Topic: Microsoft memo from 2008 :) (from Wired magazine)  (Read 2155 times)

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Microsoft memo from 2008 :) (from Wired magazine)
« on: January 29, 2005, 10:27:11 am »
The Microsoft Memo
Bill Gates hires open source icon Linus Torvalds? That was just the beginning of Redmond's hybrid strategy to face the free software age.
By Gary Wolf

From the office of Linus Torvald
DATE: 10.31.2008
RE: Will Steve kill WinX?

When you hired me three years ago, you had to realize that I was going to speak my mind, no matter what the consequences. You told me that if I ever hit a wall with Steve or his people, I should let you know. Well, here goes. (Yes, again.)

After all our technical and strategic conflicts, I bet you never guessed we'd be at each other's throats over a matter of pronunciation. But the fact is, when Steve goes to a marketing meeting, as he did yesterday, and pronounces our desktop system "Winux," he jeopardizes not only my personal reputation, but, more important, the very foundation of our business and software approach for the next decade. The desktop system is not "Winux," as in Linux. As he knows very well. WinX is pronounced like "winks."

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