Topic: U.s.s archon and U.s.s Daedalus leave spacedock  (Read 1884 times)

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Offline Darkdrone

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U.s.s archon and U.s.s Daedalus leave spacedock
« on: February 07, 2005, 06:07:29 am »
U.s.s archon (tng refit)

Mesh/Textures: Darkdrone

U.s.s Daedalus (v10)

Mesh/Textures: Darkdrone

both are on for download guys


Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: U.s.s archon and U.s.s Daedalus leave spacedock
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 07:32:55 pm »
Great models DD!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Re: U.s.s archon and U.s.s Daedalus leave spacedock
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2005, 07:53:38 pm »
Wow that's good.  That Daedalus is exactly what I've been looking for.  I do have a couple of questions.  First, the version available for download doesn't quite match the above pic, mostly in that the windows are black, and the hull is white instead of the grey shown in the picture.  Does this mean there are different versions of the model?

Also, what is the red and green insignia and text on the starboard side below the pennant?  I can't quite make it out.  Is there a higher res image somewhere?

One last question, you never found those Go'auld ships you made, did you?

Offline Darkdrone

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Re: U.s.s archon and U.s.s Daedalus leave spacedock
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2005, 10:39:33 am »
Wow that's good.? That Daedalus is exactly what I've been looking for.? I do have a couple of questions.? First, the version available for download doesn't quite match the above pic, mostly in that the windows are black, and the hull is white instead of the grey shown in the picture.? Does this mean there are different versions of the model?

Also, what is the red and green insignia and text on the starboard side below the pennant?? I can't quite make it out.? Is there a higher res image somewhere?

One last question, you never found those Go'auld ships you made, did you?

1.sfc does not use bump maps which is a shame so i had to render them on the textures the best i could its not far off the nexus version i`ve done

2.the logo you on about lol is somthing new i`m doing with my new ships if you get in real close it say " MADE IN WALES" with the welsh flag after it
also the textures are 512x512 thats as big as i go for sfc

3.sorry to say never found them they seem to have gone too the big model yard in the sky maybe if i get time i`ll do more