Staying up for now, I actually tried I.E. and in the process got one or two popups, not as bad as I thought (compared to the 20+ last time I used I.E. last year). I got it. It is a wonderful job, and as I said, there was a pet peeve or two I had, mainly concerning the lights. They were really minor, especially with when I could open up PSP, compare the files, copy the illumination selection thing for the TGA files and do some copy and pasting... *shrug* Just so I could have a more "canon" Galaxy-class starship.
Just in my opinion, that's all, and not to downplay you guys: You've done a wonderful job converting Scotchy's Galaxy-class model as I said before again and again. What's great in my opinion is that I could also use Scotchy's other name and registries. I done so, and in SFC: OP, I came up with this screenshot:
(Edit: I got rid of it to conserve space.)
(I used the NCC-70637 U.S.S. Galaxy ID textures from Scotchy's Galaxy-class textures from the BC model. Just FYI.) The model turned out beautiful in-game and ran real smooth, but my only pet peeve in playability was that it's an SFC3 model, meaning the hardpoints don't work at all for SFC2/OP; the weapons fire from the center/"neck" of the ship. However, if that's the only conversion, then oh well: That's the price to pay for awesome beauty. I really like this ship nonetheless. I know I'll be having fun with it for quite a while. Once again, good work on converting her.