Meh! I get to be an old boring fart now

I was dealing with the whole big 3 0 thing fine until the miss's mentioned it was only 10 years till I'm 40

now that's scary.
My B'day present is tomorrow evening though, off to see Rammstein in London, should be very cool!
I know your all gonna ask so I'll say it now! I will try to get some new stuff out somewhen. I've got a new job working for a Drinks distribution company as their Marketing Executive, doing all the product placement, advertising and sponsorship; AND doing all of the artwork and design for said adverts etc. Got 2 product launches during Feb so its really hectic as you can imagine and the last thing i wanna do when i get home is, well, anything, so sorry about that. I have got stuff needing completion and it's simply a lack of time stopping me doing it and not just a lack of will.
Cheers for the happy Birthday's all, as I think someone mentioned in another thread I do keep my eye on the forums and my PM's, even if I dont reply straight away
Words of wisdom aye?... k, one that I do kinda work by and certainly drive/ride by... ahem... as a small, wise green man once said, "
do or do not. There is no try" scarily it kinda works