this Hallowed Community This one made me laugh! It is a forum my friend and only here for our enjoyment of a game. it is not a church
i will not make an issue out of this if you apolergise to everyone in here for wasting not only their time but their patiance with your grudge. and agree not to post about any member of OutaLance or even our our threads about ships unless you have something good to say.
In return for this im sure the OutaLance team will leave you alone (ATTN members of OutaLance im asking you to post here that this is cool by you to end this this little flame war and let things drop)
As for the rest.
Fallen Warrior you are wrong here:
- First you should have done this in a PM, not in public
- Second you should have asked Outlance for their premission first about posting in general
- Thrid the community at large can speak for itself and you should leave them out of it, you can only represent those that want you to
- This should have gone to admins long before you start calling people out in public, this IS what starts flame wars
I personally have no problems with Red_Green, and though I am not a talkivity part of the community I am part of it, and support my own opinions. If you have a problem with some one take it up with them in PRIVATE, not public, once public that have no other opition but to attack back (this starts the flame wars). If you can not solve it in Private, see if you can agree to live each other alone, if you can not agree or abid by the decree get the admins involved at that point, not us!
I also have no problems with you either Fallen_warrior, infact we have never really talked, see the non-talkivity part. I will not be thrown into a arguement, or represented by anyone but me, remember unless the community asked you to be their voice, don't remember voting for you, you can only voice for yourself. If outlance agreed for you to voice this for them, then they at least argreed to let you do it, it still was no reason to do it in public though.
I repeated myself enough for now. feel like a

or something now.
Admins delete this one before it gets out of hand, or that the very least lock it quick.
But eithe way leave me out of your arguments, I need to be in the disclaimer or something