Maybe if you had attacked the Coalition you would have generated more PvP, they might have responded which would have freed the Allaince to send pilots to both fronts.
That's not correct. You had the player numbers to fight both.. At the expense of sacrificing Gorn space, you have driven DEEP into Coalition space. Had you used any kind of strategic intelligent planning, You'd still be in the lead despite having to divide your forces on both fronts.
It comes down to player numbers and it was logical that whosoever controlled Organia would have them. That triggered the R/P element yet it backfired because your commander decided to throw the game.

<wipes away tears of laughter>
Ahhh, Dizzy, you slay me.
"...the player numbers to fight both..." That's hilarious. A knee-slapper, even. Utter crap, of course, but humorous nonetheless.
"...DEEP into Coalition space..." Riiiiiiiight. We've captured one Coalition planet, and have been fighting bitterly over another. What we
have been able to capture might have been due to some
intelligent strategic planning...<Bugs Bunny voice>'s a possibility...
"...You'd still be in the lead..." In the lead? Gosh, I seem to remember that after Round 1 the Alliance was in
last place. While revisionist history can always be fun to contemplate, the downside is that it's easy to call it what it is. Oh, and on a related subject, I find it interesting that you never bothered to publish the Round 2 VP count. What's the matter, did the Coalition fall to last place and you're afraid the Coalition will lose pilots?
"...It comes down to player numbers and it was logical that whosoever controlled Organia would have them..." Nice try, but the reason we took Organia was due to the supreme efforts of Deadman6 and our small overnight crew. Planning to hit a target at the time of day when you know you'll have more numbers than the enemy could be construed as
strategic planning...naah, maybe not...
"...That triggered the R/P element yet it backfired because your commander decided to throw the game..." Ahhh, yes, the "R/P element". Gee, if you had any real concern about that, you would have made it a caveat that the ISC would not be allowed to have a non-aggression treaty with either the Alliance or the Coalition, since the
main R/P element of the entire campaign was the ISC trying to pacifiy both the Alliance and Coalition, keeping us apart and from fighting. I would suggest 'consistancy' be your watch word from now on, brother.
Oh, and as to myself deciding to "throw the game", I could try to explain how and why the Alliance HC as a group came to the decision we did on how to play out the rest of the campaign, but I'm afraid it would probably be lost on you, not to mention you wouldn't give a frak anyway. Instead, I'll just return the insult and say the following from the bottom of my heart...
Screw you.