Why the steep price on the CCX?
You obviously don't know how to fly it 
The CCX can beat most BBs. <snip>
And my CCX is BPVed what, 329? That means it's going to face BBs all day,
it's supposed to. That doesn't change the matter at hand, which is, "Is the I-CCX worth 2 F-CXs, or 2 K-DXs, or 2 R-FHXs etc. etc."
Lets start with a comparison of your F-CX vs. my I-CCX...
Heavy Weapons:
Fed: 6xPhot, 2xDroB, 2xADD. ISC: 2xPPD, 2xPl-R, 6xPl-I
Fed: 12 Ph-1, 4xFH, 3xLS/RS, 2xAll. ISC: 12Ph-1, 2xFAL/FAR, 2xFH, 2xLS/RS, 2xAll.
Power: Fed - 46 (+12 from base CC), ISC - 52 (+8 from base CC)
Hull: Fed - 16 in typical 12F 4R config as per CC, ISC - 16 in 8F 8R config.
Shields: Fed 40-32-32-32. ISC 40-40-32-32.
Gross Internals: Fed - 148 (296 doubled) ISC - 151 (302 doubled)
After all this, I still don't see how my CCX is worth 6 points, while the rest are worth 3. Again, I say this. The I-CCX is a BCH in name only. It's still a CA where it counts, ie, in internals. What you can do in that ship is, IMO, irrelevant to it's price, cause
you can take a BCV or a F-CX and beat BBs with them too...

Actually, this could be the start of a new pricing scheme. If DH can beat a BB with a ship, then it should be automatically BPVed at least 300 BPV, and be priced in the same range as an average BB for OOB, etc...

Now, once again, why does the I-CCX cost the same as 2 CXs? I do admit that, among CA-hulled X-ships the I-CCX is probably the best one on the board, and therefore I can settle for a 4 point cost to reflect that, even though it could be considered as unfair, as the Rommie FHX gets 2xR, 2xS, 11 Ph-1s, which just about equals the power and destructive force of the I-CCX...
What would you do? Bring up the Plasma CXs to near-ISC pricing schemes, or bring the ISC down closer to everyone else?