Also I'd like to do it to discourage the building of DNs
You would still build a few, as disengagement rules would apply,
but you would likely keep your best PVP players in BCHs.
And while a good PVP player is practically untouchable in a DNH,
two good players can bring a BCH down with CCH's (which have always been unrestricted)
I am all for what Hexx has said here. I am also for any system that would encourage people to stay and fight, instead of constantly running.
I also like all the ideas mentioned in the first post, and even that last one as it would actually give a smart player that is using a DN pause, before they decide to go blowing up someone worth quite a few VCs that's not in a DN
Changing things so that losing your ship doesn't cost your side VC points is one thing I'd like, the idea was good on the drawing board but not in practice as I've had half the server's playerbase run from me at one time or another (many of those three times or more), and admittedly I've run from DH and Kroma or DH and Bear plenty of times to avoid a nasty gangbang... I'd enjoy not having to worry about PP or VCs, and just being able to take em on in a non dread... lose nothing for trying, but might gain something if I archive the perceived impossible...
I currently do not see the disengagement rules working without problems unless it's something real simple, such as a frig running off a heavy, or a CL running off a DN, or a heavy running off a BB. Assumed 1v1 player matches, not sure about how AI would factor into that either, as the AI drawing with the current server missions has been a bit OTT in several PvP missions...
Just my two cents, I play for the PvP, not the constant AI killing nor the chasing people to the borders...
Edited: The forums blanked out half of my post??