Topic: Server questions (think these are the last)  (Read 993 times)

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Server questions (think these are the last)
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:52:26 pm »
1)-How much of an effect does econ have on what can be built in the yards.
    -is it possible to have "off map" econ to keep them going?

2) How hard is it to make changes in a shiplist (to "r" a ship out or in) for a server?
Is it like a 15 second job that could be done while a DB clean is done?

3)How hard is it (if it's even possible) to change the econ of a hex on a runing server
Again is it a few seconds or is it a hex edit?

4) Is it possible to make some bases destroyable, and others not?
(ie SBs- no, BS-yes)

5)Is it possible to set up economy so that a BCV/BCHT will appear far more frquently than a stock BCHP?
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Server questions (think these are the last)
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2005, 06:02:12 pm »
1)-How much of an effect does econ have on what can be built in the yards.
? ? -is it possible to have "off map" econ to keep them going?

2) How hard is it to make changes in a shiplist (to "r" a ship out or in) for a server?
Is it like a 15 second job that could be done while a DB clean is done?

3)How hard is it (if it's even possible) to change the econ of a hex on a runing server
Again is it a few seconds or is it a hex edit?

4) Is it possible to make some bases destroyable, and others not?
(ie SBs- no, BS-yes)

5)Is it possible to set up economy so that a BCV/BCHT will appear far more frquently than a stock BCHP?

1 Econ controls production.   The more econ, the more and larger ships are built

2. Very Easy.   Open the List in Excel, takes about 10 seconds.

3.  Hex Edit unless SQL, then it is very easy

4. Yes, with the Evil Dave Scripts.

5. Yes, set the BCHT/BCV to a different ship Class and use that to control the Frequency.
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