Somehow, I think standing the entire OOB system on it's head might be the way to go... Basically a complete re-write...
Hence my proposal:
Instead of BPs being allocated to ships, allocate them to the pilots. I've affectionately called the BPs in this proposal to "lives"...
As most balance arguments revolve around ships with "limits" in SFB, whether it's a limit on the MSC, under Rule S8.0, or some miscellaneous thing in the rules somewhere, that is going to be my "restriction" basis. Any ship so limited would be restricted, and cost the pilot a number of lives if lost, but this leaves the "line" ships, up to BCH, as free-to-fly.
I'm also considering a system which limits the missions that ships can fly, ie, escorts must either be drafted, or they can initiate a defense mission (shipyard / planet / base defense, convoy escort being defensive). Commando boats and Drone Bombardment ships can either raid (shipyard / convoy raids), or assault (bases / planets), or be drafted (squadron role). Special ships that violate this provision will be penalized VCs (ie, an escort cought patrolling will cost their team 1-5 VCs). This will cut down on the number of ships being restricted.
The only things I haven't completely answered for this proposal are:
1: How long should I penalize players after they die, aka: how long are the build cycles going to be? Part of this system is that if you die in a special ship, you are prevented from flying another (no matter how many lives you have), until the next build cycle.
2: I would like to see if point-saving and general attrition would keep the number of special ships down, this would be more prevalent twoard the end of a build cycle when multiple people have lost their lives. Due to popular demand, I've considered a limit of how many big ships can be online at one time, though I'd make the limit kick in for players of Commodore rank or higher. This does mean that there could be lots of BCHs around, but, most of them will be casual players, and therefore not constantly ruining the server for the OOB-loving nutters...

As a balance to casual players, I'd free up the ability for Commodores to fly special ships once enough players make Rear Admiral. This wouldn't occur until at least 25% of a race's playerbase makes RA, maybe closer to 33%, but I wouldn't wait till 50% make it, as that could be way too many players in some races. How many ships should a race get to fly at the upper levels, and what playerbase should I use to have the cut-off start at?