Topic: A new mod  (Read 3229 times)

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Offline GarrethMacLeod

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2005, 05:38:51 pm »
I had trouble downloading it as well. I kept getting a "cannot modify header" error after clicking on the download link.
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Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2005, 06:11:17 pm »
a few people have had that peoblem, though I don't know why.. Try registering with the site then downloading. Most of the registered members have had no problems with it.

And for the Arcs again, you gotta be kidding me, right? 360 arcs on the wings, hmmm.. never stoped to think that they could be on the underside. besides, what does it matter? It's a game, not real life. please.. gimme something tangible. Yes, we changed the name of the Victory class to make it sound more 'Terran-ish' we changed the name of virtually ever ship with just a few exceptions. This isn't the normal universe that your used to, it's an alternate reality. things are not always the same, so what your accustomed to isn't going to be there. It seems to me like your just fishing for something so say wrong. I don't see that as constructive. and this is the one thing I tell everybody, if you don't like a ship, don't fly it. there's more than enough ships to tickle your fancy. Seeing as you've only tried the game in single player, why not get on the server? are ya affraid you might find something to like about it?
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Offline Khalee1

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2005, 07:20:35 pm »
Well I got the mod downloaded, and your right when I regesterd it worked. And I really hate to registar just to download ships when I wouldnt be doing much of anything else from a site. But ohwell

Offline SFLetoAtreides

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2005, 08:05:50 pm »
Actually I have thought about it Victory and if you put the 360 degree weapons on the underside of those ships, you end up cutting the other foils or warp any alternate! Hmmmmm.......sounds like you are fishing for a way out of a problem you won't admit to. As for me flying on the server.....well that probably won't be happening. You see........ before I decide to invest my time into a modded SFC3 campaign, I spend at least a day or two testing it out in single player mode to determine if it's any good. If it's a pretty decent mod, i'll I will throw myself into it until the end. If it's a "Lemon", then I will skip it and wait for a decent campaign to come online. In my opinion....."Through the Looking Glass" in its current state fits into the latter category. To be quite honest, I don't really like how ~80% of the ships in the mod are configured, so I don't think your "If you don't like it, don't fly it!" motto will work in this case. Also, since you are not even sure that you are going to do a genuine campaign, that gives me further reluctance to participate! You need to make a decision before you put it up on the server......otherwise it just looks like disorganization on the Moderator(s) part.

Look in all fairness, the Mod has the potential to be great! It just needs a hard point/ firing arc makeover, some better textures, some slight tweaking in the powerplant/systems capacity, and perhaps some different music. I'm looking forward to playing a cleaned up version of this Mod! Until then, I can not in good conscience recommend that the SF SFC3 division endorse "Through the Looking Glass" in it's current format. :(  

Dang Sochin....NannerSlug and IslandBound have really spoiled me with their Mods! They're both so dang close to perfect! I used to never be so picky about SFC3 mods when I first started playing the game! It's all about quality now!  :rofl:

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2005, 10:14:04 pm »
It honestly looks to me like you went into the mod LOOKING for something to say wrong about it. The arcs are not a problem, the graphics are not a problem, the models are not the problem. Seems to me that you are the problem. And here's a big news flash for ya. This is a campaign, that started friday night. If you would read on about it, you'd know that. EVERY one who has played this mod on the server, and I DO mean EVERYONE has commented on how great this mod is. Some have read your comments and died out laughing at your ignorance.

And Khalee, I'm sry about that. I wasn't away of the bug. I didn't put the two together until your comment. I'll look into getting the registration requirement changed so everyone can download it. Quite weird.
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Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2005, 10:22:02 pm »
Oh, and one other thing I forgot to meantion. You said you've been working for 3 months on your 'mod' Well, 2 1/2 months IS a long time for us because we have 4 people on our team doing various jobs. It speeds up the process alot. We set up clear and concise goals and we meet them. It took us longer to get this mod out than our usual ones because we built up from scratch to ensure full functionality of this mod. I'm going to sound like my mother when I say this, but if you can't say something nice keep your mouth shut. If you don't want to play, you won't see me crying about it. If you wanna put your money where your mouth is (instead of your foot) you're welcome to join the campaign. It's only 1 day into it now so you can catch up if you want to. This camp will run for a while, so you have plenty of time to join up.
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Offline SFLetoAtreides

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2005, 11:39:32 pm »
LOL! LOL! LOL! ROFL!......You know your hubristic attitude is beyond belief Victory! My intention was to offer insight on some problems with the Mod. I didn't go looking for them....they just happened to show up when I was testing it out! You have a big problem discerning constructive criticism from Mod bashing my not-so gentle snowflake! I started off making general comments about the firing arcs, you thought they were vague wanted to know more specifics, I provided some specific examples for you, then you get evasive, ticked off, and downright nasty! How do you think this reflects on your character and your ability to host a campaign? Do you think I would play or recommend this mod to anyone in the SFC3 community when one of it's architects acts like a complete horses @ss on another forum? I think not! :screwloose: that you have concretely established that this is a campaign in these previous registration comments still stand. Since you obviously don't see the fallacies in not not doing one, all I can say here is "Good luck with the Nutters"! :-\ 

Bottom line, if you think everything in the Mod is fine then go with it! It's your Mod and if you are happy with it being mediocre....then who am I to stop you from turning your Lemon Mod into Lemonade! Btw,.........NOW I'M MOD BASHING!  :o :P :-*  

Will the Moderator of these forums please close this thread. The conversation in here is no longer serving any purpose and it's turning into a flame war.

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2005, 12:46:15 am »
how nice, he's asking the mods to close the forums for the flaming he's done. How considerate. Everryone who's play the mod has LOVED it. I'm going to take the opinions of those guys well over the comments of one who clearly doesn't know how to mod if it takes him 3 months just to add ships. I was nice to invite you to our server, I didn't have to do that you know. On a normal basis I'm pretty easy to get along with. you clearly have issues with that. Oh well, who am I to judge? You made it quite obvious that you did indeed go looking for errors in our mod, because those ridiculous 'error' you pointed out was complete bull. Bottem line it's a game, your clearly taking it too seriously if you're that picky about hardpoint placement. It's meant to have fun, not have fights over. and one thing you clearly have lost the concept on, in a game you cannot have a completely cannon game. Especially with SFC3. It would be too unballanced to be completely cannon, and in a game setting that's unacceptable. True it makes good in movies and TV, but put it into a fair based game and it'll be way uneven. Arcs, please.. Gimme a real complaint. "Oh no, my phaser's gonna chop off my wing" please, it's a game. My offer still stands, and unless you do come to the server and try the game, I have nothing more to say to you.
I am Victory, and I approved this message

Offline SFLetoAtreides

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2005, 12:54:41 am »
Talk to the Hand Victory! I have said my peace on this matter!

Will the Moderator of these forums please close this thread. The conversation in here is no longer serving any purpose and it's turning into a flame war.