Topic: Kelnar Wars  (Read 2154 times)

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Offline Darkseid

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Kelnar Wars
« on: February 02, 2005, 11:17:17 pm »
     900,000 years ago an ancient evil race ruled the galaxy in tyranny.  They were known as the Kelnar.  The Kelnar were known to be the only species to ever harness the awesome power of the Omega Particle making them almost invincible.  Species under their rule would often rise up, but all who did were completely annihilated.  Not being able to take much more tyranny a group of telepaths began an uprising of over 6,000 alien races.  The war was fierce and brutal causing billions to die.  After 5,000 years of non stop blood shed the Kelnar were defeated.  But not destroyed.  What was left of the Kelnar Empire had been banished to a subspace prison where they would forever stay.  The telepathic race which had started the uprising and banished the Kelnar was so exhausted they evolved into a non corporeal life form and accepted the name Prophets.
Several major members of the Prophets began to disagree with what they had done and attempted to free the Kelnar.  These Pah?Wraiths were then banished from the Celestial Temple and imprisoned on a primitive Bajor.  The people of Bajor had then formed a religion around the Prophets believing them to be gods.
     In 2380 knowledge of the Kelnar had finally surfaced in ancient Pah?Wraith text.  Followers of the Pah?Wraiths had now made it there job to release the Kelnar from there prison.  Several followers had discovered an ancient Orb of the Pah?Wraiths, much similar to the Orb of the Prophets.  This orb then created a Rupture in Subspace engulfing the Planet allowing the Kelnar leaders to make a base there.  The Kelnar had been sealed in Subspace for so long; they planned to do the next best thing.  Bring the entire Galaxy into Subspace and rule it from there.  In order to complete this task they must find the other Orbs of the Pah?Wraiths and bring them together.  The three orbs are located on three planets through out the Alpha, Gamma and Delta Quadrants. 
     The only thing that stands in the way of the Kelnar is the Federation and its Allies.  They will not surrender the Galaxy to the Kelnar and will fight to the bloody end.  The USS Sovereign is ordered to retrieve the Orbs before Dukat Emissary of the Pah?Wraiths does.  The problem with the Delta Quadrant Orb is that it?s located on a world assimilated by the Borg.  And now that the Kelnar are released the Orbs have released a beacon signal and the Borg homed in on it.
"Humanity's homeworld had withstood centuries of attempts at self-destruction, but soon the aliens would amass a fleet and make all their struggles moot."

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Kelnar Wars
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2005, 08:39:36 pm »
Interesting concept, Spartan. I'm just all "huge battled"-out. The poor UFP needs some time to recover! 
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The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)