I suppose our race's shiplists may differ. But all the "s" ships with mech links that I saw for the Gorn were refits of ships that were "s" ships anyway.
Thus, a G-sCMF was upgraded for "free" to a G-sCMFf, since I'd already bought the ship. But if I had bought a G-sCMFf from scratch, I'd have paid for it.
That is correct S'cipio.
DH quote above in the 1st post the K-DWLf WITHOUT the proper designation, K-sDWLf, which is indeed a special ship. So if you already own an 's' special or 'c' capitol ship, 'f' PF upgrades are free.
However, if you do not have an 's' or 'c' ship, then you need to 'build' one with CP or BP points.
You MAY NOT fly ships that start with an 's' unless it is build. So F-CBf's and F-ClCf's and K-sD5Lf's and K-sD5Wf's for eample, are ALL special CP cost build ships.
Dont fly them unless you are assigned to them.may differ.