Topic: Red_Green Enough is Enough!  (Read 2059 times)

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Offline Fallen_Warrior

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Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« on: January 27, 2005, 01:10:52 am »
Ok this has gone on for way too long and its getting silly, i dont care if you like outalance or not, or even any of its members but you constant underhanded attacks on the team and the group in genral has got to stop.
youve personaly attacked Azel on many occasions, youve attacked me twice and your now harassing Tus and the whole of OutaLance. so im asking you very nicely to stop acting like a child, to grow up and let it go, We at OutaLance aswell the rest of the community, arnt here to listen to your rants and ravings about how you would do something diffrently from us, or how any member of the forum including myself should do it woulr way.

Now I personaly find you annoying and if i had it my way something would have been done the second you attacked any of the team, but i stayed the bigger man and waited to see if you would leave us alone and move on and let us enjoy ourselves. But you havent ive been a member since we were at Taldren and in that time the only person who acts like a child and annoys and harasses everyone is you , then a week later when you didnt get a rise out of us, you post something that tries to make the community feel sorry for you. i am a firm beliver of "if you dont have anything to say shut the hell up", now ive had dissagreements with other members ie Wicked Zombie and i clashed horns once but we both accepted that everyone has diffrent opinions and thats the end of it. Hell even Azel and I have got in to many long heated debates in MSN about ships designs but at the end of the day we are all here to make ships, to talk about ships and to enjoy the SHIPS.
If something isnt about a ship take it up with the person who you have a grudge with and deal with it there.
Now the only reason why im bringing it up outside of a PM is because i am not making a formal complaint against you for harassing members of OutaLance and i want everyone to know that i will not take any crap from anyone who constantly causes trouble for OutaLance or this Hallowed Community so that means every single member in here.

With all this said i will not make an issue out of this if you apolergise to everyone in here for wasting not only their time but their patiance with your grudge. and agree not to post about any member of OutaLance or even our our threads about ships unless you have something good to say.
In return for this im sure the OutaLance team will leave you alone (ATTN members of OutaLance im asking you to post here that this is cool by you to end this this little flame war and let things drop)
So Red_Green i leave it to you to make an end of this and for us to enjoy the ships that we all spend time on. and im also going to let you defend yourself in this thread only. if you antaganise any member after the posting of this. If you do however attack, Flame or bad mouth any member of OutaLance i will request that the admin remove your account and block your IP in this Forum.
All that remains are ashes caused by neglect and self loathing

Offline manitoba1073

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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2005, 01:16:38 am »
yes any and all bashing of anyone needs to end.

Offline Red_Green

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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2005, 01:19:15 am »

Reported this to the moderator Tanks fro everyones concern. Be patient there probably asleep and are not yet aware of this lifre threatening crisis  ::)

I never attcked Fallen Warrior and I reported the Tus threads already. THis is what I meant about being hounded

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Offline Red_Green

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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2005, 01:47:30 am »
Ok this has gone on for way too long and its getting silly, i dont care if you like outalance or not, or even any of its members but you constant underhanded attacks on the team and the group in genral has got to stop.
youve personaly attacked Azel on many occasions, youve attacked me twice and your now harassing Tus and the whole of OutaLance. so im asking you very nicely to stop acting like a child, to grow up and let it go, We at OutaLance aswell the rest of the community, arnt here to listen to your rants and ravings about how you would do something diffrently from us, or how any member of the forum including myself should do it woulr way.

Now I personaly find you annoying and if i had it my way something would have been done the second you attacked any of the team, but i stayed the bigger man and waited to see if you would leave us alone and move on and let us enjoy ourselves. But you havent ive been a member since we were at Taldren and in that time the only person who acts like a child and annoys and harasses everyone is you , then a week later when you didnt get a rise out of us, you post something that tries to make the community feel sorry for you. i am a firm beliver of "if you dont have anything to say shut the hell up", now ive had dissagreements with other members ie Wicked Zombie and i clashed horns once but we both accepted that everyone has diffrent opinions and thats the end of it. Hell even Azel and I have got in to many long heated debates in MSN about ships designs but at the end of the day we are all here to make ships, to talk about ships and to enjoy the SHIPS.
If something isnt about a ship take it up with the person who you have a grudge with and deal with it there.
Now the only reason why im bringing it up outside of a PM is because i am not making a formal complaint against you for harassing members of OutaLance and i want everyone to know that i will not take any crap from anyone who constantly causes trouble for OutaLance or this Hallowed Community so that means every single member in here.

With all this said i will not make an issue out of this if you apolergise to everyone in here for wasting not only their time but their patiance with your grudge. and agree not to post about any member of OutaLance or even our our threads about ships unless you have something good to say.
In return for this im sure the OutaLance team will leave you alone (ATTN members of OutaLance im asking you to post here that this is cool by you to end this this little flame war and let things drop)
So Red_Green i leave it to you to make an end of this and for us to enjoy the ships that we all spend time on. and im also going to let you defend yourself in this thread only. if you antaganise any member after the posting of this. If you do however attack, Flame or bad mouth any member of OutaLance i will request that the admin remove your account and block your IP in this Forum.

Ok I quoted it in case you edit later.

This is nothing short of intimidation tactics. I'll will only say, I am not leaving the forum so perhaps  you could just tone it down cause this is kinda disruptive. I think your over reacting. I am a pretty good judge of character, I recognzed a long time ago your intensly huge Aplha male ego. I find it stifeling to the cause of creativity which is nessecary for creating art.  I mean your comments sound a bit controlling and ultimatemish (new word?)

Sure you think that since you aseembling a big group of modelers that you have major clout, perhaps, but now you have shown your true colors and what really drives you. Control and ego. You see I made a mistake in posting a pic and swoop in to finish me off while I am disoriented, stunned and confuse. Would would make a  Nietzchian proud.  I think though you have under estimated your prey. I am not some simplton bafoon. I just have an inate sensitivity to pick up on things that don't feel right. I recently had a workshop  Brigs/ Straton or something or another. It was for Life work planning. It puts people into about 16 different catagories. Interestingly all The generals that ever lead armors always fall into the 4 corner groups. THese people tend to be leaders and decision makers, in part because they never worry about how there decisions effect others. THis makes them great  for making quick business decisions but they don't have any sensitivity. To them its all about profit and bottom line. Will guess what FW, my dear sir. You and I are on opposite extremes. I am motivated by making a difference. I worry about how decisions I make effect peopel. Yes I make mistakes, I try to correct them but that involves the other party wanted them corrected and finding middle ground. The solution to you is obvious. Either get enough people to complain about me so the admins see me as a problem with a quick fix of getting rid of me. Or you can hope to harass me until I say " why am I putting up with this"

If I go on your account, there will be another sensitive modler one day that will find this forum oppressive and unwelcome. It takes  2 to tango. I can tell your one of those that enjoys conflict. Your going to win no matter what?  What do you get from it? A sense of gratitude for exerting your will on other people?

I think you are very calculating, using this exact moment to stir up the pot instead of letting thinfssettle down. You were probably hoping that I would help your cause by saying somethin rash.  As it is, I will take a break and check back this weekend. Leave it in the hands of the admins. Check to see if they email me and read all my hate mail  ;)

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Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

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Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2005, 03:02:24 am »
this Hallowed Community This one made me laugh! It is a forum my friend and only here for our enjoyment of a game. it is not a church

i will not make an issue out of this if you apolergise to everyone in here for wasting not only their time but their patiance with your grudge. and agree not to post about any member of OutaLance or even our our threads about ships unless you have something good to say.
In return for this im sure the OutaLance team will leave you alone (ATTN members of OutaLance im asking you to post here that this is cool by you to end this this little flame war and let things drop)

As for the rest.

Fallen Warrior you are wrong here:
  • First you should have done this in a PM, not in public
  • Second you should have asked Outlance for their premission first about posting in general
  • Thrid the community at large can speak for itself and you should leave them out of it, you can only represent those that want you to
  • This should have gone to admins long before you start calling people out in public, this IS what starts flame wars

I personally have no problems with Red_Green, and though I am not a talkivity part of the community I am part of it, and support my own opinions. If you have a problem with some one take it up with them in PRIVATE, not public, once public that have no other opition but to attack back (this starts the flame wars). If you can not solve it in Private, see if you can agree to live each other alone, if you can not agree or abid by the decree get the admins involved at that point, not us!

I also have no problems with you either Fallen_warrior, infact we have never really talked, see the non-talkivity part. I will not be thrown into a arguement, or represented by anyone but me, remember unless the community asked you to be their voice, don't remember voting for you, you can only voice for yourself. If outlance agreed for you to voice this for them, then they at least argreed to let you do it, it still was no reason to do it in public though.


I repeated myself enough for now. feel like a  :police: or something now.
Admins delete this one before it gets out of hand, or that the very least lock it quick.
But eithe way leave me out of your arguments, I need to be in the disclaimer or something ;D
« Last Edit: January 27, 2005, 03:13:29 am by GotAFarmYet? »
People always said they wanted the government to listen to them and now the government is listening, taking notes and names...and coming to see you soon!

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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2005, 03:57:38 am »
Not amused.


Offline FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC

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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2005, 08:47:07 am »
Instrumentalizing for polarizing Groups vs single individuals or other groups is nothing we like to see here.
We would highly appreciate that, IF you got dirty laundry to wash it athome.

 One further  thought,i read your posts and i think taking a deep breath make a step back and let loose the issue would be a good idea.
IN case you dont know what i mean ,just dont react on provocations, dont take things personal.I am aware that it is eventualy difficult to not take things personal,it helps to try to realize while your pulse goes up,what is happening to you and why, ask yourself if you want that and then step away.If something sets you up. let loose do something else till the pulse is low again.
Failure to do this will proly lead to an early death via Stroke.
Thats meant dead Serious.;)


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Re: Red_Green Enough is Enough!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2005, 01:07:00 pm »
I mirror Crim and FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC statements.  This forum has been one of the most Peacefull, helpfull and generaly polite forums here.

I implore you both to drop the issue. I know you are both better then this.

 Besides, I'm already abit miffed that I had to type out FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC's name. you know how hard that is on a Dyslexic?  ;D ;D ;D

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War