Well, as far limiting the amount of big capital ships, instead of the whole OOB idea which seems to be so popular right now, why can't we try using the Fixed Capital Ships idea which the SFC3 crowd used.? ?This idea clearly states that each side/empire could only have so many of each category of capital ship on the server at any one time, NO SHIP ASSIGNMENTS.? ?
Example:? ?(per side)
1 x BB
2-3 x DN
4-6 x BCH
Example:? (per empire)
1 x DN
3 x BCH
This idea skips the whole 'posting to a forum for assign', 'posting to a forum to switch ships' which seems like so much work, and need additional rules.
Positives of this idea:
(1)? you can easily check if a side/empire has more than its share of big capital ships on by just looking on the server.? If each of these type ships are clearly defined, all you would have to do is right click on all the opposing pilots names and count the BCHs, DNs, and BBs.
(2)? underplayed side/empire would always have it full compliment of big capital ships on the server.? ?This would help the underplayed races to hold important hexes against the sides/empires which have more pilots all 24 hrs of every day.
(3) making these ships less expensive that the biggest non-restricted ships would allow pilots to fly these big ships who might not normally get assigned one.
(3) LESS RULES CONCERNING HAVING TO POST STATUS, switching, production, BPs for production, when to build, what to build, what to convert, BPs to convert, etc.,? WHERE DOES IT ALL END!!!
(4) You could expand this rule to cover drone bombardment ships, pure escorts, anything!!
(continued on next post)