Yet, as the issue of the geese was not questioned prior to the beginning of the server then the application of them without specified parameters was actually pre-planned and accepted if no such conditions existed.
So if I write a rule that says the admin reserves the right to change everything and anything mid server without predefined specific parameters, then anything they do mid server is actually pre-planned and accepted.
Fine by me, just don't expect a big turnout on such servers, but people would get what was advertised.
Chuut you are really reaching to find a way around you no mid server rules change creed here. Your logic is seriously flawed.
I think you fail to miss the whole point. If the conditions of wild geese being present on a server were known to all, and no parameters were set for their deployment, it is hardly a midsever change for them to ACTUALLY BE DEPLOYED

I supported keeping the F-CS+ unrestricted to all on this server as it would have constituted a midserver change as people had been flying them unrestricted. If they had been placed on the build ship only list, I was considering pulling out just as I did on GW2. Now the deployment of the geese had been a known possibility prior to the start of the server, and cannot be seen in the same light.
Now, I agree with your earlier point that certain parameters being set beforehand is a damn fine idea, one that I am highly in favor of.