Topic: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"  (Read 18479 times)

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2005, 04:40:48 pm »
Ugh... I really hate spiders and insects and related stuff.  I'd rather see the more humanoid-like one, with the description of the Tholian "Web" as being some Terran nickname for the energy barrier they use.

The only spider I like is the one swinging on his web across skyscrapers and had two hit movies and tons of comics... But I'm not too fond of that spider either, and I'm digressing.  So yeah, I would rather prefer a more-humanoid-like one.

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2005, 04:50:43 pm »
Actually, from how I read it, it seemed like the Tholians' form was based on the Shadows from Babylon 5.

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2005, 11:48:56 pm »
They made one change which I do like. The dedication plaque by the door says it is a Constitution class ship, not starship class.

Well, guess it will never be on TV since Enterprise is cancelled.. yes there is a Trek movie in the process, but I doubt that ship will be in it.. it may be, but I doubt it... as such, the canon reference for the TOS CA is still Starship Class as seen in TOS "The Cage" and almost any shipboard episode on TOS.. as such, there are 78 episodes of canon to conquer the Starship Class designation.. the first canon reference in Trek for Constitution Class is in the ST VI movie where Scotty is looking at the 1701-A modification of the Enterprise Class ship.. the NCC-1701-A is a Constitution Class refit of the Enterprise Class as shown by the schematic that Scotty was looking at (Same body style as the Enterprise Class, Paper stated "Constitution Class Refit" as such Constitution Class is a refit of the Enterprise Class which is a refit of the Starship Class..
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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2005, 12:03:14 am »
Well, guess it will never be on TV since Enterprise is cancelled..

Pest, you're misintrepreting it a little.  The series, in technical terms, hasn't been renewed for next season.  It will continue to be on until the series finale on May 13, so we'll all get to see "In a Mirror, Darkly," which on top of the Defiant will also feature a Gorn and a Tholian.

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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2005, 10:29:56 am »
You're digressing, Pest.  Please take that pet peeve to another topic.  Isn't this about the TOS Defiant and not about what is or isn't canon?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2005, 11:10:13 am by Chris Johnson »

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2005, 11:05:21 am »
Anyone catch the vague allusion to "Mirror, Mirror" in last night's episode?

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant set from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2005, 03:10:32 pm »
How long has he been runing the show- a couple of months? Half a season? A whole season?

It takes a while to get people's trust back. He has made a lotof converts on the boards here, and will have done the same out there... more will come back as hard-core's like us get the word out that times they are a'changing.

Regaining the fans B&B lost will take time, but it will happen, and Paramont will be watching for it. Trek is something that they can't let die. It's a bad business move.

The problem, J., is that ENT needs to be regaining these fans back *right now* instead of continually losing them as it is.  ENT needs something big to regain their ratings, and fancy sets and cameos by characters from another spin-off show aren't going to do it.  They need the very man they've been trying to get for months but apparently have given up on; they need William Shatner to come back as James Kirk.  That is the only way to draw the fans back.

And you're wrong; Trek needs Paramount more than the other way around.  You may think it's a bad business move, but putting the franchise on extended hiatus like it did for the 70s is looking more and more like a viable option to the suits.  Which is why we have to keep watching.  We can't let ENT die for if it goes, the entire franchise will get dragged down with it.  Then all you'll have is re-runs on Spike TV sandwiched between ads on time-shares and impotency pills.

I would tend to agree with you that the franchise needs to bring the fans back. However Bill shatner is i lbelieve close to 70 years old. His day is done as the recurring character of Kirk in any TV series and he would likely be the first to tell you that. Not only that but what could you possibly offer Shatner to come back to what seems to be a nightmare of a weekly sci-fi drama for a man in his seventh decade? Frankly i dont think there is anything that tempt him.

All tv shows die and pass on . reruns of once loved shows are broadcast all the time on classic channels etc etc. But the facts are (at least to me) that Star Trek has essentially been sucked dry of any possible future. What are we going to do with it? Have the Romulans, Again. More Klingons, again, more aliens with funny bumps on thier heads? or perhaps we can revisit the past, again?. Once i saw the Alien Nazi's storyline i knew that not only scraped the bottom of the barrel but had pretty much knocked the bottom out.

Im not complaining, We had a good run of Star Trek from the Next Generation till now, almost two full decades worth of something we loved. But i think the reason that we did love it is that we had to wait a long time for it since the end of TOS. So perhaps a generation from now some propeller-head at Paramount will look back at this time when he was young and remebered that he loved STar Trek and will think of something original.

If enterpise has to go , well then it has to go. Most people including myself that B&B are a couple eraserheads who instead of trying something new for star trek , simply took and new venue and rehased the same ideas until even fans got sick of watching it and more or less raved at just how far the franchise had been let down. Star Trek needs a break, a long one. And if doesnt come back thats ok too. If one were to sit down and watch every espisode from al the ST series for 8 hours a day it would take weeks towatch it all, everything said and done, thats a pretty good legacy
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2005, 03:27:23 pm »
I once-again quote myself, to Hyperion this time:

But don't grow pessimistic over Star Trek's future.  Enterprise might go on for a fifth season.  And even if it doesn't, we'll still have the novels, the past shows, the movies, the websites, etc.  Star Trek won't die out, and it's existance could be majorly fan-based.  I wonder however if the future of Trek is more of heading that way as we converse on this forum, with fanfilms such as Starship Exeter and Star Trek: New Voyages.  My main point here I'm trying to make is that Enterprise won't be Star Trek's death.  It might hurt, but like in Trek's World War III, it's not the end.  It's just a hurtle onto heading for a brighter future.  That's why I majorly like Star Trek; It's optimism.  People are really lacking it here, and I'm really disappointed.  Whether Enterprise is canceled or not, I believe Star Trek won't die out.  Not with a fan base as big as what Trek has.

Here's what I'm emphasizing here:

That's why I majorly like Star Trek; It's optimism.  People are really lacking it here, and I'm really disappointed.

I state that because I feel your message is overall not really optimistic, Hyperion.  I mean no offense, but I just feel this way.

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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2005, 08:54:27 pm »
Personally, though it isn't popular, I think putting Trek on hiatus for the next few years is EXACTLY what trek needs.  In my opinion.

Either that or start and Excelsior series with Sulu as Captain...and soon before George dies.
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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2005, 02:40:04 pm »
I once-again quote myself, to Hyperion this time:

But don't grow pessimistic over Star Trek's future.? Enterprise might go on for a fifth season.? And even if it doesn't, we'll still have the novels, the past shows, the movies, the websites, etc.? Star Trek won't die out, and it's existance could be majorly fan-based.? I wonder however if the future of Trek is more of heading that way as we converse on this forum, with fanfilms such as Starship Exeter and Star Trek: New Voyages.? My main point here I'm trying to make is that Enterprise won't be Star Trek's death.? It might hurt, but like in Trek's World War III, it's not the end.? It's just a hurtle onto heading for a brighter future.? That's why I majorly like Star Trek; It's optimism.? People are really lacking it here, and I'm really disappointed.? Whether Enterprise is canceled or not, I believe Star Trek won't die out.? Not with a fan base as big as what Trek has.

Here's what I'm emphasizing here:

That's why I majorly like Star Trek; It's optimism.? People are really lacking it here, and I'm really disappointed.

I state that because I feel your message is overall not really optimistic, Hyperion.  I mean no offense, but I just feel this way.

None taken, but eveything depends on the context in which "optimistic" and "optimisim" are used. I for onw who likes star trek and always have. Im gratefull that ive had the oppportunity to watch some very good epsidoes of the series and all of the movies which have been made.

Like i said im not complaning about any of it. Ive enjoyed it, even bad trek was worth watching compared to some of the series that have come and gone (Melrose place, Dallas, Baywatch, simple life etc, etc). But i do believe that the the franchise as a whole has been played out pretty much. If i can take an narrow anology. The Franchise is like a renewable resource. However for the last 17-18 years various people at paramount have simply squeezed that franchise until the only drips left leave a bad taste in a fans mouth.

If my optimism is to be found its not in the idea that William Shatner or Leonard nimoy will by thier very presence would have returned ST to its glory days. That was never and now will not ever happen. You can only have so many guest appearances for the novelty until it wears off. The optimism lies with simply giving it a break. Back in the sixties and 70's leading op to ST: TMP was the desire of the fans to see more ST. Unfortuntealy that fan base seems to have devolved to those who attends Sci-fi cons. Or at least the ones that make noise at Paramount.

For most of the public the reaction to ST has been "What?...more?...again?" and with good cause ,with a unbroken string of ST series since the late eighties. More and more people simply turned the channel, and it showed in advertsiing revenues for Enterprise. It's not the viewers fault they simply didnt get into it. And with "reality" TV and some honestly good shows out there (sopranos, desperate housewives, Six feet under etc etc) the competiton for the viewer was getting tighter and Enterprsie essentially failed to give the viewer something new. Whether that because of B&B or not isn't the issue , the end result is.

Do i hope that ST makes a comeback. Of course. but they are going to find it difficult. 18 years of ST shows has depleted the "resource" in a very real way. There are those who say that ST cannot ever die because of the "idea" of the Federation itself. Not so . Your average family is just that. You have a couple who both hold down jobs with two kids, who just want to be entertained. The dont want to have figure out what a klingon is or a romulan or vulcan or why the andorians have attanae on thier blue skinned heads whenthey have perfectly good eyes. More over they dont care.

Optimism is always a good thing to have , but it should be tempered for the reality of the modern viewing public. If pessimism is defined as simply a desire for orginality, based upon the fact the Enterprise ratings have gotten lower and lower then by all means, its pessmistic. But as far as Television and movies go, its not "fans" that make or break a show, its Mrs. & Mr Smith and the 2.5 little "smiths" that determine whats a hit or miss.

If i a man who made serious wishes, i would asked for a ST that were the Federation were a little less "perfect" Utopia that we were showwn. Where people failed sometimes and people died somtimes (and i dont mean the odd guest star) Show a Federation where officers and crew are "people" not just Marionettes with thier hand on the hearts spouting the prime directive, who actually have to make hard decision as to where thier real loyaltes lie. Or where whatever crisis comes up is solved by some technobabble and and special effects. In other words have something the general public can attach too.

"Enterprise" had the potential but they just couldnt pull it off


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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #50 on: February 18, 2005, 05:12:53 pm »
Hmm... this mirror episode looks like it could be very interesting. I haven't been paying much attention to the show since about halfway through the first season, but judging from those pictures of the Defiant, the production report, and if Manny Coto is making things as better as some of you are saying, then this could actually be an episode I'll make an effort to see.
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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2005, 04:27:21 pm »
Here's some of the Starfleet patches and insignia from the two-parter, taken from Star

The mirror Enterprise, with the twin Imperial daggers.

The mirror MACOs, reminiscent of a skull crest worn by officers of the Nazi SS.

The Avenger, another NX-class warship, with styling similar to patches of American Navy ships.  The motto roughly translates to "Fortune Favors the Empire," a play on the motto of the NX-02 Columbia, "Fortune Favors the Bold," an oft heard phrase in Trek these days.

A revised version of the old Terran Empire symbol from "Mirror, Mirror," featuring a solid border around the Earth and a "squishing" of the planets topography so that all the continents are visible.

You know, maybe there's a market in selling all the patches seen on ENT, like they do with Air Force and Navy aircraft squadron patches.

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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #52 on: February 23, 2005, 08:59:32 pm »
When will the first part of this episode air, anyway? I'm too lazy to check. :P
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Re: Images of TOS Defiant from "In a Mirror, Darkly"
« Reply #53 on: February 23, 2005, 09:17:56 pm »
It was going to be April 15, but I think they moved it up a week so the finale could be two hours (they basically just stuck the two episodes back to back, I don't even think the same writers are creating each half).  So that would be new episodes started April 15 (with some Orion slave girls) and In a Mirror, Darkly airing the 22nd and 29th.
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