Topic: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.  (Read 72305 times)

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2006, 08:27:38 pm »
Put me in the "Ask Permissions" category.

Models are posted at  If you can convert out of Conitec A6 .mdl7 format, feel free to use, subject to above.

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2006, 08:16:32 am »
People constantly ask about authors, so  I was wondering, would anyone object to me posting this information in a sticky and bcfiles so that perhaps it  stops some of the problems with portings going back and forth..well,  one direction anyways...? That way they will read this instead of hasseling me lol. Ofocurse, I'd need to be notified of  changes,  I'm not going  to be checking  name by name every couple of days...

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2006, 09:02:55 pm »
I have no problem with it...good idea actually. :thumbsup: ;)
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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2006, 10:10:00 pm »
Yeah I agree good idea

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2006, 08:42:28 pm »
Mark me down as... Do what you want with it!

If it's up for download... use it!!!

If I didn't want it downloaded... I wouldn't put it on the web.....

Note for the rest of you...

do you do it for the game or the fame....

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #45 on: February 25, 2006, 04:55:03 pm »
anyone know what KF's  policies  are? Or platfafa's?

Offline exadvent

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2006, 07:09:43 pm »
And I thought that Battleclinic was better than that >:( >:( >:(

What a person does "for the good of the community" is up to them!!!!!

Personally I think just making a model is enough, so their wishes about use and posting should be respected.

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #47 on: February 26, 2006, 05:16:01 pm »
And I thought that Battleclinic was better than that >:( >:( >:(
Can i ask why the outbusrt?

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2006, 02:23:44 pm »
Sorry for the outburst. :-[  I should have said "battleclinic users"

It was not directed at you personally, I know that you are not responsible for what people upload to battleclinic.

Nor was it intended to defame the site.

 I just thought that I could download from battleclinic without worrying that the model had been posted without the permission of the original creator.

I guess I am just frustrated at the number of great modellers who have posted saying "no more models" because of problems with theft or reposting.

Please accept my apologies.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 04:45:13 pm by exadvent »

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2006, 05:50:55 pm »
Heh well most of my stuff is posted on Battleclinic with very little or no permissions.

Partly my own fault for trusting people as I have never included readme's with credits other than source credits for kitbashes.

However I honestly don't care, I'd be happy with a little credit for my work but if not I'm not gonna go postal unless someone starts claiming my work as their own.

However for everyones information models posted to the scrapyards will be placed there only at their creators behest.  All kitbashes are to be accompanied by a readme for credits at least to the materials originator(s).  I will not however ask people if they had permission from the models originator to kitbash it, that is between them.

Also nothing will be posted on the scrapyards with the infamous "author unknown" or some crap like that.

Just wanted everyone to know where I stand on the issues.  You can put me down in the credits only category.

Oh and in addition anything posted on the scrapyards is to be reposted ONLY with permissions of the author.

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #50 on: March 01, 2006, 07:56:13 pm »
Perhaps Battleclinic should review ships before posting them, like sfc3files does.  I think that would definitely cut down on the number of ships with no credits or incorrect credits that find their way there, and help set our distraught modelers' minds at ease, knowing that people are actually checking up on what goes on Battleclinic before it's available to the public.  IMO it fits in with the whole idea that we modelers "take care of our own".

Offline Star Dragon

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2006, 12:38:40 pm »
Don't take this the wrong way, it's supposed to be informative - not a rant.

Would it be too much of a bother to have Authors supply a current Email address (especially the 'Ask Me' ones)

As a general rule even for the ones on credit only I make it a habit of saying, "Hi, I liked your model a lot and wanted to use it. This is what I am doing".

Other than a negative response, nothing is more discouraging than this: (just one example in my inbox)

"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed."

Yeah he is on the list for 'Credt Only', but I still would like to let him know what I am doing with his F-302!!!

There are many authors both on and off the list who are in the same situation. First recourse is to track down a Trek site they are active on and see if they posted an email there (hopefully they did) or leave a PM for the next time they log on to that site. Second is to publicy ask what the heck if this guy's email lol!

This list is a great idea! I would like to just make sure the authors in the ask me category can actually BE asked.

Incidently is DarkDrone in a category? I need to contact him as he is one of FIVE people in a ship's read-me. One is in the Credit Only (P81), the other said basicly "I don't actualy make any models or textures I could care less. If u need help finding someone let me know otherwise it's not nessecary to bother me with your project" , so DD, (and if possible Gafy and Firesaber)are the one's I need for confirmation of use.  [Edited: I forgot to add the other names, it was 5 not 3 names in that particular read me - original I was referencing was wrong read me file.]

Many of you have gotten emails from me, rest assured... Many more of you will recieve them in the fiuture!!! (Promise/Threat, take your pick) :D
« Last Edit: March 08, 2006, 12:50:54 pm by Star Dragon »

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2006, 12:38:21 am »
OH sh*t!!! ::) :P This is one place I forgot to change my addy...sorry SD and anyone else been trying to reach me. :smackhead: Here's current addy... and I'll be updating my profile...again. :P
"Proudly you gathered, rank on rank to war,
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Offline Star Dragon

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2006, 12:38:07 pm »
Holy time warp Batman!(as we already talked lol) Np, you and DD are in the same  SG-1 thread (and this seems to be the BEST site in general to track people down in regards to SFC3 and Trek.). Game on!


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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #54 on: March 11, 2006, 01:15:13 am »
Don't take this the wrong way, it's supposed to be informative - not a rant.

Would it be too much of a bother to have Authors supply a current Email address (especially the 'Ask Me' ones)

As a general rule even for the ones on credit only I make it a habit of saying, "Hi, I liked your model a lot and wanted to use it. This is what I am doing".

Other than a negative response, nothing is more discouraging than this: (just one example in my inbox)

"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed."

Yeah he is on the list for 'Credt Only', but I still would like to let him know what I am doing with his F-302!!!

There are many authors both on and off the list who are in the same situation. First recourse is to track down a Trek site they are active on and see if they posted an email there (hopefully they did) or leave a PM for the next time they log on to that site. Second is to publicy ask what the heck if this guy's email lol!

This list is a great idea! I would like to just make sure the authors in the ask me category can actually BE asked.

Incidently is DarkDrone in a category? I need to contact him as he is one of FIVE people in a ship's read-me. One is in the Credit Only (P81), the other said basicly "I don't actualy make any models or textures I could care less. If u need help finding someone let me know otherwise it's not nessecary to bother me with your project" , so DD, (and if possible Gafy and Firesaber)are the one's I need for confirmation of use.  [Edited: I forgot to add the other names, it was 5 not 3 names in that particular read me - original I was referencing was wrong read me file.]

Many of you have gotten emails from me, rest assured... Many more of you will recieve them in the fiuture!!! (Promise/Threat, take your pick) :D

I was just going to suggest something similar,  and place this information over at the BC community as well. Additionaly alot of people aren't list here. GAFY for instance. I forget who else people have been asking me about that haven't been on he list lately.  Having more people sign up and adding contact info would be good.

Offline Star Dragon

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #55 on: March 11, 2006, 02:33:58 pm »
VERY important! (plus I re-read what I posted I must have been half asleep, I'm usually more tactful that that! )

Anyway THIS is the guy "Little Ludi" some people have been confusing me with.
He made a new thread not that long ago in the Trek forum that Omniscaper and I post our Trek mod(s) pics in on an offshoot FS2 site:

As usual he ports ships from every Trek game (like we do) HOWEVER he supplies no read-me's except his own.

All they say is "All ships Free to use in games and mods" and of course his email address...

His recent read me's are this:
alle schiffe stehen jedem zur verfügung,
sie sind nicht von mir sondern ich habe
sie nur auf freespace2 portiert.

diese wurden mit PCS_facet, truespace3.2
und Ultimate Unwrap3D zerlegt und erstellt.

ich hoffe sie gefallen euch.

viel spass.

I downloaded like 20 packs he posted way back on FS2 sector and that UNINTENTIONALLY pissed Raven Night off (Justifiably!) when I posted his USS scorpion once and he PM'ed me!

This is the other site he uploads to... And where I started to fill in my ship lists like 2 years ago befoire I got wise.

I'm sure he doesn't intend to disrespect anyone HOWEVER even after I keep mentioning in threads the lack of recognition for the' artists it hasn't made a difference. Maybe if anyone here speaks German they can mail him and get him to fix those read me's?

I've made posts on sites warning poeple that those Downloads should only be for "private" use and not for a publicly posted mod due to permission issues. I didn't want anyone else to end up in the few situations I did that fortuantely got resolved with Raven and then shortly after ATOLM!

[edit]  I guess someone talked to him, his last 5 files do have correct read me's now... the older ones still do not...

« Last Edit: March 11, 2006, 04:15:24 pm by Star Dragon »

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #56 on: May 29, 2006, 02:52:55 pm »
anyone know the useage rules for zorg?

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #57 on: August 04, 2006, 04:57:39 pm »
i Agrea with the asking permission before posting mod or kitbash to place like battleclinic, so i was wondering if mod (old one) and kitbash or just texturing was ok to post on a personal web page?, also does anyone know how to contact atra?, i try the hotmail address but there no respond, all the retexture i do and kitbash are still on my com, those i made are from WZ old Bellicose DN for a kitbash and newest mod, atra a few kitbash and re testuring (that was easy) i think i use pneumonic belknap (basic model) and someone else, well i know that WZ don't want is model (new or old) to be put at battleclinic, for atra well i don't think he want (but i have see mod of him or kitbash), for pneumonic well anyway i will wait for them to say if the want or not.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 12:44:51 pm by Don Karnage »

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2006, 11:43:52 pm »
For non commercial use only. Not to be used for profit

Models: Use away. I just ask that the all readmes need to be included in the folder. If you wanted to be nice you could e-mail me a link where it's going, just incase I want to check it out.

Spec mods: Use only with permission, please.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 03:30:20 pm by Rod ONeal »
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

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Re: Permissions (Remake) - Sticky this in favor of old.
« Reply #59 on: September 01, 2006, 01:39:24 am »
Models: Use away. I just ask that the all readmes need to be included in the folder. If you wanted to be nice you could e-mail me a link where it's going, just incase I want to check it out.

Spec mods: Use only with permission, please.

Hey Rod LTNS  ;D. I used your Kargoth textures on 2 more of P81's ships, added two ships from Cleeve (that I retextured) and the 2 you did and made a Kargoth Model Pack  ;),163369727.0.html

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.