There are 4 wars, 5 if you include the Third invid war, which i dont.
They are listed here chronologically
1 - First Robotech War - human against zentradi, in Earthspace. Vertichs, Strike Veritechs, Super Veritechs
2 - Sentinel War, aka: first Invid war - Humans, Tirolians, and Sentinels againts Invid King's forces in Tirolian space. Logans, Hovertanks, Alphas (dunno about Betas)
3 - Second Robotech War - Humans against Robotech Masters, in Earthspace. Logans, Hovertanks, Ajacks
4 - Third Robotech War, aka: Second Invid War - Humans against Invid, in Earthspace. Alpha's, Beta's, etc.
5 - Third Invid War - Invid return and occupy earth again - created by palladium for more sales, and i really like how added to it...i dont consider the third invid war part of the saga, unless included with the enhancments by SteelFalcon.