First of all, Episode 5, if you haven't seen it, leaves Starbuck stranded on the planet after crashing. There are so many little surprises to this episode and so many great allegories. Yes, she finds the Cylon ship, and no, she doesn't do an Enemy Mine.
What are some of the episode's greatest moments?
First, when the episode begins she's knocked out on the planet and being dragged across the ground. Is it a fluffly local alien, some lost human colony member who found her, or the Cylon she'll have to befriend before she can leave the planet and get back to the fleet?
None of the above. When she lost consciousness her parachute lines got tangled in her legs and the wind on the planet is now dragging her chute, and her, across the ground.
Yep, that's right, you think it's someone grabbing and then BAM!, you find out it's only her parachute.
Second, she finds the cylon raider on the planet and realizes it's her ticket out of there. She sees the hole her last shots from the viper made, and the blood dripping down the outside, and smirks before saying something like "I'll say it again: Starbuck you're one hell of a shot." Then she gets the Cylon raider hatch open and discovers there's really biological..stuff in there. What does she do? Reach out the hand of peace? Nope, she takes out her knife and starts cutting.
Momma, this ain't your daddy's liberal-pansy-ass Battlestar Galactica. Starbuck ain't fixing this buddy up to be friends with him. Nope, she's fixing the ship so she can get and screw whatever life form that was in there.
Meanwhile back on the Galactica, Adama Sr. and Jr. are driving their crews to the edge in their efforts to find Starbuck. Tigh gets his panties in a knot and gets told to leave. The President comes in and applies cool logic while using a knife to hamstring them with guilt. What does all this work up to? Do these guys have a problem with letting the death of Zak go?
Not really. Starbuck is family and they'll do whatever they can to keep the few surviving members of their family together, even if it means using up 43% of the fleet's fuel in constant search operations long after Starbuck's Oxygen Tank should be empty. They know after Roslyn's speech it's time to hang up the ghost, Adama issues the order to stop the search, and they go back to their duties before Apollo turns to his old man and asks if Commander Adama would have searched this long if Apollo had been the one missing (remember, there's been a lot of tension between the two).
Commander Adama says "I'd have never given the order to stop the search." The words don't look like much on this screen, but when you see the face of Edward James Olmos as he speaks those words, and the face of Jamie Barber (Apollo) as he hears them, the emotions leap out. Tomorrow I'm going to my father's grave and telling him that I love him because of that scene. It's something every son wants to hear from his father, and it's the way every father should feel about his children.
Third thing is that Starbuck proves that wagging your wings DOES NOT TELL your friends that you're not the deadly cylon. Using emergency tape/bandages to spell your name on the underside of the enemy fighter works a lot better. (Oh, and yes, her radio was shown as having been broken in the first few minutes.)
Last, but not least is that final scene between Commander Adama and Starbuck. Last week he was so mad after learning of her contribution to the death of Zak, he told her to leave his cabin while she still could (huge implication he was going to seriously maim or kill her if she didn't leave). This week he told her, more through emotions and touch than words, that she was a part of his family (which fits really since she HAD been engaged to Zak) no matter what had happened.
The bad things from the week before weren't forgotten, but in the way that family should work, they were forgiven.
4.0 out of 5.0 on this one (I totally forgot Boomer Mk. 2 and Helo on Caprica...Helo isn't that bad a shot, and the irony of the toaster giving the human away to the Toasters was nice and subtle). Oh, and did you notice that HotDog was in again? He's Olmos's real-life son and it's nice to see him still around. There's Chuckles too, but he's short, skinny and asian. Is that why he's Chuckles and not Jolly?