Now come on now. There has to be quite a few people from both the Coalition and Alliance who have had a few good laughs on SG4. I mean come on. I just know the following peeps must have been Laughing there butts off.
Komodo, LeRoy, Paladin, DrAzteca, J'inn, Warp, Pardak, 2tone, Saxon, Dfly, Bearslayer, Hexx, TramaTech, and last but not least Kroma.
Now for the above listed people. Wasn't Chasing down my ship, and blowing it up FUN
I know I had a hell of a fun time trying to beat you all

And as for my Teammates on the ISC side of things
Kurok: "Ummm Kurok what do you mean were not allied?" "OH CRAP!!!!!!" BOOM
Chuut: " NO Chuut!!!! I'm not going to be your Mauler Shield"
Nail: "Ummm Nail why are all of your T-Bombs appearing around my Ship?"
Come on people I'm having a Blast(in more ways then one) on this Server. SO CAN YOU!