsoft (and Apple) had no problem joining with Record/Movie labels to try and remove any and all "fair use" rights that the people have or had depending how you look at it.  The RIAA/MPAA want to remove any right I have to make backup copies of the things I have bought.  Or even the rights to play those things on my computer, MP3 player, or even take a movie over to a family or friends house to watch during a get together.  All of that is simply wrong and Microsoft and Apple support it, so it is no wonder that people are looking for alternatives.  Now let me point out something just so no one jumps to conclusions.  I do not, nor have I ever put my movies, music, or software up on file shares for trading.  Nor do I allow other people that I know to copy movies, music, or software.

Beside this becoming another platform for you to leap into another rant about your dislike for ALL THINGS Microsoft can you possibly expalin why you think you're better at answering my question to Dash about his post than Dash himself?

Do you somehow understand him better than he does?

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Offline Javora

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2005, 09:13:37 pm »

Beside this becoming another platform for you to leap into another rant about your dislike for ALL THINGS Microsoft can you possibly expalin why you think you're better at answering my question to Dash about his post than Dash himself?

Do you somehow understand him better than he does?


Well lets see you wrote:

I knoiw you're not going to like this, but as asinine as it sounds what they say isn't that far off the mark. Many of those who claim to support open source are doing so for one of several reaosns:

1.) They think all software should be free and believe piracy is a legitimate act of file and application sharing.
2.) Are coropoate CEO, FEO, or other corporate cost cutter and see open source as the absolute perfect opportunity to increase the bottom line--these folks are the biggest proponents of out-sourcing too.
3.) They are simply anti-MS anything. If MS donated 1 billion dollars to children's aid funds these folks would complain that it wasn't 1.1 billion. Nothing MS does is good or good enough.
4.) They see open source as the great equalizer. That open source is the masses ability to throw off the yoke of corporate control.

There are lesser reasons too, but those are, imho, the 4 greatest motivators in the OS movement.


To which Dash responded:

Personally that's not my fact, a LOT of people I know were turned off by the authorization thing.

It's not that I'm better able to understand him, it just that I am able to read.

And I don't hate all things Microsoft I'm calling them as I see them, just as you are doing.  We obviously see things differently is all.  I certainly don't think this is something to get worked up enough to start throwing negative karma around, but then I guess it is just another thing we see differently.   ::)   ;D

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2005, 10:44:30 pm »

And I don't hate all things Microsoft I'm calling them as I see them, just as you are doing.  We obviously see things differently is all.  I certainly don't think this is something to get worked up enough to start throwing negative karma around, but then I guess it is just another thing we see differently.   ::)   ;D

Are you suggesting I gave you neg karma? On what basis do you make that assumption?

Did a birdie tell you such a thing?

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Offline Javora

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2005, 07:27:18 am »

Are you suggesting I gave you neg karma? On what basis do you make that assumption?

Did a birdie tell you such a thing?

LOL, this is one of only two threads I have posted in since the end of January when my brother died.  Kind of narrows it down a bit don't you think??!?   ::)   ;D

The thing is, I wasn't even trying to attack you earlier.  I just pointed out that you were unfairly accusing Dash of something that he never stated.  I never thought it was a big deal, it just looked like you misread what Dash said.

As for me using this thread or any other thread as a "platform" to attack Microsoft, well that is just not true.  If you look again I not only tied Microsoft to the RIAA/MPAA but Apple as well.  In fact you will even see the part where I pointed out Linux and the Mac's shortcomings.  When it comes to bashing operating systems, I will cheerfully tap out a bash session on any and all operating systems.  All operating systems have their short comings (well except for maybe Win2000  ;D ) and I try to make sure that I am a equal opportunity basher.

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2005, 10:47:59 am »

Are you suggesting I gave you neg karma? On what basis do you make that assumption?

Did a birdie tell you such a thing?

LOL, this is one of only two threads I have posted in since the end of January when my brother died.  Kind of narrows it down a bit don't you think??!?   ::)   ;D

Then you had to assume it was me. Somehow I don't get the impression that you're normally an "assumptive" kind of person.

The thing is, I wasn't even trying to attack you earlier.  I just pointed out that you were unfairly accusing Dash of something that he never stated.  I never thought it was a big deal, it just looked like you misread what Dash said.

I didn't think you were attacking me.

I just don't see where Dash needs you to interpret his posts for him. I asked him and not you what he meant by his post. I'm not sure where my pique with you appointing yourself dash's spokesperson can be interpretted as some reaction to a personal attack? It's not like you see him as some hapless poster who needs you to rescue him from the hazards of debate, do you? I certainly don't.

As for me using this thread or any other thread as a "platform" to attack Microsoft, well that is just not true.  If you look again I not only tied Microsoft to the RIAA/MPAA but Apple as well.  In fact you will even see the part where I pointed out Linux and the Mac's shortcomings.  When it comes to bashing operating systems, I will cheerfully tap out a bash session on any and all operating systems.  All operating systems have their short comings (well except for maybe Win2000  ;D ) and I try to make sure that I am a equal opportunity basher.


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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2005, 05:50:04 pm »

Then you had to assume it was me. Somehow I don't get the impression that you're normally an "assumptive" kind of person.

Not assumption, but simple deduction.  I seriously doubt that someone would slam me about asking questions about anti-virus in the other thread.  And you are right I am not normally an assumptive kind of person.

I didn't think you were attacking me.

I just don't see where Dash needs you to interpret his posts for him. I asked him and not you what he meant by his post. I'm not sure where my pique with you appointing yourself dash's spokesperson can be interpreted as some reaction to a personal attack? It's not like you see him as some hapless poster who needs you to rescue him from the hazards of debate, do you? I certainly don't.

I wasn't interpreting Dash's posts, I was pointing out to you that you may have been too quick to judge.  And I have stated as much in my previous post.  As I stated before in not so many words, no interpreting was needed only the ability to read.

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Re: Trojan attacks Microsoft's anti-spyware
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2005, 07:00:19 pm »

Then you had to assume it was me. Somehow I don't get the impression that you're normally an "assumptive" kind of person.

Not assumption, but simple deduction.  I seriously doubt that someone would slam me about asking questions about anti-virus in the other thread.  And you are right I am not normally an assumptive kind of person.

I didn't think you were attacking me.

I just don't see where Dash needs you to interpret his posts for him. I asked him and not you what he meant by his post. I'm not sure where my pique with you appointing yourself dash's spokesperson can be interpreted as some reaction to a personal attack? It's not like you see him as some hapless poster who needs you to rescue him from the hazards of debate, do you? I certainly don't.

I wasn't interpreting Dash's posts, I was pointing out to you that you may have been too quick to judge.  And I have stated as much in my previous post.  As I stated before in not so many words, no interpreting was needed only the ability to read.

Oy! I'm truly disappointed you're not comprehending my point. I know WTF Dash wrote...

Oh nevermind. This will only lead to a circular argument.
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