The Organians have wussed out on their responsibilities of protecting the galaxy. Thus the Gorn (the most peaceful and civilized race in known space) have no choice but to abandon our homeland, set up shop on Gorgania (formerly Organia), and take over the role of bringing justice to all.
Of course, we don't have omniscient powers like the Organians, so we have to settle with making PeaceMakers for our peace-loving allies.
Here is a photo of the first product out of our workshop. We are off to a good start, and soon we will bring liberation to all the slave girls in the galaxy.
Go forth, brave and very
dangerous Sir Die Hard. Let none stand before you, and suffer no enemy of peace to live. (And quit whining about how slowly the thing turns. It was financed by Gorn. How fast did you expect it to turn?)
-S'Cipio the Shipbuilder