Hehe, funny u bring it up. I'm not happy with the webmap and talked to bonk this morning about it.
I want the map to better shade for DV's. on the 'Defense' overlay. I'd like better shading for DV's below 21 and one shade for those above 30.
Be nice to see shades for DV's fluctuating around 1-10-21.
I'm not entirely happy with the overlay colors either (blue, green yellow, orange, red). I spent nearly a whole day trying to come up with a color scheme that worked and did not conflict with any of the empire/cartel colors (making them invisible...)
I tried neons, greyscales, various single color schemes... what I have now is the best I came up with (logical, and most visible on the map without overwhelming everything else):

I can try any pallete or division scale anyone comes up with... its tricky to find one that works though... one needs a very precise card/monitor and eye to distinguish 16 levels of green (as an example monochrome scheme) on the map... and gauge the transparency required of each shade to allow info to show thorugh...
I could just adjust the divisions on this scheme... currently set to:
(chooses overlay png number 0-4 based on the hex's DV relative to the max DV on the map)
So I could make it a six or 10 level scale... but a seperate image is required for each so the minimum number of divisons on the scale is best for bandwidth. Using five now... a 10 level scale would be ok I guess... (i.e. round(($FNdv/$FNmaxdv)*9)) - just need a color scheme...
Hmmm... I could just use the same five images and instead of a generalised continuum based on max DV, i could quantise it and make the levels configurable in the config file....