~ 7:15 am EST - the remote session did not connect at all... gave an error about server busy or too many connections or something like that. Could not see the webmap either, I assumed a windows crash. (yes Dizzy, the processsentinel is set to reboot the server ten seconds after it goes down - this is a different problem entirely.) What was that other task you had it running DH?
7:15! You broke it!!!!

What does this doe? Nothing. It's a file server with no clients

. It does nothing else but store backups which is why it's ideal for D2 usage as it does nothing else. This is the same box we ran GW1, 2, 3, and 4(Part time) on.
I have 1 hour for lunch at 2 PM EST and a 25 minute commute. This give me just enough tim to literally run home, kill the TS sessions, reboot the box, and make it back for a 3 PM meeting. Try again at 3 PM