Topic: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!  (Read 2097 times)

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Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« on: March 05, 2003, 08:25:36 pm »
About a week ago I downloaded the Moonraker spacedock model (sweeeet)....... however since the weekend whenever it is in a game its about 20% the size it should be....


The mesh hasn't changed size (I checked) Its just shrunk and quite a lot too.... In fact come to think, it shank after I patched SFC2 up to 2036 (UK)......

Ive been downloading a lot of large file size models to use but I was wondering if anyone could shed any light?????????  


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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2003, 09:26:35 pm »
I believe the last patch to EAW had a feature that forced models into a particular size for each class, so if, for example, you used P81's ISD as a Heavy Cruiser, the game would shrink it down to make it similar in size to a K'tinga or Constitution.  I think.  I never got the patch, so I could be wrong.  

James Formo

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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2003, 09:41:03 pm »
Yea I heard that they did that to prevent  cheating message on dynaverse. So for example if you put a BB class into the ff folder, the game would resize it down to a stock ff.

On another topic. So many people say that OP is a gret game but its too buggy.  MY copy patched to 2525 works perfect.
Apparently the bugs only show up in D2.  I think the next OP patch will resize ships as well which is wht I won't be installing it.


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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2003, 10:07:31 pm »
That is a feature of the patch, and it is a feature of the OP patch.

The reason its there is the game mesures range from the hardpoint on the model to the target to calculate range for to hit and damage calculation.   The range is mesured from the hard point to the models center.    Unfortunatly when using oversized models in the game this is essentially a cheat, because the larger model has the advantage over a smaller model my being due to the model size somewhat closer in range.  The larger the model, the more the problem.   It became a fairly easy way of cheating.   the file that sets model size is also now checked for accuracy to ensure cheating isn't happening.  
If your only playing the game single play, then go ahead and mod the model.siz file (note pad will do, don''t forget to back up a copy of the file, and remove the read only attributr on the file befor editing or you won't be able to save your modded file.)

Moding the file and then playing a multiplayer game is going to tell everyone your playing in a one up fight on Gamespy that you've modified the file.  Most d2 servers won't even let you join the server if this file is changed.

Hope this helped you understand whats happening.

Terrance "Sandman" Roff
Dynaverse 2 technology tester,  Outer beta since 2000

James Formo

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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2003, 10:21:41 pm »

About a week ago I downloaded the Moonraker spacedock model (sweeeet)....... however since the weekend whenever it is in a game its about 20% the size it should be....


The mesh hasn't changed size (I checked) Its just shrunk and quite a lot too.... In fact come to think, it shank after I patched SFC2 up to 2036 (UK)......

Ive been downloading a lot of large file size models to use but I was wondering if anyone could shed any light?????????    

Id like a copy of that dock.  Would you post a link to where his site or d/l is please.


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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2003, 02:00:43 pm »
Thanks Sandman.... I've tried that and to be honest, since I didn't have a clue what the units in the file are referenced to, I just removed it!!!!!!!!  

And I now have a big Spacedock again.....

Actually come to think, this could be a handy way of resizing vessels. A couple of ppl have posted about that very thing.....

How are the units in the file referenced anyway???????????  

James Formo

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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2003, 02:15:38 pm »
Thanks for the link ducttape


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Re: Amazing Shrinking Starbase!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2003, 01:30:57 am »
Unfortunately no I don't know.  But, as always the standard of mesure is the Fed CA, so if you call the fed ca Size-1 then everything else is either larger or smaller.  Play around with the numbers a bit.  What the model.siz file does is set the Maximum size of the model.    You can always make everything smaller!

Not much more I can tell you about it.

Sandman sends