I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the entire community and announce my leaving the D2 community.
For you see, today the following occured.
- Friday night is Pizza Night. That means the night Shop Rex and I always order pizza at home, watch TV, snuggle, and I pretend to listen to her discussions. Yes, I know, pathetic. But whatever. SO on Firday nights I can never play.
- This morning she informs me that a bunch of her girlfriends want to get together and spend the night together (a sleep over). It so they can work on their sewing hobby. So, she tells me, with a great deal of regret I might add, that I am a free man all night Friday night.
Therefore, I had all afternoon and tonight to play ont he server.
As a result, it is clearly my fault the server is dead.
I am so sorry. I'll leave now. <hangs head in shame and walks slowly into the sunset>
Oh and one more thing