Topic: A new mod  (Read 3243 times)

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Offline Derommy

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A new mod
« on: February 04, 2005, 10:45:22 pm »
A new mod from Alternate Universe out soon!

Offline Derommy

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2005, 02:11:34 pm »
Coming soon
Chapter one in the Mirror Cracked Saga
Beyond the looking Glass.
A Release date in the next few days.

Offline Derommy

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2005, 01:08:53 am »
It's HERE Beyond the Looking Glass mod for sfc3
you can download the mod Thursday 2-17-05 at
The campaign begins this Friday 2-18-05 at 4pm EST.

Offline Darkseid

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2005, 01:16:16 am »
So is this a Mirror Mod like SFC1 or a DS9 Mirror Mod where the Rebellion is fighting the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance?  Both sound interesting to me.  :D
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Offline Derommy

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2005, 05:57:13 pm »
Yes it's Mirror universe mod in the TNG time line.In this mod
The Terran Empire is back and at war with the Alliance.
The Tri-star Commonwealth is working hard for peace in the Quadrant and there is a new threat to the Mirror universe
The BORG !!!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2005, 08:40:05 pm by Dave1 »

Offline Reverend

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2005, 07:27:38 pm »
doesnt sound like a mod to me, sounds like the boxed game with differnet textures.... come on, half of us here can make our own mod.

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2005, 11:18:03 pm »
hmmmmm... Well, if you call adding in over 200 ships and stations a boxed game, then that's your problem. If you want to download and try out the mod, your more than welcome. But if you don't at least do that much, don't bash what you dont know.
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Re: A new mod
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2005, 06:58:20 pm »
Ho, a lecture from someone who has exponentially lower negative marks than positive; this, I will observe.... just kidding. I really wasn't bashing, I was asking for/creating a marketing space- you know, a pitch. "Cool mod" isn't a pitch, nor will it interest anyone who can do exactly the same as above, but with a smaller download and more stability. Don't get so huffy, I was hoping I could peddle one of you to describe this mod more that it was.

What is the timeline we can expect?
Is there a story? It sounds like there is, please describe it to us, stories are great.
200 ships? What races do we have the capacity to play? Did you get permissions to use these models?
What are the rules like? Does the server reset every other week, or after a solid victory? There are a lot of settings to the server you could mention....

- you know, fill us in! 

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2005, 09:30:51 pm »
There are several portions of the timeline posted on our website, and to post them all here would probably take up 2 pages by themselves. You're welcome to go to the site and read them, they're all on the front page. (check the Older Articles link and it begins with the article entitled News Flash on 1-16) Playable races were listed by Derommy in the above posting. And just for your intrest, there are only 3 people that I can think of that can make a mod better than what our team has put together here. Alternate Universe is a 27-7 server, has been running for well over a year. The Rules for the server are included with the mod download, and also posted on the website. And as for the comment about the size of the mod download, to that I will respond very simply. Since our last mod idea was stolen and pirated by another server team, we took the time on this mod to ensure it is so unlike anything seen before. We encorporated new ships, new textures, re-engineered the settings, and this has turned out to be the absolute best mod I've seen to date. Excuse me if I seem a bit sharp, but I take great offence to people who openly bash my work after spending 2 and 1/2 months working extremely hard on this project. I can guarentee that this mod is the absolute most unique of all mods that are currently being played. I can also guarentee that this is the only mod of it's type that's been released in the year that I've been playing on Dynaverse. I will go so far as to say it's the most ballanced, the most visually stimulating, and the best storyline for a mod created since I've been here. Like I said before, if you want to download the mod and get on the server to play with us, you're more than welcome.. We've obviously got your intrest otherwise you wouldn't be asking so many questions. Just download the mod and see what you think of it.
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Re: A new mod
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2005, 01:25:31 am »
Do ya have any screen shots to post ? I'd love to see some in game shots.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2005, 08:58:32 am »
I'll work on that. Been so busy building this mod, we haven't thought about screenies
I am Victory, and I approved this message


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Re: A new mod
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2005, 09:06:24 am »

    " Ho, a lecture from someone who has exponentially lower negative marks than positive;"

 Reverand i don't know if you guys have a past history or not but....

 Take it from somebody that has exponentaly more Positive Karma than you do. That and you other remark was nasty. rude and uncalled for.


Offline SFLetoAtreides

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2005, 10:15:55 am »
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the "Through the Looking Glass Mod" in its current state is so-so in my opinion. The ship lists are kind of muddled and many of the firing arcs and hardpoint placements are kind of Blah......especially on the B5 ships you guys used. I have to disagree with the claims that it is the most unique, has the best storyline, and the most balanced Mod out there. GAW and Islandwars score higher points in the creativity and balance department, and because of the era selector in GAW, that mod ranks highest in storyline. As for visual and auditory stimulation, these two mods as well as the Unity mod get higher my opinion.

I understand that you guys have worked hard on getting this mod out and I understand how time consuming it was to create it.........I know........ I'm currently working on one myself, but 2 1/2 months is a drop in the bucket of time it takes to create a really good mod. Heck, i've been working on my mod for over three months now and i'm still in the "adding ships and hardpoint/firing arc placement phase"......taking the time to do it proper.

In addition, if you guys are going to do a dynaverse campaign, next time please do a race registration and put a 3-5 player cap difference on it. The last IW and GAW mini camps neglected to put a player cap in place and they went to pot within a week. 75% of the players registered for 1! With regard to registration, if you don't have a list, your camp is going to be very susceptible to "Nutters" constantly switching teams. I know that you (Victory) said that you guys didn't do that because one of your team members had some family obligation and that's totally understandable, but next time I would postpone the camp until the registration forums can be created. The hardcore SFC3 community is not going anywhere and a postponement would have given us more time to fully explore the mod and its capabilities before deciding on a team.

Anyway, you guys did a noble effort with "Beyond the Looking Glass" and I think you guys are onto something in terms of creativity, but the Mod needs some serious refinement to better fit the story. I apoligize if what I have said has offended you guys! Just voicing some constructive critisism so you guys can make it better for future campaigns! :)

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2005, 11:39:25 am »
Well, a few issues with your statement.. Unity, please.. Unity couldn't put a descent mod together to save their lives. I've had to correct their problems because they didn't know what to do. As for GAW, am I correct in saying that's a Chris Jones mod? If so, he's one of the 3 that I meantioned that can do a better mod. The other two are Pelican and Pestelance. As far as IslandWars goes, i've seen ALOT of people come to our server because they said there were problems with IW. I don't know which version you have, but the firing arcs have been fixed as we've spent alot of time making sure that aspect was correct. And about the race  registration. We could have posteponed the release, however we are a 24-7 server. Generally at any given moment you will see our server up and running, it may not be a campaign, it may be a fun server, but it is up. I'm working on getting the screenshots together so you guys can see it.
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Re: A new mod
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2005, 11:45:24 am »
OK guys, I like the idea of any mod coming out, But play nice.

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Offline SFLetoAtreides

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2005, 01:27:56 pm »
I'm not trying to be mean! Just pointing out problems that need to be fixed. ;) Anyway, the "so-called problems" that were experienced with IW, Victory,  were mainly due to un-balanced team number issues in the Mini-camp. True there were a few ships that needed some slight tweaking to make them more functional, but it's nothing that couldn't be easily fixed.  I may point out that in the last big IW camp (not the Mini-camp), there were close to 200 people registered and the server was almost always packed 24-7 while it was running. It also got way more positive comments than negative ones. No offence, but I think I will let the Masses speak for the quality of that Mod.

If you are doing a 24-7 fun server, that's one thing, but you implied in the SF forums that it was a camp....and as a result I presented an analysis concerning the registration and cap limits. The firing arcs and hard point aspects......ummmm sorry still can't agree with you there on the correctness of them. As someone who frequently participates in SFC3 campaigns, I don't agree mainly because many of the arc angles on a lot of your ships decrease the actual functionality of them in game play.......been field testing the ships out in skirmish mode using several fighting styles and various refits. There were also some arc angles that were placed in some very odd places in some of your ships.....which kind of made some of the battles seem rather unrealistic. Sorry, but I think I will wait for the next IW or GAW camp to roll around for my next Dynaverse fix!  ;D

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2005, 01:34:38 pm »
Just for refrence Victory NannerSlug is the lead on GaW, and thats been nearly or just over 2 years in the making to get it to its excelent state.

Offline Victory

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2005, 02:59:51 pm »
Well, for one, name me one ship that has "weird" arcs. Keep in mind that this is not the prissy federation. This is the Terran Empire. They didn't build exploration ships, they didn't build science ships. they built ships for one reason and one reason only. WAR. These ships are meant to be mean, and have alot of punching power. The wierd side arcs are basicly useless if that's what your refering to. However, if you noticed a true problem, you should have posted it on our forums in the bug reports section. That way I could have a look at it, however vague complaints about incoherant things i consider bashing and I consider offinsive.
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Offline SFLetoAtreides

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2005, 04:01:52 pm » that a challenge Victory!? Alrighty then!  :rofl: Well since you take constructive comments as an offence, I will give it to you straight up!
The "Levithan Class" for example.......which is actually the "Victory Class" ship in Babylon 5 (Did you think the B5 fans wouldn't catch that one?) has 2 360 degree arcs on the! I guess that's ok if you don't mind cutting off the top foil in reality! Hmmmmm.....lets see....ohhhh the 360 degree arcs located on the Saucer sections "Royal Sovereign" and "Armada" class ships. Guess you also don't mind shooting off the top platforms of those ships! Anyway, that's just a few ships I found with "Wierd Arcs".

As for "Prissy Federation".....well my friend if you were trying to avoid that, then you should have used fewer/ but wider side arc weapons on the ships and placed the excess ones as forward firing weapons. There are some Terran Empire ships on your list that have too many restrictive side arcs.....which hardly suggests an aggressive/mean ship (more like a defensive or "exploration" type I believe i've given you enough sufficient info for you to get the point! Is that coherent enough for you?

Offline Khalee1

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Re: A new mod
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2005, 05:05:43 pm »
Haveing problems downloading your mod Do I need to be loged in to do it. I dont play SFC3(just don't like it) but Ill get it for the ships anyway, just to see what youve done with them.