So basicly, becauase of one Actress , BSG is not the best SciFi series ever.
I have to agree with you Judge.

Stephen with the Only arguement I have with the Judge.
No, it's not because of the one character, but she is by leaps and bounds the strongest, angriest, and most provocative character on the show. I'm gay and I'll take a scene with Starbuck, Boomer, or Number Six in it over most of the male eye candy on the show. That's probably the biggest weakness of the show: Only Adama and Baltar can stand toe to toe with the story lines for the women. Even the President's storyline is heartbreaking and infuriating enough to outclipse Apollo or Tigh.
Wait, that's not exactly right either. Tigh's got an episode coming up where we see why he's as messed up in the head as he is...and it's good. He's also very loyal to Adama, and proves it over and over again through the series. Apollo is by far the weakest character, something that is bugging me more and more. I do hope that in the second season they ramp him up a few notches. He's got maybe one or two episodes where he remembers he's got cahones and when he does use them, he kicks cylon ass all over the screen.
Angel, they kept the most important aspects of the original premise intact. The Cylons conducted a sneak attack on the Twelve Colonies and destroyed them utterly. A rag-tag group of survivors are gathered under the protection of the only surviving Battlestar, commanded by Commander Adama, and they flee the Cylons while seeking the mystical lost Thirteenth Tribe that is said to have colonized a planet known as Earth. Just about everything else is different, but the essential core of the story remains the same.
The original series was a product of its era. To go back and remake it exactly as it was with updated graphics would not have worked in the 21st century. A few old fanboys would have tuned in and gushed their load over the television screen, and then no one else would have watched (and yes I'd have been one of them). They could have skipped over the opening acts of the story and started the series 20-40 years after the original series timeline with the Galactica still on the run, and it might have worked, but it would have been missing that huge opening act.
In the original series we saw a few cylon raiders flying over the 'peace' banner on Caprica and firing lasers. In this one we saw nuclear bombs in the 50-kiloton range being detonated over military bases and cities. (Note 50-kiloton devices would likely leave reinforced, concrete buildings still standing. Many might even have glass in them still if they weren't facing the direction of the blasts. Radiation would be hell, killing many people within a day or two, but much of the cities would be still there as long as they didn't take direct hits. The blast zone of destruction for such devices would be about 10 miles unobstructed. Less if there's obstructions in the way.) It's so much more real, so much more obvious that they've gone from 12 BILLION people to less than 50,000.
The acting in this show is top-notch. The visual effects are just as good. The plotlines are quite involved and put their characters through hell. This isn't a show where there's a lot of laughs and humor. There's a general air of desperation and despair permeated throughout. Remember, everything they knew except for this last Battlestar and some ships are gone. They are being hunted to extermination by an enemy that doesn't sleep and doesn't stop, and they KNOW that.
To make matters worse, even the people in the fleet cannot stop being human. In the middle of this struggle for survival you have politicians jockeying for political power, media pundits criticizing every move by the leadership, and people demanding their 'rights' to have a voice in their 'government'. Then we also have Helo on Caprica giving us HUGE insights into what the Cylons are really after in all this...
Oh, and Stephen, the Cylon religion isn't a reference to Christianity. It's a reference to the al-quaeda form of Islam.