Topic: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt  (Read 4685 times)

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BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« on: February 05, 2005, 03:51:11 am »
First of all, Episode 5, if you haven't seen it, leaves Starbuck stranded on the planet after crashing.  There are so many little surprises to this episode and so many great allegories.  Yes, she finds the Cylon ship, and no, she doesn't do an Enemy Mine.

What are some of the episode's greatest moments?

First, when the episode begins she's knocked out on the planet and being dragged across the ground.  Is it a fluffly local alien, some lost human colony member who found her, or the Cylon she'll have to befriend before she can leave the planet and get back to the fleet?

None of the above.  When she lost consciousness her parachute lines got tangled in her legs and the wind on the planet is now dragging her chute, and her, across the ground.

Yep, that's right, you think it's someone grabbing and then BAM!, you find out it's only her parachute.

Second, she finds the cylon raider on the planet and realizes it's her ticket out of there.  She sees the hole her last shots from the viper made, and the blood dripping down the outside, and smirks before saying something like "I'll say it again:  Starbuck you're one hell of a shot."  Then she gets the Cylon raider hatch open and discovers there's really biological..stuff in there.  What does she do?  Reach out the hand of peace?  Nope, she takes out her knife and starts cutting.

Momma, this ain't your daddy's liberal-pansy-ass Battlestar Galactica.  Starbuck ain't fixing this buddy up to be friends with him.  Nope, she's fixing the ship so she can get and screw whatever life form that was in there.

Meanwhile back on the Galactica, Adama Sr. and Jr. are driving their crews to the edge in their efforts to find Starbuck.  Tigh gets his panties in a knot and gets told to leave.  The President comes in and applies cool logic while using a knife to hamstring them with guilt.  What does all this work up to?  Do these guys have a problem with letting the death of Zak go? 

Not really.  Starbuck is family and they'll do whatever they can to keep the few surviving members of their family together, even if it means using up 43% of the fleet's fuel in constant search operations long after Starbuck's Oxygen Tank should be empty.  They know after Roslyn's speech it's time to hang up the ghost, Adama issues the order to stop the search, and they go back to their duties before Apollo turns to his old man and asks if Commander Adama would have searched this long if Apollo had been the one missing (remember, there's been a lot of tension between the two).

Commander Adama says "I'd have never given the order to stop the search."  The words don't look like much on this screen, but when you see the face of Edward James Olmos as he speaks those words, and the face of Jamie Barber (Apollo) as he hears them, the emotions leap out.  Tomorrow I'm going to my father's grave and telling him that I love him because of that scene.  It's something every son wants to hear from his father, and it's the way every father should feel about his children.

Third thing is that Starbuck proves that wagging your wings DOES NOT TELL your friends that you're not the deadly cylon.  Using emergency tape/bandages to spell your name on the underside of the enemy fighter works a lot better.  (Oh, and yes, her radio was shown as having been broken in the first few minutes.)

Last, but not least is that final scene between Commander Adama and Starbuck.  Last week he was so mad after learning of her contribution to the death of Zak, he told her to leave his cabin while she still could (huge implication he was going to seriously maim or kill her if she didn't leave).  This week he told her, more through emotions and touch than words, that she was a part of his family (which fits really since she HAD been engaged to Zak) no matter what had happened. 

The bad things from the week before weren't forgotten, but in the way that family should work, they were forgiven.

4.0 out of 5.0 on this one (I totally forgot Boomer Mk. 2 and Helo on Caprica...Helo isn't that bad a shot, and the irony of the toaster giving the human away to the Toasters was nice and subtle).  Oh, and did you notice that HotDog was in again?  He's Olmos's real-life son and it's nice to see him still around.  There's Chuckles too, but he's short, skinny and asian.  Is that why he's Chuckles and not Jolly?

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Offline TheJudge

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2005, 03:54:25 am »
Oh, and Ron Moore put up a new blog this week. I've never seen a series higher-up like this guy post the stuff he does to the net. He's actually answering questions from board members over at Sci-Fi's boards.  Here's one that he answered this week:

"It's probably been asked before, but I'm curious as to whom is in the picture in the Viper Pilot's briefing room, facing away from the camera . . . the one the pilots, including Commander Adama, touch when they enter and leave? This is touching, and is a wonderful human element to the story. So who is it?"

There was a scene cut from "33" where we saw Laura being given her copy of the photo along with a card that said it was taken on the roof of the capitol building on Aerilon during the attack. The photo was inspired by the famous shot of the fire-fighters raising the flag at Ground Zero that became iconic. I thought the Colonies would have their own version of this -- a snapshot taken in the moment that becomes a symbol of the day they can never forget and of all they had lost. The photo itself is of a soldier falling to his knees (possibly shot or simply overcome by emotion) as he stands on the rooftop over looking the devastation of his city, while the Colonial flag waves at the edge of frame. The inscription below the photo on Laura's plaque reads, "Lest We Forget" in itself a reference to the inscription on the watch presented to John Wayne's character in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."

and another one that I found important:

"Mythos. Every science fiction show that stands the test of time needs to develop its own Mythos. By this I mean, its own unique cultural identity. For instance Star Wars has its Jedi, its Force; Star Trek has its Prime directive, beaming, and warps speed. As a writer you are aware of this and having worked in the Star Trek franchise are rather qualified in it. What will are your thoughts and insights into the development of Mythos in this new BSG child that you are tending to and caring for?
Especially, since there seems to be heavy pressure to incorporate the original mythos themes of the show, will this be a guiding blueprint for thought, or just a framework to create? "

The mythology of the new Galactica is heavily influenced by that established in the original. I've always approached this project with an eye toward taking the original material and making it work in a new context. I still try to do this whenever possible. Does it make sense that there would be a star system with 12 inhabitable planets? Not really, but that was in the original and at some point I decided to run with that as another nod to the old show. The mythology of the old show centered around Kobol and the thirteen "tribes of man," so I've kept it as the centerpiece of ours. Not every single element is the same and not every element is even intact, but the roots are there. The point was to make another version of Battlestar Galactica, not just use the name.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2005, 11:28:17 am »
I have to say I really, REALLY like this show. I watched the mini-series last year and loved it, but last night was the first time I could catch the new stuff. Absolutely stunning. I loved every second. I can't speak highly enough of this....endeavor.
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2005, 11:32:51 am »
Here you go Judge, Might need to resize It for n Avatar, but thought you would like this.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline TheJudge

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2005, 12:01:07 pm »
I want a pic of either Boomer or the male cylon that was found on the space station (he's not half-bad when he's cleaned up a bit).  I have to wonder, though, if the male's spine glows red during sex.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2005, 12:17:00 pm »
I want a pic of either Boomer or the male cylon that was found on the space station (he's not half-bad when he's cleaned up a bit).  I have to wonder, though, if the male's spine glows red during sex.

PBHHHTTTT your welcome Bro.  ;D :P :P :P

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2005, 05:30:52 pm »
does anyone have any numbers on this show? how it is doing in its time slot? I remember firefly :(
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2005, 08:33:48 pm »
Oh, and Ron Moore put up a new blog this week. I've never seen a series higher-up like this guy post the stuff he does to the net. He's actually answering questions from board members over at Sci-Fi's boards. Here's one that he answered this week:

"It's probably been asked before, but I'm curious as to whom is in the picture in the Viper Pilot's briefing room, facing away from the camera . . . the one the pilots, including Commander Adama, touch when they enter and leave? This is touching, and is a wonderful human element to the story. So who is it?"

There was a scene cut from "33" where we saw Laura being given her copy of the photo along with a card that said it was taken on the roof of the capitol building on Aerilon during the attack. The photo was inspired by the famous shot of the fire-fighters raising the flag at Ground Zero that became iconic. I thought the Colonies would have their own version of this -- a snapshot taken in the moment that becomes a symbol of the day they can never forget and of all they had lost. The photo itself is of a soldier falling to his knees (possibly shot or simply overcome by emotion) as he stands on the rooftop over looking the devastation of his city, while the Colonial flag waves at the edge of frame. The inscription below the photo on Laura's plaque reads, "Lest We Forget" in itself a reference to the inscription on the watch presented to John Wayne's character in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."

and another one that I found important:

"Mythos. Every science fiction show that stands the test of time needs to develop its own Mythos. By this I mean, its own unique cultural identity. For instance Star Wars has its Jedi, its Force; Star Trek has its Prime directive, beaming, and warps speed. As a writer you are aware of this and having worked in the Star Trek franchise are rather qualified in it. What will are your thoughts and insights into the development of Mythos in this new BSG child that you are tending to and caring for?
Especially, since there seems to be heavy pressure to incorporate the original mythos themes of the show, will this be a guiding blueprint for thought, or just a framework to create? "

The mythology of the new Galactica is heavily influenced by that established in the original. I've always approached this project with an eye toward taking the original material and making it work in a new context. I still try to do this whenever possible. Does it make sense that there would be a star system with 12 inhabitable planets? Not really, but that was in the original and at some point I decided to run with that as another nod to the old show. The mythology of the old show centered around Kobol and the thirteen "tribes of man," so I've kept it as the centerpiece of ours. Not every single element is the same and not every element is even intact, but the roots are there. The point was to make another version of Battlestar Galactica, not just use the name.

you know, some of these questions would answer themselves if people would use the common sense to go to the Battlestar Galactica web site and look in the episodes pages.. they have various deleted scenes that explain a lot.. such as the picture that everyone pats as they walk out the door of the mission breifing room...

I mean that people can waste others time by posting things in the forums without taking time to check the official web site first...

BTW, the Deleted Scenes play in Quicktime browser plug in.. as such, make sure your Quicktime is up to date before attempting to play media file..
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2005, 09:03:26 pm »
Mentat, the numbers have been going up since the season premiere.  The nielsens are coming in at 2.5 to 2.6 or 2.7 every week.  They have tied, come in just below, or beat SG-1 and Atlantis, and have even beat the Enterprise ratings.  Remember, BSG is on cable, not broadcast.  Cable shows don't usually pull in numbers like broadcast shows, so these ratings are more than enough to qualify it as a hit.  So long as they stay steady, renewal should be a cinch.

Oh, and that decision is rumored to be on the table for next week.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2005, 09:22:06 pm »
I just saw those deleted scenes. It's pretty obvious they were only cut because they were running over on time.  They're all pretty well done and add a LOT to the backstory of the show.  I especially liked the last one where Six taunts Baltar about 'a cylon raider could appear and destroy you any second and you're standing there wondering what it would be like to have sex with her (referring to the President.).  Ya know, I really do kind of like Baltar. 
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2005, 09:46:02 pm »
I liked the one where Adama talks to the doctor prior to going in to see Starbuck after she got back to the ship... He truely seems to care about her well being... As such, he protected her piece of mind telling the Doctor not to let her know just how bad her knee was..

I also liked the Balter / Deck Manager scene explaining the explosion in the main water tanks.. that scene should have not been cut at all as it would have added a lot to the storyline in the "Water" episode.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2005, 11:51:10 pm »
I liked the one where Adama talks to the doctor prior to going in to see Starbuck after she got back to the ship... He truely seems to care about her well being... As such, he protected her piece of mind telling the Doctor not to let her know just how bad her knee was..

I also liked the Balter / Deck Manager scene explaining the explosion in the main water tanks.. that scene should have not been cut at all as it would have added a lot to the storyline in the "Water" episode.

I agree there, cutting the Baltar scene created a gap in the story.  Also, cutting the Tyrol/Investigator scene hurts the story in next week's episode as well. 

It's quite clear to me that Adama considers Starbuck an 'almost-daughter'.  She was engaged to Zak, his youngest son, when Zack died in a flight accident.  Of course her complicity in that accident was what gave the last two episodes some extra zing to them.  If you're a family values person, these two episodes should be speaking volumes about unconditional love.  Despite everything they do wrong, Adama still loves his children, including Starbuck.  I re-watched the last episode again and the scene between Adama and Apollo really struck a deeper chord this time.  The look on Adama's face when Apollo asked him 'the question' was heart-wrenching.  Imagine being a father and having your child wonder aloud if you'd move heaven and earth to save them.

That has got to hurt, and Adama's face showed it very well.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2005, 07:59:44 am »
Yeah, this show pretty much rocks.  I managed to catch up last night on the re-airings.  Couldn't stop watching.

I'm especially fond of Boomer's increasing paranoia.  It's giving me the impression that she'd probably rather know she was a Cylon than have to wake up dripping wet with explosives in her duffle or look down and see a bomb wired to her ejection seat.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2005, 06:28:15 pm »
Yeah, this show pretty much rocks.  I managed to catch up last night on the re-airings.  Couldn't stop watching.

I loved how Adama ended the Triibunal. He's my favorite character on the show. I'm hooked as well.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2005, 06:52:09 pm »
The best scene was when the Master-At-Arms tried to have the Marine force Adama back into the chair, and Adama ordered him to escort the MAA to her cabin instead, and then told the Marine he had to choose right there.  The marine's eyes were perfect in showing the reaction with the way they widened at those words.  Even the extras do good jobs with the acting.

Just as good was the scene where Adama had his final conversation with Chief Tyrol about the whole incident.  He really laid the guilt trip on Tyrol, which is where it belonged.  I also like how un-star strek-like it was for the junior enlisted man to remain in the brig despite Adama knowing he was essentially innocent of helping the cylons.  He lied to the Tribunal, and that meant that Adama would leave him in the brig to rot for a while. 

Me, I'd have let him out, but for the show, those are the details that I enjoy.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2005, 12:43:32 am »
Now its been awhile, but if I remember in the original BSG, (TOSBSG?) there was episode where Starbuck (Benedick) does get shot down by a Cylon Raider and crashlands on a planet. If memory serves, there was a small human settlement and Starbuck manages to save the day. And I think he also got the girl (or as much the Censors in the day would have allowed) and so on and so forth.

Now, I'm not attacking the episode, I enjoyed it to,  but I do think, the writers are borrowing some scripts/plots from the original.

Sounds like another SciFi show we all love  :o

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2005, 07:03:26 pm »
The idea of 'borrowing ideas' from other shows is getting quite tiresome.  I got news for you folks who like to jump on that bandwagon...very rarely can you not take ANY episode of ANY sci-fi show produced in the last three years and NOT point to another show of an earlier story that contains many of the same elements.  Why is that?  Well, when you produce thousand upon thousand hours of programming, some are going to overlap. 

Either the episode fits within the series that is showing, or it doesn't.  If it's something that was used before on another series, well I'll be gosh darned, big fracking deal! 

I mean, Star Trek used Teleporters which we saw in a Flash Gordon comic serial in the theaters of the 1930's.  Does that mean they were reusing something from another show and it should be criticized as a rip-off?  Did the writers just get lazy and borrow the idea? 

I'm sorry Patterson, but this trend of attacking shows/books/whatever because they resemble something done earlier is getting extremely old, and is one of the nastiest aspects of fandom. 
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2005, 06:56:53 pm »
Cool, so we Ignore Plagerism, vs. Finding new plots and stories. Glad that was cleared up.  ::) ::) ::)

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2005, 10:20:03 pm »
Wait for this weeks episode.  The conversation between Six and Baltar had me absolutely rolling with laughter.

You will see.  You will also think of some forum members in the H&S forums when you hear it.
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Re: BSG Episode 5 Kicks Major Butt
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2005, 12:00:50 am »
Cool, so we Ignore Plagerism, vs. Finding new plots and stories. Glad that was cleared up.  ::) ::) ::)

Don't you guys have any friends who are theater types?

They'll quickly tell you that EVERY piece of fiction written since 1616 is a ripoff of Shakespeare ;)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2005, 10:12:04 pm by Death_Merchant »
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