Topic: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.  (Read 13985 times)

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Despite assurances that we are a peacful people and our planet lacks any military or economic benefit to any Empire, you continue to assault our planet and attempt to seize it. While we cannot stop you, and the I.S.C. have failed to protect us, we are given no choice other than to offer you one last warning:

Cease any and all attacks on Organia henceforth from now.
"A peaceful, harmonious and well ordered universe is the right of all sentient species."

Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2005, 11:29:51 am »
Esteemed memebers of the Gorn race, it is with dire regret that I, Ayelborne, Chairman of the Council of Elders, inform you that it is you who have forced us to abandon this Planet and this Galaxy, for that matter, as you and others like you have proved to be barbarian and warlike beyond such a level never thought possible by us. There is no redemption for your transgressions, no salvation for your actions. You are not worthy of peace. It is thus we depart this world, our lives, past, present, future and go in peace to another place and time far away from the likes of you.

We leave in our place this planet to do with as you will as of little worth it may be to you, but we give you warning, our wrath goes not unpunished. The I.S.C. shall be left in our steed to do with you what they will. Members of the Gorn race, repent before them or be pacified.

This is our last directive to the I.S.C. To everyone else, we leave you all to discover the merits of peace through your inevitable destruction as that is the only thing it will take to convince you of what we have tried in vain to teach. We now leave you.
"A peaceful, harmonious and well ordered universe is the right of all sentient species."

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2005, 11:39:34 am »
As Federation Ambasador of Goodwill, I would like to officially welcome the Organians to the the Alliance.  We are are glad to assit in protecting your sector from Hexx and his heathan hoard

A recpeption will be thrown in your honor tonight.   The Hydrans will supply the scotch, the Gorn will provide the entertainment, the Andorian naturally will bring the hookers.

Welcome to the Fricking Good Guys.

PS.  I think a Casino in your Capital would be wonderful  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2005, 12:28:55 pm »
It would be "horde" not "hoard" you BB flying-stereotypical example of the state of America's schools-starcastling twat


The Lyran Empire strongly condemns the vicious Alliance attack upon a peaceful planet
who's inhabitants only wish was to help the known galaxy achieve a peaceful coexistence.
A worthy goal also pursued by the Lyran Empire and it's client states.

It is with great sadness that we must again point out to the ISC that these are the people they
thought deserving of the ability to choose their own fate.
They are not worthy.
Again though, in light of this tragedy, The Lyran Empire wishes to extend an offer of friendship and protection
to any and all ISC ships and/or systems. Join us in the complete annihilation of these savages.
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2005, 12:30:39 pm »
Esteemed memebers of the Gorn race, it is with dire regret that I, Ayelborne, Chairman of the Council of Elders, inform you that it is you who have forced us to abandon this Planet and this Galaxy, for that matter, as you and others like you have proved to be barbarian and warlike beyond such a level never thought possible by us.

My dear Organian, I remind you that we, the Gorn, are themost peaceful and enlightened race in the galaxy.  Alone among all the races, we are the only one never to have started a war against our neighbors.  We merely defend what is ours, or defend our friends from attacks by others.  You should welcome our presence as a refreshing change from the ISC warmongers who seek to bring peace only at the point of a sword. 

Please stay and enjoy the fruits of our peaceful culture:  scotch, chocodilles, tequilla, grateful Orion Slave Girls we've liberated from the Klingons......

Besides, how can you leave??!!  The party is just getting good!

I have looked upon the world of Organia, and it is good.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2005, 12:49:02 pm »
I may retire on Organia, open and combination Brothel/family restaraunt.   Kinda like a Chuck-E-Cheese with Hookers.

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2005, 01:07:56 pm »
...hope it doesn't wind up being called Chunk-E-Hookers  ;)
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2005, 01:10:47 pm »
...hope it doesn't wind up being called Chunk-E-Hookers  ;)

Don't knock it till you tried it fly boy
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2005, 03:00:36 pm »
"A peaceful, harmonious and well ordered universe is the right of all sentient species."

As long as we do exactly as you tell us to do?

No, the Alliance consists of FREE PEOPLE. 

Peace, harmony, and order established only at the point of a gun will not solve YOUR problems with YOUR place in the universe.

Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

Offline Green

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2005, 06:11:34 pm »
No, the Alliance consists of FREE PEOPLE. 

What!  Who's damn idea was that?!?  I didn't agree to this freedom stuff.  I thought the goal was conquest and enslavement.

Oh ... I get it ... "free people' ;)  that's "code" for enslavement.  Mums the word, say-no-more, ;) ;), nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat eh.

Offline Villa64

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2005, 08:16:37 pm »
Despite assurances that we are a peacful people and our planet lacks any military or economic benefit to any Empire, you continue to assault our planet and attempt to seize it. While we cannot stop you, and the I.S.C. have failed to protect us, we are given no choice other than to offer you one last warning:

Cease any and all attacks on Organia henceforth from now.

Move out, you liberal weenie.  Go back to your leftist, Marxist pals.  I think is getting to your head.  The elections WERE a success despite you and your elite media pals.  Beings such as yourselves disgust us.

<someone whispers in Villa's ear>

What?  Oh sorry I thought that was John Kerry.

Oh, and this isnt hot and spicy?

Where am I anyway?

I gotta quit attacking 27,14.
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2005, 08:45:30 pm »
Oh Mighty ones.

I am extremely sorry that your fine homeworld has been desecrated by the barbaric heathens of the Gorn "Confederation".

Gorn Empire seems to be more like it.  Along with the United Empire of Planets, and the Hydran Empire.

I should have seen this coming, as Strategic Commander of the Concordian Pacification Forces, however, we all denied the barbarians contained the ability to emulate their betters.

While the Federation High Commander and Coalition Strategic Commander used skills obviously above their normal station, they were forced to focus the ambient warlike nature of their neanderthallic forces against something other than each other.  Unfortunately, they chose us as the brunt of their barbarism.

While the Concordian Military provided us enough forces to complete our assigned mission, under anticipated conditions, these same forces proved inadequate for their overwhemling assault.

Forcefully separated from your greater glories, we found ourselves unable to span the distance to save your world from desecration... :(

We eagerly await your guidance, under this situation...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

Offline Villa64

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2005, 08:49:01 pm »
Wait for 2008, pinko.
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2005, 08:50:43 pm »
Oh Mighty ones.

I am extremely sorry that your fine homeworld has been desecrated by the barbaric heathens of the Gorn "Confederation".

Gorn Empire seems to be more like it.  Along with the United Empire of Planets, and the Hydran Empire.

I should have seen this coming, as Strategic Commander of the Concordian Pacification Forces, however, we all denied the barbarians contained the ability to emulate their betters.

While the Federation High Commander and Coalition Strategic Commander used skills obviously above their normal station, they were forced to focus the ambient warlike nature of their neanderthallic forces against something other than each other.  Unfortunately, they chose us as the brunt of their barbarism.

While the Concordian Military provided us enough forces to complete our assigned mission, under anticipated conditions, these same forces proved inadequate for their overwhemling assault.

Forcefully separated from your greater glories, we found ourselves unable to span the distance to save your world from desecration... :(

We eagerly await your guidance, under this situation...

I think what Julin means to say is the ISC were getting wiped out so Dizzy threw in a classic Deus ex machina ... aka rules change ... to adjust the situation.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2005, 08:53:31 pm »
Or maybe they had conditions the rest of us were unaware of since we are "The barbarians".  ;)
Maybe should have thought about the kickback from taking their "Capitol in the West".  ;D
Just go with it...
Look at the ISC numbers...4-5 pilots?
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2005, 09:21:40 pm »
As much as I'm enjoying ther RP generated here, and I give Dizzy an 'A' for effort in that regard, I am not in favour of mid server rules changes. There is nothing stated in the rules of any hidden agenda, and any such hidden rules is grossly unfair, whether they be pre-existing, or made up on the fly.
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Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2005, 09:26:17 pm »

[Oh yeah, I put the Roleplay in the wrong thread]

Hey, Mr. Organian, remember that it was the Klingons who attacked your planet first!  We merely saw your DV drop from 50 to 48, and then we came to save you.

With us, you will have a choice in how you live your new lives.  You would have none with the Klingons.  They are a military dictatorship, to which war is a way of life.  We offer you protection.

I've seen what the Klingons do with planets like yours.  They are organized into vast slave labor camps.  You will have no freedom whatsoever.  Your goods will be confiscated.  Hostages will be taken and killed.  Your leaders will be confined.  You'd be better off on a penal planet.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2005, 09:29:05 pm »
If they posted in the rules that the equal pacification rule would be null for the race that took orgainia it would be pointless because then no one would take it.  It could be guessed that taking orgainia would have some effect and as long as the ISC high command was told at the begining then that should be all that is needed.

Organia. This system is of absolutely no military or economic value whatsoever, yet the signifigance the ISC place on occupying it would suggest otherwise. For one reason or another, the ISC regard this system as a 'second capitol in the west'.

Firehawk of the Romulan SPQR

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2005, 09:40:22 pm »
From the rules thread:

"Organia. This system is of absolutely no military or economic value whatsoever, yet the signifigance the ISC place on occupying it would suggest otherwise. For one reason or another, the ISC regard this system as a 'second capitol in the west'."

Hello?...a 50 DV planet that has no value?

A very plain warning posted here in the forums...BEFORE the planet was taken...

And they say Klinks are the thick ones... ::)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2005, 09:59:11 pm by KBF-Crim »

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2005, 10:02:19 pm »

And they say Klinks are the think ones... ::)

Keep it up brain child. ;D
Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2005, 10:07:08 pm »
Heh...note time of edit...

<<Last Edit: Today at 09:59:11 PM by KBF-Crim »

Note time of smart ass reply:

"Posted on: Today at 10:02:19 PM"


Offline Dizzy

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2005, 02:12:56 am »
I am not in favour of mid server rules changes. There is nothing stated in the rules of any hidden agenda, and any such hidden rules is grossly unfair, whether they be pre-existing, or made up on the fly.

Then you say that any RP server that has such a thing is always unfair. Good. I'm glad you have stated your opinion for us all to hear for the TENTH TIME! ENOUGH! IM SICK OF IT! STFU ALREADY!

::takes deep breath::

Ok, so where were we? Ahhh yes, the Organians left after the Gorns sacked the ISC Organian defenses and the ISC were left wondering how this could happen and are shamed with failure. As a result, far off in the east, ISC production is doubled and the effort to execute the last directive of the Organians is set in motion.

MID SERVER RULE CHANGE: The Gorn are now exempt from the ISC having to follow equal pacification and the ISC now recieves 1 BP or 2 CP per build cycle starting in 2279.

Personal note: Have a little slack for RP servers. It isnt the end of the world. Go ahead and quit if you are going to quit over such a small issue, but stop bitching, I'm not listening to it anymore, I'm tired of the childish whining and immature complaining. Deal with it and hf. If you cant handle that, quit.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 02:33:19 am by Dizzy, the Slave Girl Pimpmaster »

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2005, 02:30:19 am »
MID SERVER RULE CHANGE: The Gorn are now exempt from the ISC having to follow equal pacification and they also recieve 1 BP or 2 CP per build cycle starting in 2279.

Dizzy you got am error here, as it is the ISC who recieves this not the Gorn.  Might wanna correct this.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2005, 02:32:38 am »
oopsa Im tired. Tanka, hehe.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2005, 02:50:16 am »
 ;D ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2005, 02:56:08 am »
OK which sad soul gave Ayelborne negetive karma...... ::)

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2005, 03:30:32 am »
OK which sad soul gave Ayelborne negetive karma...... ::)

R u serious?


Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2005, 03:36:17 am »
Sad aint it?


But I gave him a +1  :P

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2005, 04:44:47 am »
What in the name of pacification is going on here  ???  :help:
And who is this guy Ayelborne, Chairman of the Council of Elders ?

hmmm u guys r good!!!
I m sure most of the gsa guys must have been impressed with this dyna campaign! :thumbsup:


Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2005, 07:52:20 am »

Then you say that any RP server that has such a thing is always unfair. Good. I'm glad you have stated your opinion for us all to hear for the TENTH TIME! ENOUGH! IM SICK OF IT! STFU ALREADY!

For future reference, it might help if you make it clear up front that a server is supposed to be a roleplay server.  You don't have to say what the surprises are, but generate some sense of a RP environment so that players are aware they are in a flexible universe. 

I don't think you did that this time.  Your server description page makes no mention of roleplay, and there are no roleplay threads begun before the server started, like the one you started for SG3.  Whenever we asked you about VCs, you simply told us it was a landgrab.

If you are playing basketball with a bunch of friends, and when you score they all put on skates and start freezing water on the floor, you might be a little surprised.   

"Hey, what are you doing?  I thought we were playing basketball?"

"No, we decided before the game that if you scored points we'd switch to hockey."

"You didn't tell me!  I didn't bring any skates!"

"What would be the surprise if we told you beforehand?"

« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 08:11:15 am by Scipio_66 »
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline Dizzy

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2005, 08:25:17 am »
Apples and oranges. Someone else was told way before this happened exactly as it happened. It was premeditated. (EDIT: Will this dispell the conspiravy critics who claim I made it up as I went along?)

ISC have 4-5 players. They have their VP's shut out on them now they probably cant win, although I never expected them to. I honestly didnt expect to see their territory gobbled up so fast. Didnt change the roleplay tho or anything else.

This, in a nutshell, is what everyone is bent out of shape about:

    The ISC HW was captured by the gorn giving the Alliance a hefty 25VP's a cycle. The ISC, all 4-5 of them, have been unleashed to do battle either unrestricted with the Gorn, or follow equal pacification with everyone else. In addition, the ISC have been given as many extra BP's as will be needed to buy a CCZ b4 the server concludes.

OMG that is so the bomb! give me a break, S'cipio, I have NEVER seen the Alliance SO bent out of shape of something so trivial. It is embarrasing for ME to even thing they'd behave in such an unproffessional manner posting like they all did without regard to, oh hell who cares at this point. This isnt a make or break server change. This is flavor. This is fun. Peeps take things too seriously, WAY too seriously and you'd be SHOCKED to see who and how. But I aint sayin.

Afaic, the issue is dead. At this point, SG4 will roll on and peeps will play it or not. I cant make up peeps minds to do what they want, but I sure can critizise the few of them that are panzy whinners over much ado about nothing.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2005, 08:54:44 am »

OMG that is so the bomb! give me a break, S'cipio, I have NEVER seen the Alliance SO bent out of shape of something so trivial. It is embarrasing for ME to even thing they'd behave in such an unproffessional manner posting like they all did without regard to, oh hell who cares at this point. This isnt a make or break server change. This is flavor. This is fun. Peeps take things too seriously, WAY too seriously and you'd be SHOCKED to see who and how. But I aint sayin.

Now Dizzy, I completely agree with you here, however, it is more than a tad ironic that you got all bent out of shape over similar trivial change to a server in very recent history. You should really be more careful about chucking all those rocks around in that glass house you are living in.

That said I agree that folks are getting way to worked up over such a trivial issue. The main thing I would fault you for here Dizzy is being far to naive and trusting of people good sense. By now you should have been accustomed to how people react around here having been one of the over-reactors yourself. The lessoned learned should be that a clear understanding of potential "hidden" conditions could have been given up front and maybe even sharing your full intentions with a trusted impartial third party might have dispelled all the unfounded conspiracy theories. Quite frankly, by now it is inexcusable for an admin to be unaware of the insane amount of competitive zeal and distrust that exists between camps around here. Thus it behoves you to plan accordingly.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 09:12:13 am by Kroma »
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2005, 09:09:59 am »

Then you say that any RP server that has such a thing is always unfair. Good. I'm glad you have stated your opinion for us all to hear for the TENTH TIME! ENOUGH! IM SICK OF IT! STFU ALREADY!

For future reference, it might help if you make it clear up front that a server is supposed to be a roleplay server.  You don't have to say what the surprises are, but generate some sense of a RP environment so that players are aware they are in a flexible universe. 

I don't think you did that this time.  Your server description page makes no mention of roleplay, and there are no roleplay threads begun before the server started, like the one you started for SG3.  Whenever we asked you about VCs, you simply told us it was a landgrab.

If you are playing basketball with a bunch of friends, and when you score they all put on skates and start freezing water on the floor, you might be a little surprised.   

"Hey, what are you doing?  I thought we were playing basketball?"

"No, we decided before the game that if you scored points we'd switch to hockey."

"You didn't tell me!  I didn't bring any skates!"

"What would be the surprise if we told you beforehand?"


Actually I always carry skates with me in case a hockey game breaks out.
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2005, 09:32:14 am »

Then you say that any RP server that has such a thing is always unfair. Good. I'm glad you have stated your opinion for us all to hear for the TENTH TIME! ENOUGH! IM SICK OF IT! STFU ALREADY!

For future reference, it might help if you make it clear up front that a server is supposed to be a roleplay server.  You don't have to say what the surprises are, but generate some sense of a RP environment so that players are aware they are in a flexible universe. 

I don't think you did that this time.  Your server description page makes no mention of roleplay, and there are no roleplay threads begun before the server started, like the one you started for SG3.  Whenever we asked you about VCs, you simply told us it was a landgrab.

If you are playing basketball with a bunch of friends, and when you score they all put on skates and start freezing water on the floor, you might be a little surprised.   

"Hey, what are you doing?  I thought we were playing basketball?"

"No, we decided before the game that if you scored points we'd switch to hockey."

"You didn't tell me!  I didn't bring any skates!"

"What would be the surprise if we told you beforehand?"


Actually I always carry skates with me in case a hockey game breaks out.

Considerin' yer nationality, that figures ;)

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2005, 09:34:44 am »
and maybe even sharing your full intentions with a trusted impartial third party might have dispelled all the unfounded conspiracy theories... Thus it behoves you to plan accordingly. <snip>

Uhhh, I been saying all along I told a third party, yet the conspiracy nuts are still in business.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2005, 09:36:23 am »
and maybe even sharing your full intentions with a trusted impartial third party might have dispelled all the unfounded conspiracy theories... Thus it behoves you to plan accordingly. <snip>

Uhhh, I been saying all along I told a third party, yet the conspiracy nuts are still in business.

Trusted impartial third party, you know like Jinn. Now if you excuse me I have to go washout my mouth.
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2005, 09:41:26 am »
and maybe even sharing your full intentions with a trusted impartial third party might have dispelled all the unfounded conspiracy theories... Thus it behoves you to plan accordingly. <snip>

Uhhh, I been saying all along I told a third party, yet the conspiracy nuts are still in business.

Trusted impartial third party, you know like Jinn. Now if you excuse me I have to go washout my mouth.

 :o ;D :woot:

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2005, 09:50:20 am »
and maybe even sharing your full intentions with a trusted impartial third party might have dispelled all the unfounded conspiracy theories... Thus it behoves you to plan accordingly. <snip>

Uhhh, I been saying all along I told a third party, yet the conspiracy nuts are still in business.

Trusted impartial third party, you know like Jinn. Now if you excuse me I have to go washout my mouth.

Guess Pig's found a replacement for Leroy after all..
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2005, 09:55:14 am »
Actually I always carry skates with me in case a hockey game breaks out.

Well, yeah.  But you're Canadian, eh.  Thus we overlook your weirdness, eh?

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2005, 10:42:12 am »

Trusted impartial third party, you know like Jinn.


However,  I think a server with hidden "stuff" should have all the hidden stuff written down and shared with a verifier prior to server start.   I would have given it to Stephen.   He lives on the boards but really doesn't play that much.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2005, 10:42:49 am »
Actually I always carry skates with me in case a hockey game breaks out.

Well, yeah.  But you're Canadian, eh.  Thus we overlook your weirdness, eh?


I so hate that stereotype.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2005, 10:45:14 am »
Actually I always carry skates with me in case a hockey game breaks out.

Well, yeah.  But you're Canadian, eh.  Thus we overlook your weirdness, eh?


I so hate that stereotype.

Curling fan?


<runs for dear life>

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2005, 10:52:49 am »

Trusted impartial third party, you know like Jinn.


<snicker> Wondered how long it would take you to find that little jem.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2005, 11:51:14 am »
Likely Kroma is correct in his assessment of the usefulness of a trusted third party.  Yet I have never found myself in any major campaign over the last 3 years in which I could not find at least one player on each side whom I could trust.  I'd simply PM them or catch em on MSN and get their take, their word would be good enough for me.

As for hidden conditons, they may be full of peril, but if people control their tempers and realize it is a game they wouldn't be nearly the big deal that they turn into.  I remember the "Uber Ships" of RDSL and the stir they caused on a server where an announced condition came into play and how players reacted to that.  Many got mad and left, some for good, but a few others sucked it up and continued onward and pulled out the server albeit barely, proud to say I was one of those so I'm not preaching something I didn't practice. 

I left GW2 when the server was reset and the rules were changed because as Scippy said I came to play on one server and another took its place.  I couldn't have any more fun on it.  Why?, because I felt any victory or defeat would have a taint to it as the results would be affected by a midserver change initiated after a result manifested itself.  In this case, however, no actual change was made, as Dizzy had planned this from Day 1.  Now I can understand frustration from those who didn't realize that such conditions might apply, and if they wish to leave due to finding a different game than the one they had signed up for, it is definately their right to do so, and I won't fault them for it.

However, those who claim discrimination against one side or have conspiracy theories of hidden agendas are totally in the wrong and owe Dizzy an apology for such accusations.  I think they are acting disgracefully.  I would suggest that if they have such theories they just contact someone on the other side whom they can trust and ask for simple verification rather than go ranting such drivel.  And if they don't have someone they can trust on the other side, likely one of their own teammates does.  If they and their teammates still can't find a player that is trusted on the other side, I suggest that they quit the game as they shouldn't be playing it with people that they can't give the benefit of the doubt to, and if they haven't built friendships across racial and allied lines, something if likely wrong with them and they should consult a mental health professional.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2005, 12:13:01 pm »
  I would suggest that if they have such theories they just contact someone on the other side whom they can trust and ask for simple verification rather than go ranting such drivel.  And if they don't have someone they can trust on the other side, likely one of their own teammates does.  If they and their teammates still can't find a player that is trusted on the other side, I suggest that they quit the game as they shouldn't be playing it with people that they can't give the benefit of the doubt to, and if they haven't built friendships across racial and allied lines, something if likely wrong with them and they should consult a mental health professional.

Even back in the "old days", Dogmatix and I had trust.  We might not of agreed on all matters, but when he told me something, I knew it was the truth, and he knew he was getting the truth from me.

If current leadership does not have a working, trustful relationship with each other, I suggest they find a way to make it happen.
Capt Jeff

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2005, 12:36:06 pm »

Even back in the "old days", Dogmatix and I had trust.  We might not of agreed on all matters, but when he told me something, I knew it was the truth, and he knew he was getting the truth from me.

If current leadership does not have a working, trustful relationship with each other, I suggest they find a way to make it happen.

I think you are rememering "the good old days" with rose-colored glasses. 
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2005, 12:43:57 pm »
I remeber flames as well in the "Good old Days"  but I also remember the trust among the leadership Jeff speaks of, and more use of the RM forums for these issues, resolving items behind the scenes and not in public.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2005, 12:53:20 pm »
I remeber flames as well in the "Good old Days"  but I also remember the trust among the leadership Jeff speaks of, and more use of the RM forums for these issues, resolving items behind the scenes and not in public.

Get off the nip!!  I rember many of the flame wars at the tail end of the "stock" time happening in public.

Hell, I STARTED some of them.  I know flames and this is MILD.

Dizzy is right, everyone is making way to big of a deal over nothing.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2005, 01:03:28 pm »

I am well aware that there was major flaming and other wild issues back then.

The point was that if I had a question about something, I knew I would get the truth, period.

Trust = truth
Capt Jeff

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2005, 01:05:06 pm »
Well there were always flames.  One thing is for certain though:  The RM forum is not being used as it used to be and as it should be.

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2005, 01:10:44 pm »

I am well aware that there was major flaming and other wild issues back then.

The point was that if I had a question about something, I knew I would get the truth, period.

Trust = truth

I trusted Doggy to for the most part.  I trust Krueg as well even though we've butted heads in the past I have always respected him.

We may need new leadership on all sides.  

Jeff, you know the under-handed crap that was being planned by people I will not name for an un-nammed server that never happened.  
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2005, 01:12:39 pm »
Well there were always flames.  One thing is for certain though:  The RM forum is not being used as it used to be and as it should be.

My point exactly!

I knew that comment about RMs becoming "RAs" (Rules Attorneys) on the other thread would have you worried about the competition..... ;)

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2005, 01:18:08 pm »
Well there were always flames.  One thing is for certain though:  The RM forum is not being used as it used to be and as it should be.

My point exactly!

I knew that comment about RMs becoming "RAs" (Rules Attorneys) on the other thread would have you worried about the competition..... ;)

How about adding a rule "All rules-lawyers will be beaten to death with a shovel"?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 01:34:58 pm by FPF-DieHard »
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2005, 01:20:42 pm »
Well there were always flames.  One thing is for certain though:  The RM forum is not being used as it used to be and as it should be.

My point exactly!

I knew that comment about RMs becoming "RAs" (Rules Attorneys) on the other thread would have you worried about the competition..... ;)

How about adding a rule "All rules-lawyers will be beaten to death with a shove"?

♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #54 on: February 01, 2005, 01:28:45 pm »
Well there were always flames.  One thing is for certain though:  The RM forum is not being used as it used to be and as it should be.

My point exactly!

I knew that comment about RMs becoming "RAs" (Rules Attorneys) on the other thread would have you worried about the competition..... ;)

How about adding a rule "All rules-lawyers will be beaten to death with a shove"?

How about having Likkerpig do the beatings as he already has his own shovels

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2005, 02:45:10 pm »
Jeff, you know the under-handed crap that was being planned by people I will not name for an un-nammed server that never happened.  

<brain explodes>

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #56 on: February 01, 2005, 02:48:27 pm »
Jeff, you know the under-handed crap that was being planned by people I will not name for an un-nammed server that never happened. 

<brain explodes>




<runs from the rabid Gorn>

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #57 on: February 01, 2005, 02:54:28 pm »
Jeff, you know the under-handed crap that was being planned by people I will not name for an un-nammed server that never happened.  

<brain explodes>


Well that many less braincells for the J&B blended to kill...... ;D

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2005, 02:14:58 pm »
Well there were always flames.  One thing is for certain though:  The RM forum is not being used as it used to be and as it should be.

My point exactly!

I knew that comment about RMs becoming "RAs" (Rules Attorneys) on the other thread would have you worried about the competition..... ;)

How about adding a rule "All rules-lawyers will be beaten to death with a shove"?


 ;D  ;D  Now, that's funny!!!    ;D  ;D

That's Kroma for ya.   Always sticking one foot out to help the community, while firmly booting your arse out the door with the other.  He sure is a bag full of.................mixed signals.  :-*

I've decided I'm starting a petition to make Kroma SFC Universal Overlord.   Ya just never know what's which way he's swinging, but one thing is for sure.   You'll never be bored!!!!!


<there, is that enough sexual innuendos for all the sick puppies out there?>
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2005, 03:28:55 pm »
Ya know.... if the ISC went thru the old neutral zone they established.... they could reclaim Organia much quicker.

But we all know that wouldn't serve the current Coalition-ISC treaty, since you would have to tear thru coalition claimed ISC space to do so.

So just continue picking on the Gorn. ::)
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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2005, 04:19:34 pm »
OK which sad soul gave Ayelborne negetive karma...... ::)

R u serious?


Oh, come on!!!   That's funny!  (It's not like Ayelborne is a real person, who's going to get his feelings hurt.)

It gives you a nice, roleplaying manner is which to vent your cries of injustice without starting a flamewar with anyone.

Take me.


I just gave Ayelborne a -1 Karma.  Why?  Because he's being a bit of an ungrateful arse, don't you think?   The Gorn tracked all the way across the galaxy to save him from the predations of the Klingons.  I even gave him the Saint James (Kirk) speech word for word on why we wanted to help him.

And what thanks do we get?  Frogs!!  and a permanent steering of the ISC towards our side of the war.

The bastard didn't even leave the liqueur cabinet stocked.  He deserves what he gets.

-S'Cipio the Unappreciated  :'(
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #61 on: February 02, 2005, 07:06:46 pm »
OK which sad soul gave Ayelborne negetive karma...... ::)

R u serious?


I just gave Ayelborne a -1 Karma.  Why?  Because he's being a bit of an ungrateful arse, don't you think? 


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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #62 on: February 02, 2005, 08:08:49 pm »
OK which sad soul gave Ayelborne negetive karma...... ::)

R u serious?


I just gave Ayelborne a -1 Karma.  Why?  Because he's being a bit of an ungrateful arse, don't you think? 

You go Scippy! In fact, since Gorn is one of my favorite races to fly...


Here's another swift kick in the pants fer that stuffed-shirted, over-inflated fruit loop ;D

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Re: We will not permit the continued assault on Organia without punishment.
« Reply #63 on: February 02, 2005, 11:13:19 pm »
Ya know.... if the ISC went thru the old neutral zone they established.... they could reclaim Organia much quicker.

But we all know that wouldn't serve the current Coalition-ISC treaty, since you would have to tear thru coalition claimed ISC space to do so.

So just continue picking on the Gorn. ::)

Actually the Oranians departed as per the roleplaying thread Bear, so reclaiming Organia wouldn't really be a priority. 

Of course it is true that attacking the Gorn would still be the target of choice, Agave would kill us all if it wasn't..... ;D