Well, to be sure, B&B do have some culpability, but we, too are to blame. Enterprise was NEVER a bad show, sure there were a couple of el stinko eps, but all shows have those. Look on our boards. Look at all our posts. If I didn't know better, I'd say we were ALL here in the Dynaverse boards are a bunch of Old Delancey Street yentls, kvetching that Katz's Deli is across the street, whatsdamadda with him why can't he open his store on our side of the street.
People wanted perfection. Even TOS wasn't perfect (ooohh... negative points... I smell them) and TNG stunk the first two and half to three and half seasons. DS9 only picked up in the last couple of seasons and Voyager was only good in the early going. Enterprise was, overally, a pretty good show, sci-fi or not, even if there was maybe one blah season in my mind. Even the time travel season wasn't that bad, my only complaint was that it was time travel.
If it is canceled, I for one will hurt over it a little and would put a little of the blame on the Trek fans, who often can't tell their butts from their elbows, but they know how many moles are on the back of Spock's ear tip.