Topic: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***  (Read 10023 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2005, 02:37:05 pm »
MID SERVER RULE CHANGE: The Gorn are now exempt from the ISC having to follow equal pacification and the ISC now recieves 1 BP or 2 CP per build cycle starting in 2279.

Does this add to or replace the original 6/6 schedule?

Offline SurveyCrew

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2005, 02:39:17 pm »
Please Correct me if Im wrong....Didnt we lower the difficulty for invading Organia? if so.... :rofl:
I mean , whine about, or sorry bring up mission issues, take the planet and now they having problems dealing with the planets curse :rofl:
Am I getting this correctly?  

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2005, 02:42:34 pm »
Please Correct me if Im wrong....Didnt we lower the difficulty for invading Organia?

No.  The homeworld assaults I was getting on the last night looked just like the descriptions of the ones whined about earlier.

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2005, 02:45:56 pm »
Simply put, I'm totally opposed to a chage in server conditions that was not a preplanned affair by the admin.  And while I can understand players frustrations with changes that are a result of admin actions, I respect the right of an admin to run their server as they see fit.  Now in the case of an admin making unplanned changes midserver, I think this is an uncalled for action and I would oppose such an action in all cases by my withdrawl from the server, with the possible exception of the changes being minor AND against the favor of my own side.  These are my principles on the subject and if I should stray from them I fully expect you to call me on it.

Oh, and Kroma, I don't mind you making me do a double check on my principles, it is a valuable exercise which I would recommend to all.  I value your opinion, so I take your questions seriously.  As for my principles I find them happily intact, but do appreciate the excercise.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2005, 02:50:42 pm »
Please Correct me if Im wrong....Didnt we lower the difficulty for invading Organia? if so.... :rofl:
I mean , whine about, or sorry bring up mission issues, take the planet and now they having problems dealing with the planets curse :rofl:
Am I getting this correctly?  

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Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2005, 02:52:07 pm »

The smart mice can always find the most cheese  ;D

I didn't know Blade was a member of Mensa!!


Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2005, 02:52:13 pm »
Please Correct me if Im wrong....Didnt we lower the difficulty for invading Organia? if so.... :rofl:
I mean , whine about, or sorry bring up mission issues, take the planet and now they having problems dealing with the planets curse :rofl:
Am I getting this correctly?  

The better mousetrap breads a smarter mouse.

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2005, 03:01:35 pm »
These are my principles on the subject and if I should stray from them I fully expect you to call me on it.

Which is what I am doing.

Oh, and Kroma, I don't mind you making me do a double check on my principles, it is a valuable exercise which I would recommend to all.  I value your opinion, so I take your questions seriously.  As for my principles I find them happily intact, but do appreciate the excercise.

I guess I just feel things as important as principles, shouldn't be subject to loop holes.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2005, 03:11:41 pm »
Gotta go to work now Kroma I'll rap with ya later if you want bro,

I see no loopholes, but go ahead and question my motives to your hearts desire, I wont take it badly.  I stand by my views and am quite happy with my principles.  Besides it will give you something to do at work...... ;D

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2005, 03:21:33 pm »

I see no loopholes, but go ahead and question my motives to your hearts desire, I wont take it badly.  I stand by my views and am quite happy with my principles.  Besides it will give you something to do at work...... ;D

It isn't your motives or principles I am questioning, simply the uneven application of such, which I believe to be caused by a fault of logical reasoning. Kats have always been known to be flighty though.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: ***SGO4 Mid Server Rule Change***
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2005, 10:04:21 pm »
Ok just got back from work, was a slow night so I spent some time thinking about it.

My basic view remains the same, that if the admin has planned a course of consequences, in this case the use of Wild Geese, whether by a set of defined circumstances or by a judgement call, and everyone was aware of this possibility and raised no objections before the server start, the  admin by acting on this and sticking with the origional plan is changing nothing at all thus there is no mid server change at all.  The phrase pre planned mid server change is actually a very poor wording that I used previously since in actuality there is no change, and this can be verified easily enough by pre server posts announcing existence of the geese.

Now, where I have reconsidered a bit is in regards to the circumstance of the taking of Organia.  While I see noting wrong with a secret condition existing, I can, as stated before, sympathize and understand the frustration of those taken aback by this developement.  If they choose to withdrawl I would have no scorn for them in the least, yet I would definately prefer that they stay.  The fact that the Coalition, or at least some pilots within had figured out that there might be consequences to taking the planet, suggest that this is not entirely out of the blue, but I do agree that such secret conditions  deserved a more clear warning in some form or another.  I personally don't find anything wrong with the way he did it in a game sense, but in a community sense I can.  What I find wrong is the potential for strife within the community that such an occurance might and apparently did cause.  The idea itself was in my opinion simply brilliant, a very new and creative way to achieve some balance, and provoke interesting strategies.  But as brilliant as this was, it was also in a way idiotic, in that without a more clear warning the inevitability of flames caused by this would potentially outweigh the brilliance of the plan itself on the campaign level.

Dizzy was kinda caught between a rock and a hard place, and likely never saw the rock.  In order to have an interesting developement a certain amount of secrecy was demamded, but the same secrecy must be given up to a great extent in order to have a more harmonious reception by the various parties.  Perhaps a little less secrecy still might have been able to pull it off on both sides, perhaps not.

As for further discussion of my principles from your perception, I'd be happy to have your views on the subject at some later date on MSN my tutu clad amigo, but I don't think we need bore the hell out of the rest of the community on these forums about it as I'm sure they really have very little interest in it. ;)